Truck N' Hustle

Truck N’ Hustle is the leading podcast and platform for transportation, logistics, and supply chain professionals. Hosted by Rahmel Wattley, the show dives deep into the stories of entrepreneurs, trucking experts, and industry leaders, providing valuable insights, strategies, and inspiration. Whether you’re a trucker, small fleet owner, freight broker, or aspiring business owner, Truck N’ Hustle delivers practical knowledge to help you scale, grow, and thrive in the transportation industry. Real conversations. Real people. Real hustle. Truck N’ Hustle—where the movers and shakers of logistics share their journeys and secrets to success. #trucknhustle #trucknhustlepodcast

*Disclaimer: The views expressed and products endorsed by our guests on the (Truck N' Hustle) Podcast are not those of the "Truck N Hustle" podcast, its host or any of its affiliates.

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#13 Mysherri Rhodes - TAXES!!! "We talking abou...
With the October 15th tax deadline approaching, I decided it would be appropriate to tap in with a professional that could shed some light and bring some value on tax preparation and filing.  With a finance MBA, Mysherri Rhodes Aka The Truckers Accountant of (Taxedo Tax and Accounting Firm) specializes in preparing and filing taxes for truckers, Specifically! In this episode Mysherri sits back and allows me to fire off some tax questions her way as she smoothly handles them with finesse like Neo from The Matrix, LOL.  This episode is a mini tax masterclass that you don't want to miss. Follow Mysherri @thetruckersaccountant and make sure to contact her for a FREE 15 min consultation.--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
42 min
#12 BJ Phillips -“Truck-less Coins" Black Small...
On today's episode we kick it with BJ Phillips creator of Black Small Biz a platform which empowers aspiring business owners with tools and resources for creating wealth.  We begin with talking about BJ's lineage in the trucking industry which would lead to her opening her own company and eventually creating what she has coined as the "Truckless Coins" business model.  We also dive into the power of minority certifications and BJ's other passion, marketing and sales funnels. Follow BJ Phillips on instagram @blacksmallbiz for more content and don't forget to check out her website for more information, courses and curriculum. --- Send in a voice message: this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
77 min
#11 Keidrain Brewster - “14 years in Prison to ...
On today's episode we talked to Keidrain Brewster, owner of Brewster Logistics, a Hotshot Trucking company.  Keidrain is not your typical success story in fact he has faced some of the most insurmountable odds. To begin, Keidrain spent 14 years in prison and during that time suffered the loss of him mom and younger brother. Where most would have given up, Keidrain manage to be resilient and not allow his past to determine his futrue.  "From the Rec Yard to the Streets" Keidrain's self publish book which he penned in 2017  will give you an even closer look into this young man's soul and the adversity he had to face and overcome.  Keidrain can now be found giving back, speaking and inspiring those who come from similar unfortunate circumstances reminding them know of that good old adage, “If I can do it, You can to!” Follow Keidrain on Instagram @bossmanbrewster for information and inspiring content. Get your copy of "From The Rec Yard To The Streets" Send in a voice message: this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
37 min
#10 Kierra Henderson - “Meet “The Trucking Guru...
On Today's show we took it to the TX and connected with none other than Kierra Henderson AKA "The Trucking Guru!"  This amazing young woman has built multiple business's from scratch which includes her own fleet of trucks, a dispatching company and a freight brokerage company.  Most recently, Kierra has directed her energy to helping  inspire and educate aspiring trucking entrepreneurs at ! Kierra is the real deal and what really resonates is her commitment to making a difference for those who most need it. Follow Kierra on instagram @thetruckingguru for more content and information.--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
61 min
#9 Damar Bennett - “Break Before Buying Your Fi...
On today's show, I kick it with Damar Bennett.  Damar is a young entrepreneur who recently purchased his first truck and has been in business as a owner for under a year.  On the show we get Damar's  exceptionally knowledgeable perspective as a new truck owner as he shares his insights about the trucking business.  We literally go step by step through Damar's journey as he gives you "The Real" on how it is just getting started. Follow Damar Bennett on instagram @donglez83_--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
