Dumb Gay Podcast with Julie Goldman &...

If you know who NeNe Leaks is, but not Nancy Pelosi, then this is the podcast for you! Join Bravo stars, Julie Goldman (the gay) and Brandy Howard (the dumb) as they talk about the what's happening in the world, like they are talking about reality tv. The podcast with lots of feelings, lots of facts, and zero f*cks. New episodes out every Tuesday night! (or sometimes Wednesday, if Julie & Brandy get too drunk).

Society & Culture
Emma Gonzalez for President
It was a sad, sad week, so Julie & Brandy are nursing an emotional (and an actual) hangover. First they talk about the Florida school shooting and the students who are emerging as the nation's most influential lobbyists. Then, they break down ...
73 min
"No Thank You, Mr. Cosby" with Jen Cohn
It's the Valentine's Day episode, and there's nothing Julie & Brandy love more- than talking about how much they hate Bill Cosby. Joining them in their hilarious hate-parade is actress and voice over star, Jen Cohn. But if y...
74 min
State of the Buffoon-ion with Tammie Brown
Since they recorded this episode a few days early, Julie & Brandy did not cover Memo-Gate 2018. But don't worry, there was plenty bi-partisan buffoonery at the State of the Union address, and the girls dissect it all. After that, they...
72 min
Reclaiming our #TimesUp with Julie Bindel
Hold on to your pink hats, because it's a lady-centric episode this week! First, Julie & Brandy take no prisoners breaking down the sentencing of former USA Gymnastics doctor, Larry Nassar. Then, they get the treat of their lives talking to th...
79 min
Marching in the Ladies Room
They can shut the government down, but they can't shut Julie & Brandy up. The girls give their best effort at breaking down the government shut down, before throwing in the towel and moving the party into the Ladies Room. Over a milli...
72 min
Shut Your Sh*thole
Another week means another moronic comment out of Trump's sh*thole, and Julie & Brandy are here to break it all down. Between calling Haiti a sh*thole, and the mistaken missile warning in Hawaii, the buffoonery level in this country i...
55 min
Bannon & Pubes
It's the first week of 2018, and Julie & Brandy are fired up and furious. They start out on a major high from Oprah's killer Golden Globes speech, but their high quickly disintegrates with the sh*tstorm of Michael Wolff's ne...
68 min
Twenty Eighteen Evergreen with Heather McDonald
It's the first week of 2018, but this podcast was recorded the last week of 2017. Julie takes Brandy to New Years Eve Scheww before they talk to podcast legend and comedy triple threat Heather McDonald. Between their holiday hangover and ...
81 min
The Retrospecting Evergreen
It's the last episode of the 2017, and Julie and Brandy want to go out with a bang! The only problem is that they are out of town. So, the girls decided to pick three of their favorite "Off-Limits" interviews and compile them al...
90 min
Merry Hannumas!
Hannukah is happening now and Christmas is in a week, so the girls are celebrating! They acknowledge and give thanks to all the thoughtful listeners who sent them presents & cards, before doing a deep dive on the history of Christmas and H...
66 min
Nuthin' but Net Neutrality
This week, the girls process Al Franken's resignation before Judge Julie drops by to sentence Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to life without parole in Douche jail. Then a telecom lawyer takes the girls to scheww for a class about net neutrality. To...
67 min
Tragic Taxploitation
The news of the week has Julie & Brandy (but mostly Julie) EXTRA hostile. The anger train leaves the station with a negative iTunes review, it rolls through the sh*tstorm of the bougie new tax plan, makes a stop on Perjury Street, and then...
64 min
Anniversary Episode with Heather McGhee
It's the one year anniversary of Dumb Gay Politics, and Julie and Brandy are celebrating in style. First they talk about the shitstorm of North Korea's cyber terrorism team, and then they ride their tiny bicicleta to scheew to learn about vot...
71 min
The Thanksgiving Episode
In this very special episode, the girls put the "myth of Thanksgiving" on blast, spend some family time with Julie's brother Adam, and give their list of the biggest turkey's of 2017. There's never been an episode with so much ...
68 min
Revenge on the Pervs with Lauren Sivan- LIVE!
Julie and Brandy taped this podcast LIVE at the Hollywood Improv. Their special guest is Lauren Sivan and the title tells you everything you need to know. Despite being live, this podcast is a day late and a dollar short. Listen at your own risk.&n...
64 min
Anniversary Indictments & the Dossi-Hayyy!
It's been a year since Trump got elected and it's been a a year since Julie & Brandy started this podcast- and (to no one's surprise) neither Trump, nor DGP have improved. At all. In fact, they've (arguably) both gotten worse. B...
56 min
Halloween Evergreen with Anthony Atamanuik
The girls are out of town so they pre-recorded this rage-filled episode. They start with a spooky story about one of America's scariest creepers, Bill O'Reilly. After that, they interview the INSANELY talented Anthony Atamanuik, who...
72 min
Muslim Skeww with Negin Farsad
Julie & Brandy break down the shitstorm in Niger and Trump's follow-up call to one of the widows, before the girls get a much anticipated lesson in Muslimism from the hilarious triple threat, Negin Farsad. Throw in a voicemail from a ...
57 min
Mr & Mrs. Harvey and Gerry Mander
This week Julie and Brandy avoid offending people by NOT talking about Harvey Weinstein and instead choosing to focus on Trump's "decertification" of the Iran deal. They get deep about Rex Tillerson and Senator Bob Corker before riding ...
52 min
Evergreen Memories
Julie and Brandy are skipping down memory lane in this pre-recorded delight. Join them as they travel back in time to episodes as far back as December 2016, when Donald Trump was still just President elect! They reminisce about many golden political me...
78 min
Kardashians, Taxes, & Puerto Ricans
Julie & Brandy break down (and by breakdown, we mean: gloss over) the 9 page packet filled with jargon and pathological lies knows as the Tax Reform Framework. If this doesn't get them emotionally unstable enough, they talk to original Puerto ...
72 min
Real Young Hypocritical Hoes
While most of America is concerned with which football players participated in the national anthem, the girls decide to skip it, instead focusing on our apparent, impending war with North Korea. After that, they visit Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump on ...
46 min
Dream a Little Dream with Brad Loekle
Julie and Brandy are back in the country after 2 weeks abroad and are making a huge effort to try and sound coherent. They rehabbed their livers as fast as humanly possible in order to bring you their C game, but thankfully they had the foresight to pr...
72 min
Girls Interrupted
What do you get when you take Julie and Brandy and put them in a conference room, on board a cruise ship, sailing around the coast of Spain? A jam-packed casserole of interrupted chatter! The girls have never been more interrupted than in the making of...
52 min
Drunk & High in Amsterdam
Julie and Brandy recorded this podcast from a hotel room in Amsterdam after a night of extreme partying. The lethal combination of jet lag and hang overs could only be cured with one thing: more drinking. So the girls drunkenly stumble thru North Kore...
64 min