Outcomes Rocket

At Outcomes Rocket, we are the shared knowledge hub for healthcare's toughest problems. Our goal is twofold and clear. To help inspire and guide our listeners to 1. Improve patient outcomes and 2. Experience business success in healthcare. Tune in to learn more!

Health & Fitness
OR036 Mastering Healthcare Billing and Document...
Improving organization’s coding and performance
25 min
OR035 Interoperability in Healthcare with Neil ...
Adding value to healthcare through well-crafted pieces on patient engagement, population health, social media and quality of care
25 min
OR034 Advancing Precision Health with Linda Mol...
“Being able to utilize the data from RNA for predictive and preventative medicine is the future of outcomes improvement.”
24 min
OR033 Healthcare Consumerism with Suprit Patel,...
Improving lives through advanced patient analytics
27 min
OR032 - How to improve your Population Health E...
Include all the metrics on the dashboard to improve population health
26 min
OR031 Humanizing Healthcare with James "Jamey" ...
Reducing the barriers to care
27 min
OR030 Health Tech and Pink Socks with Nick Adki...
Placing the patient in the center of the health movement
24 min
OR029 Accessible Healthcare with Louis Auguste,...
Adding value to healthcare through Alexapath, a digital pathology tool
27 min
BONUS Episode - $20,000 Invitation to Zynx Heal...
Improving outcomes by pushing for marrying evidence medical content to a patient journey
25 min
OR028 How Reforming Medical Education Will Lea...
Adding value to healthcare through reforming medical education
33 min
OR027 Figuring out the Cost Equation with Rhett...
Create success by leading and serving others
32 min
BONUS Episode: Medstartr Crowdfunding Challeng...
<p><img style= "display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src= "https://assets.libsyn.com/secure/show/100385/AlexFair.jpg" alt="" width="129" height="129" /></p> <p><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexfair/">Alex Fair</a> is a health innovation community leader, product developer, executive, public speaker, and business developer.  With the help of some fantastic people, he has had the great good fortune to have built, managed and done some interesting things. Here are a few of his favorites include MedStartr, HealthCareMD among others which can be found on his LinkedIn profile.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>HERE is YOUR INVITATION: The MedStartr Challenge in November!</strong></p> <p>If before Nov 30th 2017, visit: <a href= "http://medmo17.medstartr.com/">http://medmo17.medstartr.com/</a></p> <p>If after November 30th, visit: crowdchallenges.com</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Here's what you and your team can win!!</strong></span></p> <p>$250,000 in funding</p> <p>$100,000 from Amazon</p> <p>$10,000 from Mad Pow</p> <p>1-week accelerator</p> <p>2 years of support from MedStartr</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>The Best Way To Contact Alex:</strong></p> <p>Office Phone - 530-633-7827</p> <p>Email - alex@medstartr.com</p> <p> </p> <p><em>Alex's Show Notes:</em></p> <p><strong><em>Why healthcare?</em></strong> Started with studying philosophy but after having seen several of his family members die of cancer, he wanted to do something more proximal and directly impactful in healthcare.</p> <p><strong><em>Hot Topic that should healthcare leaders agenda: </em></strong>Innovation in large companies can be challenging.  Keep your eyes on the "3 guys and the dog".  They're innovating and can help you innovate too.</p> <p><strong><em>Exciting project: </em></strong>Working to get 8 new companies in the portfolio.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Closing Thought: </strong>Keep Innovating.  No matter who you are or what you do, don't be afraid to wander and keep creating things.</p> <p> </p>
29 min
OR026 The Care in Healthcare with Eugene Borukh...
Focus on the patient and human behavior
24 min
OR025 Identifying Raw Talent and Letting Patien...
Solid process and engaged individuals help create successful solutions
27 min
OR024 How to Develop an Effective Cybersecurity...
Improving outcomes through effective cybersecurity
35 min
OR023 Transition to Value-Based Care with Joe D...
Delivers ongoing education on regulations and the implications to the practices
24 min
OR022 Efficient Technology = Outstanding Patien...
Delivering big city technology and access to remote locations
22 min
OR021 - Why Patient Stories Matter in Improving...
Depicting the need for clarity and transparency in medical records through painting
24 min
OR020 How to Use Technology Effectively to Addr...
Improving the health of veterans and America
30 min
OR019 Creating Physician Wellness Programs that...
Improving outcomes through physician wellness programs
27 min
OR018 Population Health and Helping Reduce the ...
Improving healthcare through engaging in strategic business plans
33 min
OR17 - Healthcare in Emerging Markets, a focus ...
Providing advice to healthcare companies looking to expand their businesses to improve healthcare outcomes in Latin America
28 min
OR16 How to Adopt Change and Implement Meaningf...
Improving healthcare through innovation
29 min
OR015 - Controlling Chronic Diseases Faster - T...
Providing biomedical and therapeutic care for patients through innovation
29 min
OR014 - Enabling and Implementing Connectivity ...
Helping medical device companies commercialize their products
28 min