Michael O'Neal and his co-hosts bridge the gap between the clueless big box stores and the snobby stereo shops. Every show is filled with gear reviews, commentary, and interviews aimed to find out what makes a real world difference in your listening experience, how to get the most bang for your buck, and frankly, how to begin experiencing your music in the way it was intended.
32: Emotiva's Founder, Dan Laufman | CES Quick ...
Back from a week in Vegas, we've got a doozy for you this episode. After a quick hit of CES (The Consumer Electronics Show) in Vegas (Check out pictures at @beginneraudiophile) Michael talks about Air Motion Transformers (which were a big theme...
49 min
31: New LG OLED 4k, Dolby ATMOS, Micca In-Ceili...
In this episode, Michael O'Neal () and Patrick Norton () catch up on some Black Friday (I know, I know...) purchases. Michael talks about his home theater install, Pat talks about an amp and a set of gaming headphones he's testing out, and we...
50 min
30: Talking Roon with Dipin Sehdev from Roon Labs
Roon. What is it? Do you need it? The best way I can describe Roon is that it's a simplifier. We have all of these disparate music sources and end points in our house, and Roon talks to them all, and puts them into one...
63 min
29: Hi-Res Music on Your iPhone, Marantz SR801...
On today's episode Michael O'Neal (@solohour, @beginneraudiophile) starts by talking about how to get Hi Res music to play on an iPhone. (It's not as simple as you might think!) Then Patrick Norton (@patricknorton) jumps on to talk...
62 min
28: Home Theater, Automation, Cool Speakers, Ra...
We've just gotten back from the CEDIA show, displaying the latest in home theater, automation, commercial installs, lighting, in-wall speaker systems, projectors, TV's, and more! Patrick Norton (of Tekthing and The Screen Savers) and Michael...
50 min
27: The State of The Audiophile | Klipsch "The ...
Audiophilia: Is it on the rise, or is it declining? Well...both, kinda. Join Patrick Norton and Michael O'Neal as they discuss how, in some ways, the industry is on the rise, and in some ways, on the decline. We also talk about...
74 min
26: Nice Speaker Setup Vs. Nice Headphone Setup...
Today’s theme: Good headphones vs. “Good Stereo” The News: LAAS CANCELED DIY Audio Amp Camp Amp Education Segment Good headphone setup vs a good stereo speaker setup. Sony MDR7506 + Audioquest Dragonfly or Schiit Fulla 2… Mr....
78 min
25: Bookshelves + Sub VS. Tower Speakers, and K...
Dude. We're getting the BAND back together!! Dr. Paul Anderson and I (The OG!) are back for episode 25 of BA. After catching up, we chat about the incredible KEF LS50 Wireless, and offer our first impressions. Then, we dive...
63 min
24: The Headphone Show! CanJam 2018, "Bang for ...
Today the boys wrap up what they saw and heard at CanJam 2018 in Los Angeles, including tons of mini product reviews. We strapped on Sennheisers Orpheus $50,000 headphone system to mindboggling results. And chatted with Joe Harley about...
Patrick Norton and Michael O’Neal catch up on the latest news, what gear is in the review funnel, and talk about the Elac Debut 2.0. Then we talk about how to set yourself up to audition gear at a stereo show or a conference.
68 min
22: Talking Amps & Watts with Patrick Norton, T...
Episode 22 of Beginner Audiophile is jam packed! Patrick Norton Co-Hosts this one with Michael O’Neal. We talk about the reality vs. myth of amps vs. watts in amplifiers, dig into reviews of the Beyerdynamic Aventho Wireless and the Hive Home Security
74 min
21: Gear, Gear, and More Gear. CES Wrapup Part...
On today's ep. Harris and I talk about what we saw and heard at CES. We've also got a new contest where you can win a pair of 1moreUSA Triple Driver Earbuds!
63 min
20: CES Wrap-Up Part 1, with Patrick Norton
Patrick Norton (http://tekthing.com) joins me, through a hacking cough, to wrap up all things audio and home theater we discovered at CES (The Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas at the beginning of January 2018.
66 min
BONUS: A Recent Historical Primer of the Audiop...
Today’s episode is an excerpt from a fantastic New Yorker article entitled “Audiophilia Forever: An Expensive New Year’s Shopping Guide” written by David Denby. (Click here to read the entire article) It does such a great job explaining what an au
20 min
19: The Vinyl Revival, and Killer Systems You C...
On today’s show we chat with Matthew from Vinyl Revival in Melbourne Australia. We had a great convo about the renaissance of “good” audio, getting huge bang for the buck out of your turntable, and his choices for systems costing $1000, $2500,
35 min
18: Beginner Audiophile Returns! New York Audi...
Fellow audio nerds! We’re back. After a long (inadvertent) haitus, BA is back. Michael gives a breakdown of how audio works based on a great analogy by Steve Guttenberg, then digs into a bunch of your questions. Then,
46 min
17: Everything You Want to Know About Subwoofer...
Ahhhhhh….subwoofers. That “Punch you in the chest” feeling when your favorite song really moves you. Although subwoofers are easy to plug in and turn up loud, that doesn’t give us a true audiophile experience.
55 min
16: How To Audition Like a Pro, Sonus Faber Spe...
On this episode of Beginner Audiophile Harris and Michael talk about what a pro-audio show is like, and our secret to maintaining consistency as we audition gear. Michael then reviews the Sonus Faber Principia 1 Bookshelf Speakers,
50 min
15: The Turntable/ Record Player Renaissance, a...
Today we’re talking a bit of turntables, and what it takes to set one up. Turntables used to be the “gold standard” for listening, until digital files came along. Now, we are romanticizing the process…and it’s well worth it.
62 min
14: How To Audition New Gear, Unboxing Some Coo...
On today’s episode, after we catch up, we talk about unboxing some new Sonus Faber and Pro-Ject gear, including Michael’s first Turntable. Then we jump into how to audition new audio gear, especially speakers.
62 min
13: Songs To Test and Tune Your System With, Ba...
On today’s show Harris and Michael talk about songs and albums they use to “test and tune” their systems. We also briefly talk about a couple pieces of gear we are testing: The AudioControl Rialto 600 integrated amplifier,
50 min
12: Wireless Technologies, USB DAC Review, New ...
On today’s show, after catching up with Harris and Michael, we talk about DTS-PlayFi and other wireless home technologies, give some feedback on the ELAC UB5, Harris reviews the AudioQuest Dragonfly and the Night Owl carbon headphones,
67 min
11: A BIG Announcement, LA Audio Show Wrapup, A...
On today’s show we have a special announcement! We have a new Co-host, Mr. Harris Fogel! (Star of Episode 9) Harris has been in the biz for many many years, and will offer years of “insider” perspective.
67 min
10: 4 Epic LA Audio Show Interviews, starring S...
Just back from the LA Audio Show, and we got some GREAT interviews with William Kline of Sonus Faber/Mcintosh, Ari Morguelan from 1MoreUSA, Chris Sipes from Paradigm/Anthem, and Gregg Chopper from Cambridge Audio,
80 min
9: Getting The Most Bang For Your Buck on Stere...
Harris Fogel (http://maceditionradio.com) joins us for a chat about how he became an audiophile, what kind of gear to look at, and how he’d spend $1500 to get great sound! Gear Guide, Topics & Highlights: Philip Glass – Glassworks Album