The Truth to Power Show

This is soapbox therapy where we unearth our creative process with the intention of revealing the truths that underlie our own empowerment with poetry cohosts and conversations with community members. We go where mainstream media is unable or unwilling to go. We explore our own psyches as much as the collective psyche. We're here to dig deeper into the collective soul.

Society & Culture
Ep. 206: Our Hearts Sing
Sound mystic Pamela Jane Gerrand discusses the power of sound with hosts Vijay R. Nathan and Scottt Raven
57 min
Ep. 205: The Depths of Mind
Jorge Cabrales discusses depth psychology and his life journey
58 min
Ep. 204: Food for Thought
Singer Songwriters Jason Trachtenburg reveals his philosophy on music and food
58 min
Ep. 203: The Ballad of Buff Dog
Singer songwriter Kate Koenig discuss her music and mental wellness challenges
58 min
Ep. 202: Mistik the Blue Dragon
Mistik the Blue Dragon discusses Jungian dream analysis and his life work
58 min
Ep. 201: Go with the Flow
Zane Leadley discusses the Flow State and creativity
59 min
Ep. 200: Follow Your Heart
Professor Rick Jarow discusses his work and his journey following his heart.
58 min
Ep. 199: The Show Retrospective
Hosts Vijay R. Nathan and Scottt Raven discuss the past 198 episodes to prepare for episode 200
59 min
Ep. 198: No Thing Considered
Creator of No Thing Considered Ben Luton discusses his radio art and (CW) experience of abuse
65 min
Ep. 197: Bushwick Book Club
Founder of Bushwick Book Club Susan Hwang discusses her projects
58 min
Ep. 196: The Heart's Work
PhD in Feminist studies Stephanie Kaylor discusses sex worker rights
58 min
Ep. 195: The Heart's Language
Ukrainian poet Oksana Lebedivna talks about her journey in linguistics PhD program
58 min
Ep. 194: Release Your Creativity
Ken Ferlic, creator of website on releasing your unlimited creativity, speaks on creating your best life
58 min
Ep. 193: Come Alive
Singer songwriter James Bird discusses his days as "monk boy" and seeking the truth from music
58 min
Ep. 192: Dream On
NYC poet Wanda Phipps discusses her poetry and creative process
58 min
Ep. 191: The Green Constellations
Esther Mathieu, a Queens writer and artist, discusses her work "Constellations" and building a better world
58 min
Ep. 190: Highly Noted
Kira Stevens, a writer and visual artist talks about performing poetry and her new book "Highly Noted and Other Poems" from Lillet Press
58 min
Ep. 188: The Hivemind Explored
Sociologist Dr, Rick Wolford discusses group think and his life journey
57 min
Ep. 187: Dare To Know
Author James Kennedy discusses writing Dare to Know and his other creative works
56 min
Ep. 189 : A Little Before Twelve
Poet Cynthia Andrews discusses her debut poetry collection and her creative process
59 min
Ep. 186: The Power of Touch
Dominique Carson discusses her varied experiences including being a massage therapist
58 min
Ep. 185: The Language of Waves
Richie Alexandro and Tristan Franz discuss their chapbook and relationship to nature
58 min
Ep. 184: Manifest Your Power
Singer songwriter Lena Belle discusses manifestation work and her music
58 min
Ep. 183: Yiddish Dreams
Singer Amanda Miryem-Khaye Seigel discusses Yiddish songs and her musical career
58 min
Ep. 182: Pluck Our Heartstrings
Violinist Concetta Abbate discusses the role of music and identity in her journey
58 min