Motherhood Meets Medicine

The Motherhood Meets Medicine Podcast is a space that brings all women together. It's for those who hope to be a mom one day, those who are already mothers, and mothers of mothers. This podcast will give you candid, informal interviews on motherhood topics that you can listen to while you're driving to work, folding laundry or whatever else your busy day may bring. Each week, Your host, Lynzy Coughlin, will be focusing on topics ranging from postpartum issues to parenting teens. She's bringing in experts with formal training to cover everything motherhood! So grab your coffee and join us for a weekly chat on your time. All are welcome! Lynzy is a Physician Assistant in the Emergency Department where she has practiced medicine for the last 15 years. You can connect with Lynzy on her Substack account, Badass Matriarch.

Kids & Family
Health & Fitness
32. Toddler Sleep Habits, Transitions, and Nigh...
EPISODE 32 Melissa Perry is back on the show again! In episode 12, she gave all kinds of tips on baby sleep training. Today we’re diving into all things toddler sleep related. Toddler sleep comes with a whole new set of challenges, as they have...
58 min
31. Postpartum Rage and How To Manage It With D...
EPISODE 31 There is growing awareness around signs of postpartum depression. However, there is a condition that isn’t talked about nearly as much, and that is perinatal rage. This anger often comes out of nowhere, and is not consistent with your...
55 min
30. Understanding Sensory Processing and Why It...
EPISODE 30 Today’s topic is one that I did not know much about before walking into this interview with Rachel Harrington. Rachel is breaking down what sensory processing is and why it’s so important to understand as parents. She shares how sensory...
53 min
29. A Quick Announcement on Screen-Free August
I am going screen-free for the entire month of August and I encourage you to join me! In this quick announcement episode, I'm sharing why I'm ditching the screens. Motherhood Meets Medicine will be back with new episodes every Wednesday beginning...
1 min
27. A Conversation on Giving Birth in Turkey an...
EPISODE 27 I’ll be taking a break from our “Mothers Around the World” series for the time being. To close things out,  we’re joined by a mom living in Turkey. Sarah shares what it’s like to live and parent in the Middle East and how it...
28 min
26. What Parents Need to Know About How to Hand...
Has your child ever been bullied? Perhaps your child has even been the one bullying someone else. Either scenario is not easy to handle as a parent. With social media and other technology, bullying is more present than ever before and shows up...
50 min
25. Polyvagal Theory and How it Relates to Pare...
If you aren’t familiar with polyvagal theory, Michelle Gaines is breaking it down for you in today’s episode. Polyvagal theory is not evidence based, but a set of theoretical principles. It relates to our emotional regulation, social connection,...
70 min
24. Experiencing Motherhood as an Expat in Guat...
On today’s episode of “Mothers Around the World” we hear from a mother living in Guatemala. Michelle tells us what she loves about the culture and pace of life in Guatemala. She speaks to her prenatal and postnatal experience as an Expat, and...
62 min
23. Allana Robinson on the Benefits of Being Ou...
We’ve all heard how great it is for our kids to engage in free play, especially while spending time outside. But what are the real benefits? Furthermore, how in the world do we even get our kids to play independently for more than five minutes at a...
60 min
22. Early Brain Development and Nutrition with ...
Have you ever found yourself in the baby food aisle feeling lost as you try to decide which baby food to buy? You want the best for your child, but there are so many options! Unfortunately the pictures of nutritious vegetables on the front are often...
47 min
21. Navigating Screen Time with Kids to Foster ...
If you follow along on Instagram, you may know that limiting screen time is a huge passion of mine. We are living in a technology-driven world, and while there are many great things that come from it, there are also so many dangers - specifically when...
60 min
20. Hear From a German Citizen and Midwife on P...
I hope you have been enjoying hearing from mothers around the world! Today we hear from a woman who was born and raised in Germany. Julika is a wife, mom of three children, and has been a midwife for the past 14 years. At the time of this interview,...
29 min
19. Ask the Midwife Q&A with Ailsa Emmel
When you are expecting a baby, there are so many decisions to make before, during, and after labor. Having a midwife can be a true source of comfort throughout this time. What exactly is a midwife though? How does it differ from an OB or doula? ...
74 min
18. Dr. Daria Falkowitz on Common Household Tox...
Essential oils, household cleaners, medications, and lawn care chemicals. We have so many things around our homes that could be dangerous if ingested by children. What should we and should not be worried about? Today Dr. Daria Falkowitz and I are...
45 min
17. A Canadian Mom Shares Her Experience with ...
Today we’re continuing my “mothers from around the world” series! In this episode, I’m chatting with Jessica Matson. Jessica lives just outside of Toronto, Ontario. She talks about her incredible experience using midwife care, which included...
55 min
16. What We Can Learn From Other Cultures In Ho...
Have you ever researched the differences in postpartum care around the world? It is fascinating to see how different things are, such as paid maternity/paternity leave and expectations of a mom after birth. Today I’ll be chatting with Tracey Agnese...
54 min
15. Autism and Always Advocating for Your Child...
Have you ever had a gut feeling that something was concerning about your child’s development, behavior, or health? This is what Melissa Hammerle experienced when she knew something was going on with her son and suspected he had autism. Melissa is on...
65 min
14. An American Mom Living Abroad in Germany Co...
Welcome to the first episode of a new interview series I’ll be holding two times per month. In these interviews, I’ll have a casual conversation with mothers who are living in countries around the world. We’ll discuss topics like prenatal care,...
57 min
13. Dr. Michelle Rockwell's Miscarriage Story a...
One in four. This is the well-known statistic of women who experience miscarriage. Regardless of how common miscarriage is, that doesn’t make it any easier to go through. Dr. Michelle Rockwell is sharing her story of miscarriage with us on the...
50 min
12. Baby Sleep Training, Regressions, and Trans...
Sleep is so incredibly important. When your baby is not sleeping well, it affects everyone in your home. If your baby isn’t sleeping at night or only taking short cat naps, sleep training may be the next step. But how do you know if sleep training...
78 min
11. Transitioning Babies to Solid Foods with Sp...
As your baby reaches the age of 4-6 months, one of the hottest topics is how to best introduce solids. Should you stick with purees or go straight to baby led weaning? Today, Abbie Gacke is here to discuss all the topics around solid foods. We’ll...
52 min
10. Sharon McMahon on Confirmation Bias, Misinf...
How do we better control misinformation floating around social media? Which news sources should you trust? How do you find middle ground with someone on a topic that you do not agree on? What are the driving forces behind conspiracy theories? We are...
59 min
9. Postpartum Depression, Postpartum Anxiety, a...
One in five moms experience postpartum depression and/or postpartum anxiety. Recent research shows that half of moms experience intrusive thoughts during their motherhood journey. Do these statistics surprise you? If you are experiencing any of these...
93 min
8. Understanding Preconception Planning and Car...
Our guest expert today is Megan Tantillo. Megan is a nurse health coach and founder of Holistic Health Code, an online health coaching practice for women and families. Megan helps women set and achieve health goals, navigate the health system, and get...
71 min
7. Reframing Toddler Tantrums with Dr. Becky Ke...
EPISODE 7 Tantrums. They are one of the greatest challenges that come with motherhood and they always seem to occur in the most inconvenient of times. So what in the world do you do to get your child and you through them without escalating the issue...
58 min