Inside Briefing with the Institute fo...

The first Labour government in 14 years is facing a daunting to-do list and complex challenges at every turn. Public services are under strain. The civil service is under pressure. And ministers must deliver the government’s missions and milestones. But could Keir Starmer’s plan to “rewire the British state” – through using AI and creating a “start-up” culture – turn these challenges into opportunities?

So where is government working well and what is it doing badly? What can be done to make No10, the Treasury and the rest of government function more effectively? What can Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves do to achieve faster economic growth? What will Kemi Badenoch’s Conservatives and the other opposition parties do to hold the government to account? How might Donald Trump shape British politics – and how could the UK’s relations with the EU change in the years ahead?

Get behind the scenes in Westminster, Whitehall and beyond on the weekly podcast from Britain’s leading governmental think tank, where we analyse the latest events in politics and explain what they mean. Every week on Inside Briefing, IfG director Hannah White and the team welcomes special guests for a thought-provoking conversation on what makes government work – and how to fix it when it doesn’t.

Afghanistan: Rage of the Commons
With guest Peter Ricketts, the UK’s first National Security Adviser
33 min
The Afterlife Of Prime Ministers
<p>Prime Ministerial careers tend to end abruptly and in tears. So what does an ex-PM do next? Are today’s Prime Ministers too young to fade away gracefully? Should they avoid lobbying jobs? And when it comes to backbench politics, should they stay or should they go?</p><br><p>The IfG’s <strong>Tim Durrant</strong> discusses the mystery of the Prime Ministerial afterlife (and the lure of the comeback) with ex-Justice Secretary <strong>David Gauke</strong>, Politico’s senior political correspondent <strong>Esther Webber</strong>, Engage Britain’s Director of Advocacy and former Times political editor <strong>Francis Elliot</strong>, and the IfG’s <strong>Catherine Haddon</strong>.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><ul><li><em>“The end of your Prime Ministership can come suddenly and unexpectedly…&nbsp;It’s quite hard to see what you’re going to do.”</em><strong> –&nbsp;David Gauke</strong></li><li><em>“PMs tend to be younger now and they’re less likely to want to fade into obscurity –&nbsp;which going to the Lords would achieve quite easily.”</em><strong> – Esther Webber</strong></li><li><em>“Moments of maximum crisis like COVID are exactly when ex-PMs miss the office most.” </em><strong>–&nbsp;Francis Elliott&nbsp;</strong></li><li><em>“It’s an absorbing job, it consumes all your waking hours and it’s utterly fascinating. You’ve got status and international connections. For that to end is a wrench.”</em><strong> – David Gauke</strong></li></ul><p><br></p><p>Presented by Tim Durrant. Audio production by Alex Rees. <strong>Inside Briefing is a Podmasters Production for the IfG.&nbsp;</strong></p><br><p><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>
36 min
Magic Johnsonism?
With Matthew Parris, Isabel Hardman and Tim Bale
38 min
Boris’s End Of Term Report
The Prime Minister’s second year under the microscope
31 min
Where The Wild Pings Are
<p><strong>Freedom Week</strong>, a Pingdemic Party, or just a temporary holiday from restrictions that will inevitably come back in autumn? Does the Government really know what it’s doing on unlocking? Plus, who did <strong>Dominic Cummings</strong>’s latest drive-by really damage: Boris Johnson or Cummings himself? And as the rise of <strong>NEDs</strong> or Non-Executive Directors is made public by the unfortunate Gina Coladangelo, do they really add value to Government, or just more cronyism?&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><ul><li><em>“People watching Cummings just think, We elected the Prime Minister, not you, mate.”</em><strong> – Jill Rutter&nbsp;</strong></li><li><em>“Being cautious at the same time as celebrating Freedom Day just doesn’t stack up.”</em><strong> –&nbsp;Alex Thomas</strong></li><li><em>“There's a huge difference between what you're advised to do, and what you're required to do.”</em><strong> –&nbsp;Jill Rutter</strong></li></ul><p><br></p><br><p>Presented by Bronwen Maddox with Jill Rutter, Alex Thomas. Matthew Gill and Tom Sasse. Audio production by Alex Rees. <strong>Inside Briefing is a Podmasters Production for the IfG.&nbsp;</strong></p><br><p><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;</p><br><p><br></p><br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>
35 min
Levelling Up or Spreading the Jam?
With guest Ben Chu, Economics Editor of BBC Newsnight
35 min
COVID: They think it’s all over
With special guest John Rentoul of The Independent
37 min
Hancock: Tryst Issues
With special guest Paul Harrison, former No.10 spokesman
42 min
A Deal Down Under
Plus the dawn of Great British Railways, and Michael Gove transforms government
38 min
G7: There's Summit About Boris
With special guest Tom Newton Dunn of Times Radio
44 min
EXTRA: Future Covid-19 scenarios: how can the w...
