The Ozark Podcast

In the Ozarks, people have always lived in rhythm with the natural world. Hunting, fishing, and living off the land, aren't just things we do, it's who we are. And though our lives are inextricably linked to the land we live on, we've never been more disconnected from it. So join us, as we travel across the region to bring you the voices of the Ozarks to deepen your connection with the land, sharpen your skills in the outdoors, and help you learn what it means to be an Ozarker.

Our guests and the information they share are especially relevant to men and women in northern Arkansas, southern Missouri, eastern Oklahoma, and southeast Kansas.

Ep. 29 - Tadd Fore - Fly Fishing for Smallmouth...
Kyle Veit hops on over to Yellville, AR to talk with fly fishing guide Tadd Fore to record one of his favorite episodes yet talking about all things Smallmouth Bass. On the banks of Crooked Creek, Tadd holds back no secrets as the guys discuss everything
55 min
Ep. 28 - PJ's Tackle Co. - The History of the M...
Kyle Veit and Kyle Plunkett venture down to Fayetteville, AR to chat with Jim & Pam Hall of PJ's Tackle Co. PJ's is well-known for their marabou jig which is a MUST when fishing in the Ozark Mountains! The company also provides jobs for single mothers
67 min
Ep. 27 - 4th of July and a Look Back on Christy...
We decided to spend a little more time this week enjoying the company of family and friends as we celebrated the 4th of July and reflected on the many sacrifices made for our freedom. In lieu of that, we are taking a look back on Ep. 10 featuring Christy
57 min
Ep. 26 - James Brandenburg of Arkansas BHA - Th...
We sat down with the Arkansas Chapter Chair for Backcountry Hunters and Anglers (BHA), James Brandenburg, to talk about their involvement in local and state legislation regarding public lands as well as some upcoming events they will be holding for anyone
65 min
Ep. 25 - Reel Recovery (3-day All-Expenses Paid...
Kyle sat down with Bob Albrecht of Reel Recovery to talk about their organization and how they’re always looking for more folks to get involved and sign up for their free retreats!
13 min
Ep. 24 - Andrew McNeece of Bluff Line Media - U...
Kyle sits down with the owner of Bluff Line Media, Andrew McNeece to talk about his debut film, UNDAMMED, which celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Buffalo River becoming a National River. They also speak at length about his impressive 'Ozarks on the F
61 min
Ep. 23 - Keith Brewer - Freshwater Spearfishing...
Kyle and Josh Lantzsch head out to Beaver Lake to interview spear fisherman Keith Brewer on his boat! Keith has been spearfishing on Beaver for close to 30 years and has some crazy stories down in the deep green of the lake. Who knew you could spearfish i
66 min
Ep. 22 - Brad Harris - The Inventor of the Buck...
The team travels to Neosho, Missouri to interview legendary game caller, Realtree pro-staffer, all-around hunter, and THE inventor of the buck grunt, Brad Harris. He shares his incredible story of how he created and introduced the very first buck grunt in
83 min
Ep. 21 - Steve Dally - The History of Dally's O...
Kyle Veit and Kyle Plunkett get to talk over the phone with the general manager and full-time guide out of Dally's Ozark Fly Fisher in Cotter, AR - Mr. Steve Dally. Steve is a world traveler, legendary guide, and one of the funniest guys you'll ever strik
67 min
Ep. 20 - Mike Mills of Buffalo Outdoor Center -...
Kyle Veit heads out to Boxley Valley this week to interview the Founder of the Buffalo Outdoor Center (BOC) Mike Mills. Mike has spent all of his life in the Ozarks and knows how special it is to have something like the Buffalo River right in our backyard
84 min
Ep. 19 - Jon Stein of AGFC - Building New Fish ...
Kyle Veit and Adam Treece interview Jon Stein, the AGFC District Fisheries Supervisor for Northwest Arkansas. They cover a lot of fishy topics including the recent high water years, new fishery habitat sites in Beaver Lake, how erosion impacts walleye &am
