Impossible Until POSSIBLE

If you're serious about building a ContractorBnB property portfolio. 

If you would like guidance on acquiring 4 assets in the next 12 months perfect for this strategy. 

With a guaranteed result of this happening. 

DM me on Instagram the word "PodBnB" and il send you the details in a doc (no sales call required)

Serious entrepreneurs only please! 

I am not cheap, but I will help you change your life if you go all in with me for 12 months ✌🏼

Mastering Your Mindset In Business
Looking to improve your business? Want to have a fitter and healthier mind and body? Struggling to start or scale your property portfolio? Book a call with Ryan to discover a way to accelerate your results in all areas of your life at the same time 👇🏼 ( learn more about the experts connect with them on social media:Ryan Luke ( and ( Facebook: ( Facebook Group: ( Instagram: ( Linkedin: ( Tiktok: (
14 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: Continue You...
As the 30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation comes to an end I want to give you the opportunity to join the Luke Capital Group by becoming one of our franchisee's. If you are interested in growing a property empire without all the hassle click on this link and apply: (
4 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: Serviced Acc...
Running a property business can be stressful at the best of times. It can take it's toll on you and your family and if you aren't careful it can end up in you losing the ones you love. Avoid getting divorced by listening to how Ryan Luke has managed to get the perfect balance between work and home life.
7 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: This Logo Wi...
Trust is one of the most important factors that leads to a successful business. In this episode Ryan explains how you can create trust with customers through becoming I-Prac Certified.
6 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: 8 Not So Obv...
Get more bookings with these secret industry tips on how to promote your serviced accommodation business. If you want to grow your empire a direct booking site is essential! I highly suggest you using Boostly:
6 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: Succeed Quic...
In this episode of the 30 days of Serviced Accommodation, Ryan Luke explains how Grant Cardone's 10x Rule has been a key to his success.
5 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: 3 Types Of I...
Insurance isn't the most interesting topic but it is one of the most important! In this episode Ryan is going to tell you about 3 that you must know about when getting involved with Serviced Accommodation.
4 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: 3 Mistakes T...
Everybody makes mistakes however it is important that when we do make mistakes we learn from them! In todays episode you are going to learn about the common mistakes property entrepreneurs make and how you can avoid them!
5 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: 5 Secrets To...
Grow your serviced accommodation portfolio quicker with help from industry expert Ryan Luke! In this episode he gives away 5 secrets on how he has grown his multi-million pound empire.
7 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: What Is Capi...
Do you want to pay HMRC less tax? Capital allowance through Serviced Accommodation is way you can legally do this.
7 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: Serviced Acc...
Choosing a strategy to start your journey can be difficult! There are many different ways to make money in property but which is the best? That goes down to opinion but property expert Ryan Luke is going to give you his take on subject in this episode where he discuss which is better? HMO's or SA!
10 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: What You Nee...
Did you know your Serviced Accommodation Business can help you pay HMRC less money? Find out how in this episode.
6 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: What Is A Jo...
In this episode of the 30 Days Of SA series, Ryan is going to explain joint ventures and property management and whether or not they work for Serviced Accommodation.
4 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: Quit Your Jo...
Are you sick of your job? Would you like to make £10,000 a month? In this episode Ryan Luke explains how Serviced Accommodation can help you achieve that!
5 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: Use Dynamic ...
DON'T UNDERVALUE YOUR PROPERTIES! Property Expert Ryan Luke is going to explain why your prices should be changes almost daily for a wide range of reasons.
11 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: Keeping Your...
Turnover teams are key to your success as an AirBNB host. In this episode Ryan will explain the secrets of how he has managed to create a tried and tested system that allows him to make sure his properties are up to standard for every guest that checks in.
5 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: How To Syste...
Remove all the stress of dealing with guests by systemising your Serviced Accommodation Business! In this video Ryan Luke is going to explain what systems you should put in place in order to make running your business easier.
8 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: Collecting G...
You could be missing out on tens of thousands of pounds worth of bookings if you aren't collecting peoples data when they are staying in your property. How? Listen in to find out!
5 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: How To Handl...
Worried about guests ruining your property? Fear not! Ryan is back to inform you of the ways you can prevent the majority of bad guests from getting into your property so you won't have any unexpected parties to deal with.
5 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: How To Marke...
Let's get you MORE bookings! In todays episode of 'The 30 Days Of SA' Ryan explains the secrets behind his marketing strategies and how you can implement them to gain more attention to your property business.
8 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: Use Property...
Ryan Luke is back with some Monday Motivation to start this week of the 30 Days of SA Series. In the episode is going to explain how he has achieved the freedom to work from anywhere in the world.
7 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: How To Get D...
As you grow your property business it's extremely important you create a platform for guests to book directly with you rather than going through OTA's. In this video Ryan explains how you can do this and what the perks of having a direct booking site are.
8 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: Create The P...
Learn how to list your properties to stand out more on the bookings channels and get more bookings! This is the latest episode in property expert Ryan Luke's 30 days od SA! if you havent seen the rest of the series go back and check it out!
6 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: Learn How To...
Learn how to analyse property deals in a time consuming way with Ryan Luke in this episode of the 30 Days of SA. Deal Analyser:
12 min
30 Days Of Serviced Accommodation: How Find Off...
Do you want to get deals for below market value? Ryan Luke is going to tell you how to in this video that takes an in depth look at off market deals!
9 min