Intelligence Squared

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Society & Culture
News Commentary
Mary Beard on Women and Power, with Miriam Gonz...
Mary Beard is Britain’s best known classicist. Widely admired for her scholarship and popular television programmes about the ancient world, she is also one of this country’s most prominent feminists. By refusing to be cowed by the misogynisti...
60 min
James Comey in Conversation with Emily Maitlis ...
When President Trump sacked James Comey as FBI Director in May last year, he ignited a political firestorm with huge implications for American democracy. Comey’s dismissal led to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller to look at possible lin...
72 min
The World Should Recognise Jerusalem As Israel’...
Many of Israel's supporters, including Donald Trump, claim Jerusalem should be recognised as the country's capital city. After all, it has been the Jewish people's spiritual capital for millennia. But will recognising Jerusalem be the de...
60 min
Anshel Pfeffer in conversation with Catherine P...
This week's Intelligence Squared podcast features Anshel Pfeffer, Haaretz journalist and author of Bibi - The Turbulent Life And Times Of Benjamin Netanyahu in conversation with Catherine Philp, diploma...
58 min
The Threat From Russia: Can Putin Be Stopped?
Is Vladimir Putin the most powerful – and dangerous – man in the world? With Putin in the Kremlin, we have returned to an era where former Russian spies are mysteriously poisoned on British soil and where Russia feels emboldened to roll its tanks into ...
59 min
The Disunited States: Is the Trump presidency c...
America has never seen anything like this. Time and again, Donald Trump has attacked the very fabric of US democracy. He has called the press ‘the enemy of the American people’. He says that claims that Russia interfered in the US election are a hoax. ...
58 min
Jordan Peterson on Gender, Patriarchy and the S...
In May 2018, we recorded a special episode of the Intelligence Squared podcast in London. Jordan Peterson, author of 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, was joined by Anne McElvoy, Senior Editor at The Economist and head of Economist Radio, to dis...
57 min
Revere or Remove? The Battle Over Statues, Heri...
To discuss these emotive questions and examine the broader cultural conflicts which lie behind them, Intelligence Squared joined forces with Historic England to bring together a stellar panel.
57 min
The nuclear deal with Iran won't make the world...
For this week's episode we're revisiting our debate from November 2015, "The nuclear deal with Iran won't make the world a safer place". Alan Dershowitz, one of America’s most formidable and celebrated lawyers, and Emily Land...
61 min
Send Them Back: The Parthenon Marbles Should be...
What’s all this nonsense about sending the Parthenon Marbles back to Greece? If Lord Elgin hadn’t rescued them from the Parthenon in Athens and presented them to the British Museum almost 200 years ago, these exquisite sculptures – the finest embodimen...
45 min
Jamie Bartlett in conversation with Helen Lewis...
This week's Intelligence Squared podcast features Jamie Bartlett, tech journalist and author of The People vs Tech in conversation with the New Statesman's Deputy Editor Helen Lewis. In this in-depth discussion on the politi...
53 min
Rembrandt Vs Vermeer: The Titans of Dutch Painting
(For a list of all paintings referenced by Simon Schama and Tracy Chevalier in this debate please go to: van Rijn is the ...
58 min
Psychiatrists & the pharma industry are to blam...
Drug pushers. We tend to associate them with the bleak underworld of criminality. But some would argue that there’s another class of drug pushers, just as unscrupulous, who work in the highly respectable fields of psychiatry and the pharmaceutical indu...
60 min
Hilton Als and Afua Hirsch on Race, Gender and ...
In March 2018, we recorded a special episode of the Intelligence Squared podcast at the Acast studio in east London. Pulitzer prize winning writer and chief theatre critic for The New Yorker Hilton Als was in conversation wit...
37 min
Stop Brexit
It’s time we came to to our senses. Brexit is a disaster and must be stopped. Leave campaigners promised our exit from the European Union would herald a glorious new era – the sunlit uplands of ‘global Britain’, with new trade deals signed in a matter ...
60 min
If You Believe You Are a Citizen of the World, ...
When Theresa May uttered these words at the Tory party conference in 2016, there was uproar. May was targeting the liberal establishment, who flit business class from Mayfair to Monaco, from Davos to Doha; those in positions of power, who, as May put i...
61 min
Disruption Ahead: Will Future Transport Systems...
A transport revolution in our cities is under way. Ride-sharing schemes, driverless cars and electric vehicles look set to bring us all kinds of benefits, such as lower pollution, faster flowing traffic and fewer accidents.But these benefits won’t j...
54 min
The Power of Poetry, with William Sieghart, Jea...
For 15 years, the power of the spoken word has been at the heart of Intelligence Squared’s mission. Argument and debate, we believe, can move, persuade and create real change. Now, in these anxious and divided times, we held a special event that celebr...
84 min
Western Parents Don't Know How to Bring Up Thei...
Why are there so many Chinese maths and music prodigies? Because Chinese mothers believe schoolwork and music practice come first, that an A-minus is a bad grade, that sleepovers, TV and computer games should never be allowed and that the only activity...
59 min
The Left has right on its side
Letís be honest. Itís the political Left that has societyís best interests at heart, that works for the good of all. It has always been the Left that has struggled to protect the weak from the strong, that has fought for workersí rights, for sexual and...
60 min
James Rhodes And Armando Iannucci on the Transf...
In February 2018 Intelligence Squared brought Armando Iannucci and James Rhodes to our stage to discuss the transcendent power of music. Rhodes is known as the wild man of concert pianists. His approach to the piano is raw an...
61 min
Ten Years On: The Financial Crisis and the Stat...
It’s been ten years since we saw suddenly unemployed Lehman Brothers bankers carrying their possessions out of their offices in boxes; since whole neighbourhoods in suburban America turned into empty ghost towns; since the British and American governme...
60 min
Karen Armstrong on Religion and the History of ...
Karen Armstrong has written over 16 books on faith and the major religions, studying what Islam, Judaism and Christianity have in common, and how our faiths have shaped world history and drive current events.She came to the Intelligence Squared stag...
59 min
Brian Cox and Alice Roberts on the Incredible U...
Who are we? Why are we here? Are we alone in the universe? How did we become the creatures that we are? How might we further evolve?These are some of the big questions that Brian Cox and Alice Roberts tackled when they came to the Intelligence Squar...
59 min
Break Up The Tech Giants
It is time to call the tech companies to account. In the space of just ten years, Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft have become the biggest companies on the planet and have accrued a level of power that threatens us all. They control our da...
60 min