What Next Plus

The problem with the news right now? It’s everywhere. And each day, it can feel like we’re all just mindlessly scrolling. It’s why we created What Next. This short daily show is here to help you make sense of things. When the news feels overwhelming, we’re here to help you answer: What next? Look for new episodes every weekday morning.

Inside the Crisis at the NRA
Here’s how a small group of people used the NRA’s millions to enrich themselves.
16 min
How Black Feminists Exposed the Alt-Right Online
They were some of the first to fight back. Why didn’t we learn from them?
16 min
This Immigration Judge Has a Fix for Immigratio...
The system has remained broken for so long because nobody wants to address the key issue.
15 min
How to Break the Census
The Trump administration’s proposed citizenship question could bring down response rates and make U.S. Census data unreliable.
16 min
He Got a Pardon. Now He’s Administering Them.
After getting his second chance, Brandon Flood is the face of clemency in Pennsylvania.
15 min
The Case for Impeachment
Why it makes political sense for House Democrats to draw up articles against the President.
15 min
Are You There, Congress? It’s Me, Mueller.
No collusion. No obstruction. One recommendation.
23 min
A Fox Guarding the Henhouse at the Interior Dep...
Deregulation is shrinking salmon runs and killing migratory birds. But it’s great for business.
19 min
What Ilhan Omar Gets Right
Muslim Americans should insist on their humanity. But that won’t end Islamophobia.
18 min
Trump’s Plan to Politicize the Fed
What could happen if our central banking system becomes a political football?
19 min
Democrats Could Lose Wisconsin Forever
Did one Supreme Court race just settle how Wisconsin will be governed for years to come?
15 min
Mexico Fuels the Humanitarian Crisis on the Border
The Mexican president wanted to liberalize immigration policies in his country, instead he made things worse.
16 min
The Trash Crash
How America got into a recycling crisis—and how it’s getting out.
15 min
Bernie Hasn’t Really Changed
It’s why people love him. And it might be his downfall.
16 min
When A Border Wall Isn't Enough
This Arizona border town already has a wall. The Trump administration still isn’t satisfied.
13 min
California Weighs When Police Can Use Deadly Force
The death of Stephon Clark sparked outrage, protests, and a bill that could change policing in America.
17 min
Brexit Isn’t Over and Everything Hurts
Why Britain can’t just “get it sorted.”
20 min
Liberals Treat Puerto Ricans Like Second-Class ...
U.S. policies toward Puerto Rico have long been exploitative. Trump’s rhetoric just makes it plain.
19 min
Security Clearances Were Hard to Get. Then Trum...
How Trump made a mockery of the White House security clearance.
16 min
Mick Mulvaney Is Trump’s Chief Enabler
The ultra-conservative has a knack for slashing regulations and starting fights.
19 min
Is the Measles Panic Warranted?
There’s a fine line between getting the word out on measles and fanning the misinformation flames.
22 min
A Pilot on Whether He’ll Ever Trust Boeing Again
The Ethiopian crash looks different when you’ve been in a cockpit.
20 min
Is the Court Ready to Curb Gerrymandering?
How Brett Kavanaugh could deliver liberals a voting rights win.
16 min
Trump is Trying to Kill Obamacare, Again
The president was having a good week and then he began talking about health care.
19 min
New York City’s School Segregation Problem
Why the inequities at one elite high school resonate across the country.
18 min