Rock & Roll Politics with Steve Richards

Based on his live one-man show Rock & Roll Politics, the broadcaster and author Steve Richards takes a weekly behind-the-scenes tour of UK politics and the media that shapes the way we view the epic political dramas. The future is ridiculously unpredictable and the past is so easy to misread. Subscribe to your weekly guide through seismic times.

Society & Culture
K Starmer Needs To Change Labour Without 'Takin...
Labour won the Batley and Spen by-election against expectations..immediately K Starmer was urged to use his new space to 'take on his party'. But what does that mean? And what evidence is there that an opposition leader that triggers a 'row' goes on...
48 min
Matt Hancock-A Saga With Many Lessons And Conse...
The Kings Place show on Monday-live in the hall and streamed-will focus on the Hancock saga, delving deep into the many themes, and move on to Cummings and segue into Lord Frosty...We'll reflect on the by-election in Batley and Spen and what it tells...
27 min
The significance of a dramatic by-election result
What will be the consequences of the Conservatives' surprise loss of a by-election? Perhaps there will be none...but I argue that the Lib Dems' victory challenges Boris Johnson's main source of political strength-the perception that he's a...
50 min
Boris Johnson seeks to disown his chosen Brexit...
With breathtaking but unsurprising chutzpah B Johnson and Lord 'Frosty' Frost blame the EU for their own chosen Brexit route. The EU had agreed to T May's Brexit that avoided a border between GB and N.Ireland. Johnson proposed the border to get a deal...
50 min
Lockdown 'Freedom' Day-A Familiar Pattern
  Like a dark thriller the lockdown exits have a familiar pattern-the frenzied focus on a date-Xmas Day, June 21st. Meanwhile the same newspapers and Tory MPs demand 'freedom' irrespective of the data, and B Johnson is inclined to agree with them...
49 min
Ed Miliband-Ideas and Leadership ..And Is D Cum...
Ed Miliband discusses some of the ideas in his new book 'Go Big' and why he feels freer to express his thoughts now compared with when he was Labour leader...Plus reflections on Dominic Cummings...and your latest questions on Labour's future, G7 and T...
70 min
The BBC In Crisis- A Familiar Pattern
The Diana/Bashir crisis is more nuanced than the media frenzy suggests but the layers of BBC 'senior managers', where lines of responsibility are blurred and the output is often a distant consideration, are the constant factors in the various...
53 min
Keir Starmer Gets Advice..From Virtually Everyone
It is a sign that Labour is in crisis when its leader is inundated with advice...much of it contradictory and more vague than the assertive tone of the many contributors to the debate about Labour's future..Listen or read carefully to the likes of...
32 min
Streaming live tonight...the historic finale
Rock N Roll Politics is streaming live from my boudoir for the last time tonight...the theatres are reopening soon! Get you tickets here and see you at 7pm:
1 min
Labour turmoil
The current political situation is like the best political thrillers where nothing is quite what it seems...a contrast to Brexit which was a rollercoaster thriller but all of it on the surface. There were no mysteries. There are lots of mysteries now....
52 min
Does the 'centre ground' exist?
The 'centre ground' is the most overused and imprecise term in British politics. Cameron, Osborne and Blair claim to be on 'the centre ground'. So do most political columnists. The BBC tends to approve of those that call themselves 'centrists'. These...
51 min
Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings
Even if most voters are paying no attention the allegations around B Johnson's integrity and judgement will destabilise Number 10, the wider government...and, indeed, B Johnson, a figure unused to facing consequences of earlier decisions and conduct....
42 min
David Cameron and A Long Serving Government
Imagine if Ed Balls or John McDonnell had been Chancellor.  Cameron would've been in no position to text them. This is partly a saga of one party rule at your questions and who will win the Hartlepool by-election?  The...
32 min
Tonight's live show
Just a quick reminder about tonight's live show and what we'll be doing...including the lessons from the contrasting careers of David Cameron and Shirley Williams, live questions and unreliable predictions.. Tickets here: ...
2 min
A Prince Dies
Such a lot to cram in..BBC's response to Prince Phillip's death, Northern Ireland, Sturgeon v Salmond latest...and I reveal what I'll be covering on this Thursday's Rock N Roll Politics streaming live at 7pm and then available for another week. ...
31 min
Alastair Campbell On K Starmer, T Blair and th...
I'm joined by Alastair Campbell to reflect on Ed Miliband's leadership, Keir Starmer and Tony Blair as he publishes his revelatory diaries that span brilliant questions on A Salmond, K Starmer and the Covid Inquiry...and the latest...
54 min
Salmond V Sturgeon-The Most Significant Twist S...
Alex Salmond sets up a new party and some senior SNP figures defect. Whatever the other consequences defections will be destabilising for N Sturgeon and her team..No parallel is precise but Tory defections to UKIP freaked out the normally too calm D...
47 min
Flying the Flag
The greater the doubt about the UK's place in the world the more it seeks to fly the flag....since the Suez Crisis the UK's sense of itself has been a contradictory mix of jingoism and extreme insecurity.....It's more straightforward for...
44 min
A Quick Reminder
Rock n Roll Politics is streaming live tonight at 7pm...My themes: Covid, Voters and The State; Rishi Sunak-Who is He?; Met Police-Who's in Charge? Plus Predictions, live questions and much more. Tickets here for live show and valid for a week-...
2 min
The Vaccine, Voters and a Reconnection With The...
A preview of Wednesday evening's livestream plus questions on whether the fashion for localism is misplaced, Keir Starmer, the vaccine 'war' and why we should be alarmed that most people in the UK have little or no interest in politics. Tickets for...
40 min
Personalities or Policies-What Matters More?
Tony Benn used to argue it was the policies and not the personalities that mattered. Was he right-with reference to Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon, RIshi Sunak and Boris Johnson? Rock N Roll Politics is streaming live at 7 on Mar 17th. Tickets here:...
45 min
Prime Ministers and Chancellors
The defining relationships in British politics is that between Prime Minister and Chancellor and Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Chancellor...substantial relationships are the key to durable success...bad relationships are a factor in a...
48 min
The Bizarre Rise of Lord 'Frosty' Frost-an Embl...
Lord 'Frosty' Frost is now in the cabinet responsible for the Brexit negotiations that are far from done...Having negotiated a deal that is causing chaos. B Johnson is not a good judge of people...he thought Cummings was his saviour and has yet to see...
39 min
A few words about tonight's Rock N Roll Politic...
My theme for tonight's live stream-Can Keir Starmer win? Plus questions and unreliable in advance and get the wine ready for tonight. The show will then be available for seven days if it clashes with anyone's packed schedules. ...
1 min
Listening to Rock N Roll Politics while walking...
A special focussing on  brilliant questions  from Brexit to Scotland and a mini travelogue as we find out more where we listen to the podcast...from Australia to Germany and on to the great Manchester canal. Join me for the live stream on...
44 min