We the People

A weekly show of constitutional debate hosted by National Constitution Center President and CEO Jeffrey Rosen where listeners can hear the best arguments on all sides of the constitutional issues at the center of American life.

News Commentary
The soul of the First Amendment
Floyd Abrams on why America protects free speech more than any other country in the world.
62 min
EXTRA: Trump, Comey and obstruction of justice
Alan Dershowitz and Laura Donohue join our Jeffrey Rosen
35 min
Your constitutional questions, answered
National Constitution Center president and CEO Jeffrey Rosen on the Preamble, judicial power, and more.
52 min
The life and legacy of John Marshall
Michael Gerhardt and Kevin Walsh on the influential career of the nation's longest-serving chief justice.
51 min
Will the President's travel ban hold up in court?
Leah Litman and Earl Maltz on the latest legal developments and the ban's chances at the Supreme Court.
53 min
Exploring the debate over 'sanctuary cities'
Elizabeth Price Foley and Cristina Rodriguez on the President's executive order and Congress's options going forward.
51 min
EXTRA: Is the firing of James Comey a constitut...
Josh Blackman and David Cole on what constitutes a constitutional crisis and what should happen going forward.
22 min
James Wilson and the creation of the Constitution
Christopher Yoo and Tom Donnelly on the Pennsylvania Federalist and America's greatest proponent of popular sovereignty.
56 min
The Madisonian Constitution and the future of f...
Excerpts from Freedom Day 2017 explore what James Madison would think of American democracy today.
71 min
Religious liberty at the Supreme Court
Marci Hamilton and Hannah Smith on the issues and best arguments in Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia v. Comer.
56 min
Article I and the role of Congress
David Pozen and Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz on restoring the separation of powers.
66 min
The history and constitutionality of the filibu...
Richard Arenberg and Josh Chafetz on the fate of the Senate's most famous rule.
65 min
Privacy, equality, and transgender students
Alexandra Brodsky and Gary McCaleb on gender identity and the law.
58 min
The Gorsuch hearings and the future of the Cons...
Michael Ramsey and Eric Segall on Neil Gorsuch's potential impact on the Supreme Court and constitutional law.
58 min
Property rights at the Supreme Court
David Breemer and John Echeverria on a big case about the Fifth Amendment's Takings Clause.
55 min
The constitutional legacy of Prohibition
Lisa Andersen and Josh Zeitz on the history and politics of America's most colorful, complex constitutional hiccup.
63 min
The future of federalism
Josh Blackman and Peter Edelman on states' rights in the Trump era.
64 min
Jeffrey Rosen answers your constitutional quest...
The president and CEO of the National Constitution Center answers listener questions about the Constitution.
45 min
Presidential succession and the 25th Amendment ...
Akhil Reed Amar and Norman Ornstein on succession and how to improve it.
49 min
Should Neil Gorsuch be confirmed to the Supreme...
Michele Jawando and John Malcolm on the nominee's record and potential to shape the Court.
50 min
President Trump's immigration order: Is it legal?
Peter Spiro and Anil Kalhan on the best arguments for and against the President's controversial action.
38 min
Has President Trump violated the Emoluments Cla...
Brianne Gorod and Andy Grewal on the President's business operations.
46 min
Offensive speech and trademarks at the Supreme ...
Deborah Gerhardt, Ilya Shapiro, and Rebecca Tushnet on a big First Amendment case.
53 min
The future of the regulatory state
Gillian Metzger and David Bernstein on challenges to the executive agencies that govern our daily lives.
43 min
A new look at America's founding
Michael Klarman and Patrick Spero on the debates that shaped the nation's creation.
58 min