<p>Covid-19 will top the agenda at this month's G7 summit in Cornwall. As some countries lift restrictions and near the completion of vaccine rollouts, others face severe outbreaks or progress being derailed by new variants. No country will escape from the Covid crisis alone – a coordinated global plan which covers vaccination, surveillance and health infrastructure is essential.</p><p>To discuss how world leaders can meet these challenges and put in place long-term plans for handling the threat of Covid-19, this Institute for Government event saw&nbsp;an expert panel draw on a&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">series of roundtables</a>&nbsp;organised by the IfG and Wellcome Trust.</p><p>Our panel included:</p><ul><li><strong>Tom Whipple</strong>, Science Editor,&nbsp;<em>The Times</em></li><li><strong>Sir Suma Chakrabarti</strong>, former Permanent Secretary, DfID and the Ministry of Justice, and incoming chair of the Overseas Development Institute. President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development from 2012–20</li><li><strong>Dame Una O’Brien</strong>, former Permanent Secretary, UK Department of Health;&nbsp;Member of Council, London School of Hygiene and Tropical&nbsp;Medicine</li><li><strong>Professor Gagandeep Kang</strong>, Professor in the Department of Gastrointestinal Sciences, Christian Medical College, India and Fellow of the Royal Society.</li></ul><p>The event was chaired by&nbsp;<strong>Alex Thomas</strong>, Programme Director at the Institute for Government.</p><p><a href=";src=typed_query" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong>#IfGG7</strong></a></p><p><em>We would like to thank Wellcome Trust for kindly supporting this event.</em></p><br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>
61 min
The PM: Why ‘unfitness for office’ doesn't matter
<p>What divides the great Prime Ministers from the mediocre and the just plain bad? And how does Boris Johnson measure up in those stakes? Author of <em>The Impossible Office: The History of the British Prime Minister</em> <strong>Sir Anthony Seldon</strong> and former Government advisor <strong>Salma Shah</strong> take us on a deep dive into the harsh realities of the country’s most powerful office. Is Boris Johnson really as bad a PM as Dominic Cummings says he is? And is unfitness for office just a myth?</p><p><em>• “Unfitness for office has never disqualified people as Prime Ministers. The question with Johnson is, was he unfit enough?” – </em><strong><em>Anthony Seldon</em></strong><em>&nbsp;</em></p><p><em>• “One of Prime Ministers’ strengths is a complete lack of self-awareness…&nbsp;Otherwise every day would be a duvet day.</em><strong><em>” –&nbsp;Salma Shah</em></strong></p><p><em>•&nbsp;“Every PM who’s been less successful has lacked that clear, ruthless vision. You must either have it –&nbsp;or history must throw it on your plate.” </em><strong><em>–&nbsp;Anthony Seldon</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>•&nbsp;</em></strong><em>“Sajid Javid had a knack of making your believe any decision was yours and not his.” </em><strong><em>– Salma Shah</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>•&nbsp;</em></strong><em>“So much of being a Prime Minister is a confidence trick. If confidence collapses, as it did for Theresa May, it’s all over.”</em><strong><em> –&nbsp;Anthony Seldon</em></strong></p><p>Presented by Bronwen Maddox with Cath Haddon. Audio production by Alex Rees. <strong>Inside Briefing is a Podmasters Production for the IfG.&nbsp;</strong></p><br><p><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;</p><br><p><br></p><br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>
41 min
Domolition Derby
The fallout from Dominic Cummings’ explosive committee appearance
40 min
Travel: Are You An Amber Gambler?
Plus what to expect from the COVID Inquiry
41 min
The Third Way… by Boris Johnson?
The Queen's Speech plus how Australia tackled COVID
40 min
Elections ’21: Sheer Hartlepool Attack
Super Thursday: an interim report
21 min
Soft Furnishings, Hard Questions
With guest Stephen Daisley of The Spectator
45 min
Accessing your Flexible Friends
With guest Adrian Masters, Political Editor of ITV Cymru Wales
36 min
The Lobbying Scandal: ACOBA on the ropes
<p>The relationship between a failing business and a former prime minister, lobbying in British politics, the rules that guide both ministers and civil servants, and the wider state of standards in public life.&nbsp;Along with former prime minister David Cameron, the Greensill saga has now dragged a growing list of former and current government ministers and officials into its orbit. And it shows no sign of calming down.</p><p>So what are the latest developments, what rules have been broken, what rules aren’t good enough and will the various inquiries now launched actually fix anything?</p><p>A special INSIDE BRIEFING EXTRA brings together IfG’s experts on ministers, civil servants and standards in public life to make sense of it all – and look at the current rules and what now needs to change.</p><p>With</p><ul><li><strong>Hannah White</strong>, IfG deputy director and a former secretary of the committee on&nbsp;<strong>Standards&nbsp;</strong>in Public Life</li><li><strong>Tim Durrant</strong>, IfG associate director, former civil servant and lead for IfG work on ministers</li><li><strong>Alex Thomas</strong>, IfG programme director and a former civil servant at the heart of government</li></ul><p>Presented by&nbsp;<strong>Catherine Haddon</strong>, IfG senior fellow</p><p>Audio production by Candice McKenzie</p><br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>
25 min
Who Judges The Judges?
Judical Review reform with guest Sir Jonathan Jones
32 min
Disintegration Nation
With guest Ailbhe Rae of the New Statesman
40 min
Scandal In The Wind
With special guest Gabriel Pogrund of the Sunday Times
39 min
COVID: The Year of Indecision
With special guest Rafael Behr of The Guardian
42 min
Warheads Revisited – Inside the Integrated Defe...
With guests Sophia Gaston and John McTernan
45 min
The Only Way Is Sussex
With special guest Luke McGee of CNN
42 min