Straight White American Jesus

An in-depth examination of the culture and politics of Christian Nationalism and Evangelicalism by two ex-evangelical ministers-turned-religion professors. If you have ever wondered what social and historical forces led white evangelicals to usher Donald Trump into the White House this is the show for you. As former insiders and critical scholars of religion, Dan Miller and Bradley Onishi have a unique perspective on the Religious Right. Guests have included Chrissy Stroop, R. Marie Griffith, Janelle Wong, Randall Balmer, Katherine Stewart, and many others.

Satisfying Yourself
Response #2 to Timothy Keller
6 min
Weekly Roundup: The Problem with the Focus on t...
6 min
White Supremacists, Border Vigilantes, and Surv...
7 min
The Christian Soulmate Fallacy--Response to Tim...
7 min
Weekly Roundup: Why Are They Trying Write Trans...
7 min
Being a Woman of Color in Purity Culture with A...
7 min
Focus on Your Own Family: Response to Focus on ...
7 min
Weekly Roundup: Is There Anything Wrong with Ch...
5 min
Ravi Zacharias, the Atlanta Shooter, Anti-Asian...
8 min
Sex, Theology, Purity--Response to Al Mohler
9 min
Weekly Roundup: A Massacre in Atlanta
9 min
Anti-Asian Hate, Purity Culture, and Christian ...
8 min
Faith After Evangelicalism
5 min
Weekly Roundup: Jim Crow in a Suit and Tie
5 min
Inside the World of Christian Nationalism with ...
7 min
The Church Where Defying COVID Orders Takes on ...
<p>Sam Kestenbaum is an award-winning freelance journalist who regularly contributes to the New York Times. He recently wrote a <a href="">feature</a> on Godspeak, a Calvary Chapel church in Ventura County, CA. At Godspeak, Sam writes, defiance to COVID mandates takes on a holy aura. It is the reason business is booming--attendance has tripled during the pandemic and the head pastor, Rob McCoy, is a rising star in the Right-Wing influencer world. Sam shares his experiences reporting on Godspeak and how it is a nexus for understanding what's happening in conservative churches all over the country.&nbsp;</p>--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
7 min
Weekly Roundup: The Seuss Potato Head Party
<p>Brad compares the current moment to other times in American history when crisis and conflict led to a new normal. What will be our new normal after COVID? Will myth or policy drive us forward? On one hand, the Dems are tepidly putting forward legislation on COVID relief, voting rights, and protections for the LGBTQIA+ community. On the other, the GOP is driving the Big Lie forward, along with culture war items like Dr. Seuss and Potato Head. Which story--and which future--will prevail?&nbsp;</p><p>Brad and Dan also discuss how 1/6 was an inside job and an Evangelical adoption agency deciding to work with LGB families.&nbsp;</p>--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
4 min
The Atrocity of "Gay Conversion Therapy"
7 min
Weekly Roundup: Trump is Still King of the GOP
8 min
Why REvangelical is Not Deconstruction
5 min
The Nostalgic Myths that Drive MAGA Nation with...
<p>Brad talk to Dr. Ruth Braunstein, Professor of Sociology at the University of Connecticut, about the nostalgic myths that drive MAGA Nation. Their conversation centers on how recognizing the structure of these myths enables us to better see how Christian nationalism pervades right-wing movements that don't have any explicit religious identity markers or symbols. Think: the Proud Boys and the NRA. These groups structure their identities around a certain Christian nationalist interpretation of American history, even when they don't claim an explicitly Christian mantle.&nbsp;</p>--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
5 min
Weekly Roundup: Abandon the Snowflakes
5 min
S1.Ep.9 (Re-release): Genderqueer and Exvangeli...
<p><strong>Brad and Dan's interview with Reilly, Associate Pastor at Presbyterian New England Church in Saratoga Springs NY. Reilly shares how she grew up evangelical, realized she was gay right about the time she received the call to ministry, and her role as a possibility model to young people.</strong></p>--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
6 min
On Sexual Abuse and the Jezebel Type
6 min
Weekly Roundup: Who is the Demon Now?
<p>Is talking about Christian nationalism akin to demonizing White Christians? Some right-wing theologians and leaders would like you to think it is. But they are wrong. We provide strategies for talking about Christian nationalism without reducing all Christian political involvement as Christian nationalism. We then continue to outline why it is essential to recognize the threat of White Christian nationalism, especially as it relates to rhetoric of war, violence, and political enemies.&nbsp;</p><p>Our second major segment investigates how the Supreme Courts' recent decision regarding church openings during COVID sets a dangerous precedent for what counts as religious liberty and religious discrimination. Dan links this to broad themes concerning healthcare and inequalities in American society.&nbsp;</p>--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
7 min