55 min
#8 Shanti & Gerren Hoffman - “Dump Truck It Rig...
On today’s show, I checked in with Los Angeles’s Husband and Wife couple Shanti and Gerren Hoffman of (Hoffman Transportation) to talk about their Dump Truck business and boy did we have a blast.  We were also joined by their business partner Tamarias who helped them create their digital Dump Truck course "Truckitright" . We talked about their beginnings in the Hotshot business and transitioning into the Dump Truck world growing from 1 to 4 trucks in a matter of 3 years and even recently securing a 7 year contract through government set-asides. You definitely want to stay to the end of this one. Follow Shanti Hoffman on instagram @shantihoffman ; Gerren Hoffman @lordgeezuschrist ;  Tamarias @tmk_administartiveconsultant ; @hoffmantransportation ; and @truckitright for more content. @trucknhustle #trucknhustletuesdays--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
79 min
#7 HOODESTATES - War Zone Profits Part 2 of 2 |...
I couldn't leave y'all waiting for to long after the reception from Part 1 with Hoodestates.  In this Episode expect more of the same. Bombs are dropping and jewelry is being left on the floor to pick up.  If you liked Part 1...well lets just say that only scratched the surface.  Big shout to Hoodestates for this powerful conversation.  Your work has impacted so many people on so may levels.  May you continue to do Gods work and be a blessing to all you encounter.  Follow Hoodestates  on instagram @hoodestates and @hoodestates_sandy for more explosive content!--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
61 min
Plenty of bombs are being dropped as Husband and Wife Power couple Paki and Sandy  takeover the Truck N' Hustle show. This show goes Deep!!! We talk about it all from business to relationships and go way back to into the origin story of this dynamic couple.  I dare you not to listen to this show and miss out. Plenty of laughs, fun and truth being told. It honestly felt like i was talking to my cousins at a family reunion.  This story is so inspirational and dope. Much love goes out to the Hoodstates Fam!!! Follow @hoodestates for more dope content courses, curriculum and challenges!--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
89 min
#5 James Boyd Jr. - “No 5 Year Plan" Power Push...
In this episode we talk to James Boyd, the owner of Power Push Weight, LLC.  James has been truckin' for over 11 years and in that time has built a trucking company and a growing brand. James talks about everything from the car hauling business to general freight and gets real about the current state of the industry. "Another One", as Khaled would say, for the Truck N' Hustle history books. Follow James @power_push_weight_llc and @power_push_weight_brand for more. --- Send in a voice message: this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
68 min
#4 Drill Sergeant Boyd - “The Money is in the t...
This Episode is a "Must Listen" from beginning to end. Bold and Brazen, The Drill Sergeant pulls no punches about the Trucking business. He talks Amazon and more and also shares a glimpse of his 35 years  of experience and gives us the “Blue Print" to success in his own charismatic and entertaining way. This episode will not disappoint, The "OG" came to slay! Follow Drill Sergeant on Instagram @dsxtrucking--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
97 min
#3 Jalen Uboh - 23 years old, Multi-Million Dol...
At 23 years old, Jalen Uboh has built and empire(JSU Global)! In fact, recently  named Jalen the youngest black entrepreneur to own his own trucking fleet with his company "All American Freight". In this episode Jalen talks about how he was able to retain government contracts that would allow him to purchase  his trucks and start his trucking business DEBT FREE!!!  Jalen shares his amazing story with us and talks about how he grew his early business's to more than 60k per month and than, lost it all.  This wunderkind is definitely and "old soul" wise beyond his years.  Follow Jalen on instagram @jalen.uboh and check out more at where he has and array of courses and curriculum to get you started today!--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
68 min
#1 Dante Dean - King Dean The “Port” Authority ...
In this episode I talked to Dante Dean, Owner of King Dean Logistics. Dante is an Owner Operator who's business concentrates on Intermodal freight transport.  Dante breaks down his humble beginnings and what drove him into the trucking industry early at the young age of 20.  He also shares some insight into his journey which  would lead to eventual  ownership as well as his plans to grow a trucking empire and build a legacy.  Follow Dante on Instagram @Kdl_dean for inspiration and a closer look into his world. --- Send in a voice message: this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
57 min