Robin Mitchell, "Vénus Noire: Black Women and C...
An interview with Robin Mitchell
60 min
Jenn Shapland, "My Autobiography of Carson Mccu...
An interview Jenn Shapland
44 min
Justine Howe, "The Routledge Handbook of Islam ...
An interview with Justine Howe
37 min
Miriam Kalman Friedman, "Rivers of Light: The L...
An interview with Miriam Kalman Friedman.
56 min
Kim T. Gallon, "Pleasure in the News: African A...
An interview with Kim T. Gallon
69 min
Stanley J. Rabinowitz, "And Then Came Dance: Th...
An interview with Stanley Rabinowitz
79 min
Michal S. Raucher, "Conceiving Agency: Reproduc...
Raucher explores the ways ultra-Orthodox Jewish women in Israel make decisions about their reproductive lives...
55 min
Erica Armstrong Dunbar, "Never Caught: The Wash...
Dunbar offers a powerful narrative of Ona Judge, George and Martha Washington’s runaway slave who risked everything to escape the nation’s capital and reach freedom...,
59 min
Martha S. Jones, "Vanguard: How Black Women Bro...
An interview with Martha S. Jones
60 min
Mithu Sanyal, "Rape: From Lucretia to #MeToo" (...
Sanyal covers the history of rape as well as of our divergent and misguided conceptions for it...
36 min
Stacie Taranto and Leandra Zarnow, "Suffrage at...
An interview with Stacie Taranto and Leandra Zarnow
Barton shows how France welcomed foreign-born men and women, mobilizing naturalization, family law, social policy, and welfare assistance to ensure they would procreate, bearing French-assimilated children...
60 min
Lessie Jo Frazier, "Desired States: Sex, Gender...
Lessie Jo Frazier contends that desire played a central role in the political culture of the modern Chilean state.,,,
Ruby follows the legal debates and public discussions that surrounded the proposed shari‘ah tribunals in Canada from 2003 to 2006...
69 min
Andrea Pető, "The Women of the Arrow Cross Part...
Pető analyses the actions, background, connections and the eventual trials of Hungarian female perpetrators in the Second World War through the concept of invisibility.
54 min
Elizabeth Son, "Embodied Reckonings: 'Comfort W...
In a bustling city-center of Seoul, women in yellow vests protesting over the “final” resettlement between the Japanese and Korean governments every Wednesday is an iconic sight, testifying to the strength and resilience of the “comfort women” movement...
42 min
Victoria Phillips, "Martha Graham's Cold War: T...
Phillips adeptly tells the story of Martha Graham's role as diplomat, arts innovator, and dancer...