We the People

A weekly show of constitutional debate hosted by National Constitution Center President and CEO Jeffrey Rosen where listeners can hear the best arguments on all sides of the constitutional issues at the center of American life.

News Commentary
Article III and the future of the Supreme Court
Daniel Farber and Barry McDonald on how Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump could shape the courts.
59 min
What to expect at the Supreme Court this year
John Malcolm and Michele Jawando on the October 2016 term.
47 min
Article V and constitutional change
Michael Rappaport and David Strauss on how the next President could change the Constitution.
50 min
Article II and the powers of the President
Michael Ramsey and Christopher Schroeder on the 2016 presidential candidates and executive power.
53 min
The Constitution at Guantánamo Bay
John Yoo and Karen Greenberg on the status of detainees and prospects for the prison's closure.
42 min
America's biggest constitutional crises
Historians discuss how Presidents steer the nation through troubled times.
55 min
Jeffrey Rosen answers your questions about cons...
The president and CEO of the National Constitution Center goes back to basics.
63 min
The history and meaning of the 19th Amendment
Gretchen Ritter and Susan Ware on the landmark amendment that extends voting rights to all women.
46 min
Voting rights in the courts
Hans von Spakovsky and Wendy Weiser on the scope of the right to vote in America.
57 min
The presidency of George Washington
Akhil Reed Amar, Edward Larson, and Doug Bradburn on the constitutional legacy of our nation's first President.
66 min
A constitutional history of the Democratic Party
Leading historians and legal scholars explore the history of Democrats.
39 min
A constitutional history of the Republican Party
David French and Michael Gerhardt on the history of the GOP.
49 min
Political parties and the Constitution
Two experts on American politics explore the role of parties in America.
50 min
A 'deep dive' on the Supreme Court
Leading observers of the Supreme Court weigh in on its present and future.
63 min
Making sense of an unpredictable year at the Su...
Two constitutional experts explore the biggest cases and trends of the term.
44 min
The Orlando shooting and the Constitution
Adam Winkler and Ilya Shapiro weigh in on the constitutional debates over gun control and immigration policy.
53 min
Gawker, Hulk Hogan, and the First Amendment
Two scholars of media law weigh in on the Gawker-Hulk Hogan dispute.
54 min
Hamilton, the man and the musical
Annette Gordon-Reed and Michael Klarman on "the 10-dollar Founding Father without a father."
37 min
The life and legacy of Justice Louis Brandeis
Three leading Brandeis scholars discuss the great Justice.
90 min
Jeffrey Rosen answers your questions about the ...
Jeffrey Rosen answers listener questions.
58 min
Felons and the right to vote
Roger Clegg and Erika Wood debate an issue of growing national importance.
47 min
Marijuana and the Constitution
Doug Berman and Randy Barnett on the movement to legalize pot.
54 min
Debating the laws regulating bathroom use and g...
Experts evaluate regulations and transgender rights
58 min
Bob McDonnell, public corruption, and the Supre...
Is the McDonnell case an example of justice or the overcriminalization of politics?
48 min
Is President Obama's immigration policy against...
Josh Blackman and Cristina Rodriguez debate an important Supreme Court case.
48 min