We the People

A weekly show of constitutional debate hosted by National Constitution Center President and CEO Jeffrey Rosen where listeners can hear the best arguments on all sides of the constitutional issues at the center of American life.

News Commentary
Three Election Law Cases and What They Mean for...
Discussing the issues at stake in a campaign finance case, a redistricting case, and a case involving the independent state legislature doctrine
54 min
Five Expert Takes on Two Big Issues This Term
Discussing the Supreme Court cases about abortion and guns
37 min
The Dobbs v. Jackson Case – Part 3
Unpacking the arguments within Justice Alito’s draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade
55 min
Why the First Amendment Matters Today
Celebrating the installation of the First Amendment tablet at the National Constitution Center
86 min
Masks, Planes, and the CDC Mandate
Discussing the legal issues at stake in Health Freedom Defense Fund v. Biden, a case about the CDC’s power to mandate masks on public transportation
56 min
Football, Faith, and the First Amendment – Part 2
Discussing the issues in the Supreme Court case Kennedy v. Bremerton School District
54 min
The Constitutionality of Florida’s Education Bill
Discussing the issues and impact of the legislation critics have dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill
56 min
Putin's War and International Law
Discussing whether Putin can be tried for war crimes under international law
54 min
Death Row, Religious Freedom, Legislative Censu...
Discussing the SCOTUS decisions in Ramirez v. Collier and Houston Community College v. Wilson
59 min
The Confirmation Hearings of Judge Ketanji Brow...
Recapping what we learned about the Supreme Court nominee during four days of hearings
57 min
What is the “Independent State Legislature Doct...
Discussing the authority state legislatures have to create laws around elections
65 min
Russia, Ukraine, Constitutionalism, and the Rul...
Examining what the Russian invasion of Ukraine means for the core principles of constitutionalism
54 min
The EPA, Federal Power, and the Future of Clima...
Discussing the authority of federal agencies, as presented in West Virginia v. EPA
63 min
Early Presidents on Happiness, Government, and ...
Exploring key writings and speeches from Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison on various topics
52 min
Redistricting in Alabama and the Voting Rights Act
Examining the issues at play in Merrill v. Milligan, a case about drawing new voting districts in Alabama
51 min
How Free Speech Under the First Amendment Devel...
Exploring key Supreme Court cases involving free speech and the First Amendment, as well as the philosophical inspirations behind it
59 min
Justice Breyer’s Constitutional Legacy
Reflecting on Justice Stephen Breyer’s career upon his decision to retire from the Supreme Court
68 min
Congress, the Filibuster, and the Constitution
Shedding light on the history, constitutionality, and calls for reform of the filibuster
64 min
MLK, the Declaration, and the Constitution
Discussing some of King’s most significant speeches and writings and his reflections on America’s founding documents.
64 min
The Case for Reforming the Electoral Count Act
Examining the proposals for improving the law that dictates congressional certification of president election results
55 min
Will the Supreme Court Strike Down Biden’s Vacc...
Unpacking the issues in cases that challenge the legality of the Biden administration’s covid vaccine mandates
55 min
Live at the NCC: Poetry and the Constitution
Exploring the ways poetry has intersected with the Constitution and constitutional ideas throughout American history
54 min
2021: A Constitutional Year in Review
Reflecting on the January 6 insurrection, significant Supreme Court cases, the future of Court reform, and the ongoing pandemic
65 min
Should the Supreme Court Be Reformed?
Examining the recommendations for judicial reform from the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States
53 min
Student Aid, Religious Education, and the First...
Examining the Supreme Court case Carson v. Makin and what it might mean for public funding and religious education
59 min