UChicago Economics Events and Convers...

The Becker Friedman Institute for Economics at the University of Chicago (BFI) serves as a hub for cutting-edge analysis and research across the entire UChicago economics community to uncover new ways of thinking about the field. Featuring conversations and lectures from premier BFI events, this podcast explores the latest economic insights and trends from leading voices in policy, business, the media, and academia, revealing how rigorous thinking shapes our understanding of the world.

Social Sciences
Lessons from Pandemic Unemployment Benefits: Wh...
Three years following COVID-19, economists are continuing to study the effects of the largest increase in unemployment benefits in U.S. history.
27 min
The Hidden Economic Forces That Determine How M...
How much effect do government policies have on doctors’ wages? And when those wages are high, does it drive inequality in other jobs? And how does Taylor Swift factor in? Or Beyoncé?
20 min
A Case for Public School Choice? Lessons from L...
23 min
Do You Even Crypto, Bro?
The use of cryptocurrency is on the rise, but who exactly is on the bandwagon?
23 min
Social Distancing in 2023: The Economic Costs o...
19 min
Harvesting Green Investments: The Promise and P...
In the stock market, we all want to do well, but for some investors it’s also important to do good. In this episode, Chicago Booth’s Lubos Pastor joins to discuss his research on sustainable investing and what two recent studies tell us about the returns on sustainable investments.
24 min
How Debt Relief Raised Debts: The Untold Story ...
Did borrowers and the American economy benefit from the federal government’s 2020 student debt moratorium? The picture is complicated.
23 min
Quid Pro Vote: The Politics and Economics of Vo...
18 min
Can ChatGPT Describe Company Performance Better...
The number of ways we can use AI is exploding, and it’s expected to change how entire industries function.
25 min
Misperceived Truths: Global Support for Women i...
Around the world, people underestimate support for basic women's rights. These misperceptions can restrict women's progress.
23 min
Inflation: The Good, The Bad, and the Baffling
Nobody ever wants to pay more for anything, especially when prices rise drastically – but can inflationary episodes be good for the economy?
19 min
Sometimes Bigger IS Better: The Case for Bringi...
When rural patients need care that local medical facilities can’t provide, what’s the best way to ensure they get the care they need?
27 min
Social Media Algorithms: How You’re Curating a ...
Here's how algorithms feed off our lizard brains to magnify biases.
28 min
Evaluating US Healthcare 3 Years after Lockdown
At the third anniversary of COVID-19 lockdowns, this episode takes a look at ongoing healthcare market failures and the pandemic’s role in making them plain.
25 min
Scavenging for Answers: The Human Toll of Vultu...
What can vultures and economics tell us about the cost of losing a keystone species?
27 min
Law of Unintended Consequences: Welfare Reform ...
Does welfare prevent crime — and offset its cost to taxpayers?
24 min
Economics of Discrimination: How to Measure Sys...
How can discrimination by race, gender, or other factors be measured – especially when its causes may be systemic in nature?
21 min
What Drives Racial Differences in Speeding Tick...
Drawing on Lyft data, economists John List and Justin Holz discuss their new research on how race can affect the chances of getting stopped and fined.
25 min
2023: An Economic Nudge for the New Year
Can ‘nudges’ improve your New Year’s resolutions? Today we look back at one of our most popular episodes.
36 min
China Faltering? Why the End of Zero Covid Won’...
UChicago economist Chang-Tai Hsieh joins us to discuss why COVID is not China's biggest economic problem.
22 min
Economic Warfare: Are Russian Sanctions Working?
Russian-born economist Konstantin Sonin gives an update on the economic impacts of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war.
25 min
Fighting Inflation: Is the Fed’s Work Just Begi...
In this episode, we hear about the campaign to bring inflation down and the mounting pressure on the central bank.
22 min
Tax vs Ban: The Unexpected Results on Gun Sales
In this episode, we’re looking at America’s demand for guns and how that demand shifts in response to bans and taxes.
17 min
COVID and Schools: Elementary Lessons
Did closing schools during the COVID-19 pandemic serve students and society at-large?
16 min
WFH… Gone Global
The remote work revolution is now more than two years old, and it’s a worldwide phenomenon, at least in wealthier countries.
21 min