What Next Plus

The problem with the news right now? It’s everywhere. And each day, it can feel like we’re all just mindlessly scrolling. It’s why we created What Next. This short daily show is here to help you make sense of things. When the news feels overwhelming, we’re here to help you answer: What next? Look for new episodes every weekday morning.

A Cautionary Green New Deal Tale
What lessons should Americans take from California’s high speed rail boondoggle?
12 min
Has Anything Changed Since Parkland?
There were marches, there were town halls, there were midterms. Are we any closer to solving our gun violence problem?
15 min
The Democratic Divide Over Israel
Republicans saw a chance to pit the Democrats against one another and jumped at it.
15 min
When a Border Wall Isn’t Enough
This Arizona border town already has a wall. The Trump administration still doesn’t think that’s enough.
12 min
How to Get Away With Highway Robbery
A South Carolina newspaper takes a closer look at civil asset forfeiture.
18 min
How an Abortion Bill Started the Mess in Virginia
Are we about to see a lot more bare-knuckled politicking as states try to expand access to abortions?
13 min
How Trump’s Inaugural Committee Got Into Trouble
Inaugurations are always a little unseemly. But Trump’s crew seemed unbothered by the appearance of influence-peddling. And now prosecutors want receipts.
12 min
Which State of the Union? Which Medicare for All?
Trump's speech often meandered from pleas for bipartisanship to accusations of “ridiculous partisan investigations.” What do we make of this state of the union?
21 min
Larry Krasner and the System That Fought Back
He campaigned on a promise to reform Philadelphia’s criminal justice system. Putting theory into practice has been challenging.
16 min
The Ferguson Effect
Protesters organized into a grassroots campaign to unseat a 7 term incumbent and replace him with the first black St. Louis County prosecutor.
13 min
Anti-Vaxxers Brought Back the Measles
Why the spread of a preventable disease in the Pacific-Northwest should scare Texans.
14 min
Don't Call Him El Chapo
The myth of El Chapo has overpowered the hard truths his trial is revealing.
11 min
Howard Schultz and the Ghost of Ross Perot
A billionaire flirts with a third party presidential run and everybody loses their mind.
15 min
How Big Tech Is Bleeding American Journalism
Is it time for major media companies to boycott Facebook?
17 min
The Gun Rights Case Headed to the Supreme Court
In the fight to expand Second Amendment rights, a New York City gun law could be the first domino to fall.
16 min
The Opposition Comes for Venezuela’s Maduro
Venezuela has been in crisis for years. Why is a network of exiled politicians sending people into the streets now?
19 min
Congress Does Something
Could Thursday mark the beginning of the end of the government shutdown?
18 min
Kamala Harris & the Rise of Progressive Prosecu...
Why doesn’t the reform-minded set accept Harris as one of their own?
21 min
The Women Fleeing Saudi Arabia
What it’s like to escape when your every movement is policed by men.
19 min
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Flips the Script
She doesn’t need to be authoritative, or vaguely androgynous, or even right. How does AOC pull that off?
20 min
The L.A. Teachers' Strike
The second-largest school district in the country is having a battle royale over charter school expansion.
24 min
The Gymnast Who Went Megaviral
Remember when U.S. women’s gymnastics used to be joyful?
19 min
Pardons, Presidential Power, and Worry About Bi...
What can history tell us about how William Barr will handle the Mueller investigation?
24 min
The Three-Headed Beast Leading U.S. Foreign Policy
15 min
The Threat of National Emergency
Can President Trump get his wall by circumventing Congress?
18 min