Dark Dice

THE horror actual play podcast. (Dnd) Each season, travelers embark on a journey into the dark corners of a fantasy world with dragons & monsters. They will never be the same again.

Performing Arts
Meet the Paladin
As we continue the journey we learn more about Sister Tsavorite Cavernsfall.
4 min
Season 1 | Ep. 4 | Dead of Night
The team cautiously pass through the ruins of an old village...
51 min
Season 1 | Ep. 3 | Captive
With their foes defeated, the team moves to question the lone survivor...
37 min
Meet the Bard
As we continue the journey we learn more about the peculiar past of Rowena Granitepike.
9 min
Season 1 | Ep. 2 | Mindless
Now hunted by the Silent One, the team hurries toward the campfire where the missing children were last spotted...
44 min
Meet the Innskeep
Before the journey begins we meet one of the characters, Iaus Innskeep, a tiefling assassin voiced by David Ault.
9 min
Season 1 | Ep. 1 | The Silent One
The team ventures into the Dead Pines to seek out the missing children of Ilmater's Hope. On the first step of their journey, they will discover something far more sinister...
47 min
START HERE: A Listening Order Guide
START HERE! You are about to roll the Dark Dice... This podcast feed can be a bit deceptive, so please START HERE!
3 min