Chilling Tales for Dark Nights: A Hor...

Chilling Tales for Dark Nights is a horror fiction anthology podcast, with each weekly episode featuring several creepy tales from talented authors, brought to life by professional voice actors, and accompanied by SFX and music.

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Science Fiction
6: S1E06 – “The Lesser of Two Evils” – The Simp...
As of the release of this episode, we’re in the home stretch of the 2016 American Presidential election cycle. Many of us are beginning to get a sense of relief that this embarrassing national circus is coming to an end. Either way, roughly half to two...
68 min
5: S1E05 – “Comfort Food” – The Simply Scary Po...
Halloween Season has come and gone, leaving only the faint scent of chocolate and bloody nightmares hanging in the air. Fortunately, we know exactly what to snack on during that special hangover from Halloween. Since there’s nothing but Thanksgiving an...
60 min
4: S1E04 – “Doorways to the Unseen” – The Simpl...
In this third installment of our program we’ll be hearing from three finalists for our Evil Idol competition. We’ve listened to hundreds of performances in our hunt for the best, and now we have to find the very best from an elite selection. You’ll rea...
112 min
3: S1E03 – “Sudden Death Round” – The Simply Sc...
In this third installment of our program we’ll be hearing from three finalists for our Evil Idol competition. We’ve listened to hundreds of performances in our hunt for the best, and now we have to find the very best from an elite selection. You’ll rea...
79 min
2: S1E02 – “They Are Legion” – The Simply Scary...
In this second installment of our program we meet beings who exist on the edges of our reality. Beings many of us unconsciously believe in, with all our hearts, at the darkest times. They pass through us constantly and while we won’t know it, we’ll sti...
68 min
1: S1E01 – "Childhood Mysteries” – The Simply S...
As nostalgic as many of us get for our childhood, memory can be a frustratingly unreliable thing. It can lose the most precious moments and information from our formative years… Inexplicably, when we really need it for a conversation with an old friend...
77 min