What Next Plus

The problem with the news right now? It’s everywhere. And each day, it can feel like we’re all just mindlessly scrolling. It’s why we created What Next. This short daily show is here to help you make sense of things. When the news feels overwhelming, we’re here to help you answer: What next? Look for new episodes every weekday morning.

About That Mueller Report
The special counsel is not here to save you.
26 min
How Long Will It Take the Death Penalty To Die?
California Governor Gavin Newsom’s moratorium on executions is largely symbolic.
22 min
When Are We Going to Start Planning For Floods?
It’ll take an absolute catastrophe.
18 min
Court Packing Is Not That Extreme
It’s an accident of history that the Supreme Court has nine seats.
18 min
How the Internet Makes Murderers
Right-wing extremism lives online now. Can law enforcement follow it there?
23 min
Why is Beto Running?
The former Congressman isn’t bringing anything unique to an already crowded 2020 field.
14 min
How to Dodge a Presidential Pardon
The groundwork Mueller laid nearly two years ago is on display today.
16 min
The Side Door Into College
Rich families wanted a guarantee. What they got was an FBI investigation.
21 min
Big Banks Say “No” to Private Prisons
Protesters chanted in front of Jamie Dimon’s house and got results.
16 min
Joe Biden's Laundered History
We all know Uncle Joe, but do we know Joe Biden?
19 min
Is Mark Zuckerberg Gaslighting You?
What to think of the Facebook founder’s latest blog post.
20 min
The Scandal Catching Up to Justin Trudeau
Could this imbroglio prompt the rise of Canada’s far right?
17 min
Listening to Ilhan Omar
The congresswoman has a case to make.
18 min
Things That Should Scare You More Than Momo
YouTube’s algorithm is the real boogeyman.
12 min
The National Emergency Isn’t Really Trump’s Fault
It’s a natural escalation of constitutional hardball.
20 min
Reconsidering Michael Jackson
How could a documentary change everything when a criminal trial changed nothing?
24 min
Sins of the Fathers
What will accountability look like for the Catholic Church?
17 min
The Gun-Owning Doctors Changing the Gun Debate
The NRA told them to stay in their lane. They replied, “This IS our lane.”
20 min
Civil Rights Cold Cases Find Teenage Allies
A student-teacher duo put their curriculum to the test and passed legislation that would help solve civil rights crimes.
23 min
Venezuela’s Crisis Deepens
Vice President Pence reaffirmed American support for Venezuela. How far will it go?
18 min
The Laquan McDonald Case Isn’t Over
Here's how it's shaping Chicago's contentious mayor's race.
15 min
Who Wants to Be a (Heavily Taxed) Millionaire?
America’s one-percenters weigh their options: Higher taxes, or mobs with pitchforks?
23 min
Meet the EPA’s Ghost-Writer
For years, one scientist has been saying the U.S. should loosen rules around toxins. Now, he’s writing a new government standard.
20 min
The Fight to Change Frat Culture
If financial pressures won’t force frats to change, will the courts?
13 min
Utah’s Medicaid Battle
Voters approved an expansion of the health care program. Lawmakers rolled it back.
18 min