84 min
Ep. 18 - Brett James - The Key to Turkey Huntin...
Kyle Veit and Josh Lantzsch sit down with Turkey Hunter Brett James of Arkansas to talk turkey types, turkey calls, and turkey tips for hunting on public land. Brett has taken down 41 turkeys in his life at the young age of 27! Do the math...that's impres
97 min
Ep. 17 - Duane Hada - The Art of Fly Fishing
Kyle Veit and Kyle Plunkett travel over to Mountain Home, AR to interview the Ozark Legend Mr. Duane Hada. Duane is a world-class fly fisherman and award-winning painter. You've probably seen his handiwork around the Ozarks with compositions including (bu
88 min
Ep. 16 - Jeremy Wood of AGFC - What is Happenin...
Kyle Veit and Adam Treece sit down with AGFC Turkey Program Coordinator Jeremy Wood to discuss the recent trends in Arkansas turkey population, how it’s on the rise, turkey’s home range size, how to better manage your property for turkey, and what affects
88 min
Ep. 15 - Brad Besancon - The Arkansas Blood Tra...
Kyle talks with Brad Besancon, the founder of the Arkansas Blood Trailing Network, to learn more about what he and other blood trackers in the state of Arkansas do for hunters in their area. They discuss the ARBTN, how it works, what blood trailing actual
87 min
Ep. 14 - On the Road to Scout Turkeys
Kyle Veit and Adam Treece are 'on the road' to talk about the up 'n comin' turkey season. Gobble gobble.
46 min
Ep. 13 - Keith Allison of Retriever Ridge Kenne...
Kyle & Adam sit down with Keith Allison, the Tom Brady of retriever/duck dog training. Currently operating as the owner of Retriever Ridge Kennels out of Pea Ridge, AR Keith has decades of experience training retrievers at the very highest level with
87 min
Ep. 12 - The Best Fly Fishing Streams in the Oz...
Spring is right around the corner and things are warming up so Kyle Veit, Adam Treece, and Kyle Plunkett sat down at Ozark Mountain Grill to discuss a few of their favorite streams in Arkansas.
49 min
Ep. 11 - John Sampier - The 'Fly Fishing Mayor'...
Kyle Veit and Josh Lantzsch sit down with the 'Fly Fishing Mayor' Mr. John Sampier of Rogers, AR. They discuss everything from the history of entrepreneurship in the Ozarks all the way to getting to hang out with former governor Bill Clinton.
94 min
Ep. 10 - Christy Graham of AGFC - Trout Managem...
Adam Treece and Kyle Plunkett had the opportunity to sit down with Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Trout Management Program Supervisor, Christy Graham.
58 min
Ep. 9 - Personal Stories of Gary Renegar
Kyle Veit, Daniel Matthews and Kyle Plunkett recap their favorite highlights from Gary Renegar’s episode and tell their own personal stories and lessons learned with “Papa”.
38 min
Ep. 8 - Gary Renegar - The Legacy of an Ozark M...
Kyle Veit and Kyle Plunkett hang out with Dr. Gary Renegar or "Papa", as he's better known, to listen to some of his all-time stories from spending a lifetime in the outdoors. This whole episode is packed full of good stories and wisdom, but if you listen
81 min
Ep. 7 - What We've Learned from Prior Episodes
Kyle, Adam, and our producer Daniel breakdown our previous 3 episodes with Cooper Cartmell, JD Dudley, and Devin Howland. We discuss our main takeaways, highlight our favorite parts of the episodes and talk about lessons learned. Daniel gives his unique p
60 min
Ep. 6 - Devin Howland of OZK Archery - Super Tu...
Kyle and Adam sit down with Devin Howland of OZK Archery, Northwest Arkansas' only archery shop specializing in super tuning. If you’re an archer or interested in archery for deer hunting, this is a must-listen episode.
93 min
Ep. 5 - Cooper Cartmell of Cartmell's WGMP - Wi...
Kyle and Adam sit down with Cooper Cartmell to talk about Cartmell's Wild Game Meat Processing, how to properly age venison, tips for average outdoorsmen, and discuss the common question, "Can you eat meat from deer with CWD?".
54 min