Assassin's Creed Lorecast

A podcast dedicated to all of the mysterious, subtle, and historical lore of the Assassin's Creed Universe. Co-created and co-hosted by Teecup and Shecup, who you may also know as The Cups or Austin and Shelby. We'll take a leap of faith into topics such as the history behind the Assassins and Templars, the infinite Pieces of Eden, individual Isu and their sages, character deep dives, and more. This podcast will explain all of the lore, characters, history, and mythologies behind the Assassin's Creed universe. 

Video Games
Juno, Part Two: The Instruments of the First Will
This week, the Cups take another look at Juno--or at least a group that claims to be an extension of her--the Instruments of the First Will
40 min
Juno: Isu Scientist, Mother of Wisdom, and Huma...
Join Austin and Shelby on their first episode diving into individual Isu.
42 min
Isu Society: Trinities and Triads
In this week's episode, the Cups take a deep dive into the Isu's society, at least what we know of it.
39 min
Isu 101: The Who, What, and Where
In this week's episode, the Cups begin a new mini-series covering the Isu.
31 min
Bonus Episode: Episode 1 of The Inheritance Cyc...
Welcome to the Inheritance Cycle Page by Page: A Book Club Podcast!
10 min
Character Deep Dive #5: Lucy Stillman
26 min
Pieces of Eden: Spears, Daggers, and Rings
In this week's episode, the Cups finish up their mini-series on Pieces of Eden!
34 min
Pieces of Eden: The Shroud of Eden and Its Defe...
This week, Austin and Shelby explore the next type of Pieces of Eden that we encounter in the Assassin's Creed games—the Shroud of Eden.
36 min
Pieces of Eden: Are Swords of Eden Just Another...
This week, Austin and Shelby explore the third type of Pieces of Eden that we encounter in the Assassin's Creed games—the Swords of Eden.
35 min
Pieces of Eden: The Many Staves of Eden Used By...
This week, Austin and Shelby explore the second type of Pieces of Eden that we encounter in the Assassin's Creed games—the Staves of Eden.
45 min
Pieces of Eden: An Apple a Day Keeps the Isu Away
Join the Cups as we venture into a new mini-series—this time on Pieces of Eden.
41 min
Character Deep Dive #4: Aya of Alexandria, also...
In this week's episode, the Cups kick off SEASON TWO with another character deep dive.
46 min
Assassins vs Templars: World War 2
Join us for our Season 1 finale as we discuss World War 2 and how the Assassins and Templars were involved.
42 min
Assassins vs Templars: World War I and the Russ...
Join Austin and Shelby as we continue to explore the Assassin vs Templar Conflicts
38 min
Assassins vs Templars: French Revolution, Calif...
Join us in this episode as we continue our series of Assassin vs Templar conflicts.
45 min
Character Deep Dive: Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Ke...
Join us as we continue to explore the life and impact of Ratonhnhake:ton (Connor Kenway) in our part 2 of this character Deep Dive.
46 min
Character Deep Dive: Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Ke...
Join us for this first part of a special two episodes in honor of the 15th anniversary of Assassin's Creed.
55 min
Assassins vs Templars: The Salem Witch Trials
This week, we take a trip to the American Colony of Massachusetts and explore the infamous Salem Witch Trials.
42 min
Character Deep Dive: Clay Kaczmarek (Subject 16)
Join us for our second character deep dive!
41 min
Assassins vs Templars: No One Expects the Spani...
oin us as we continue our Αssassins vs Templars series—this week with a look at the Templars and Assassins during the time of the Spanish Inquisition.
28 min
Character Deep Dive: Shaun Hastings
29 min
Assassins vs Templars: Haitian Slave Rebellion
Continuing our Assassins vs Templars series, Teecup and Shecup journey out of the Eurasia continents to the Americas.
38 min
Assassins vs. Templars: The Hundred Years War a...
This week, Teecup and Shecup are continuing the series on the Assassin vs. Templar conflicts
42 min
Assassins vs Templars: The Mongol Conflict, Gen...
We begin a new series titled Assassins vs Templars. In this first episode we look at the conflict with the Mongol empire and discuss its importance to the overall trajectory of the Assassin and Templar Conflict.
32 min
The Templar Order: Power-Hungry, Orderly, and C...
In this episode, Austin and Shelby take a deep dive into the Templar Order. All fans of Assassins Creed, even if you've just played one game, know that there's a huge conflict between the assassins and the templars.
47 min