Twenty Thousand Hertz+

A lovingly crafted podcast that reveals the stories behind the world's most recognizable and interesting sounds.

Music Commentary
From Analog to Digital
The transition from analog to digital seemed like a fairly simple and expected process. However, what did we lose when we made the switch and why are so many people reverting back to analog?
14 min
Sound of Extinction
We've grown accustomed to the everyday sounds we experience; cell phones ringing, cars idling, Facebook messaging. What about the sounds that we've forgotten about, the sounds we’ve lost?
14 min
Mystery Hum
There’s a hum emanating from an island in Detroit that is so loud it disturbs the residents of Windsor, ON. The hum has caused so much discomfort and annoyance that a film crew decided to investigate the cause.
10 min
8-bit audio defined countless childhoods. How did early sound artists and composers create such iconic sounds using the most primitive game technology?
12 min
NBC Chimes
The now iconic NBC Chimes were originally created to solve a small problem. Where did these three notes come from?
12 min
Who is the person behind the voice of Siri? ...and how was the world's first virtual personal assistant developed?
11 min