Wednesday Wonders

From the Mutual Audio Network, Wednesday Wonders is the award-winning weekly collection of modern audio drama and audio fiction in the genres of science-fiction and fantasy. In a million different worlds, universes apart, and yet right next to you. Wednesday Wonders is exciting Audio!

Performing Arts
The Leviathan Chronicles: Chapter 32 – A Glitte...
The Leviathan Chronicles is a revolutionary science fiction audio drama podcast featuring the voices of over 60 actors, professional sound effects and an original music soundtrack. Think of it as a blockbuster movie for your ears! 
32 min
Wednesday Wonders for August 26th, 2020
Your Weekly Audio Drama Anthology of Science Fiction & Fantasy from Mutual Audio!
1 min
Jesse James Meets Frankenstein
The incredible B-Flick Horror Audio Series from Charles Pratt!
53 min
Rip Jarvis of the Space Cadets #24
The comedic science fiction pulp series from 4077th Productions and All Better Audio!
7 min
The Leviathan Chronicles: Chapter 31 – Matchpoint
The Leviathan Chronicles is a revolutionary science fiction audio drama podcast featuring the voices of over 60 actors, professional sound effects and an original music soundtrack. Think of it as a blockbuster movie for your ears! 
30 min
Wednesday Wonders for August 19th, 2020
Your Weekly Audio Drama Anthology of Science Fiction & Fantasy from Mutual Audio!
1 min
Attack of the Giant Leeches
The incredible B-Flick Horror Audio Series from Charles Pratt!
18 min
Rip Jarvis of the Space Cadets #23
The comedic science fiction pulp series from 4077th Productions and All Better Audio!
5 min
The Leviathan Chronicles: Chapter 30 – Into The...
The Leviathan Chronicles is a revolutionary science fiction audio drama podcast featuring the voices of over 60 actors, professional sound effects and an original music soundtrack. Think of it as a blockbuster movie for your ears! 
24 min
Wednesday Wonders for August 12th, 2020
Your Weekly Audio Drama Anthology of Science Fiction & Fantasy from Mutual Audio!
1 min
Plan 9 from Outer Space
The incredible B-Flick Horror Audio Series from Charles Pratt!
40 min
Rip Jarvis of the Space Cadets #22
The comedic science fiction pulp series from 4077th Productions and All Better Audio!
6 min
The Leviathan Chronicles: Chapter 29 – Out of t...
The Leviathan Chronicles is a revolutionary science fiction audio drama podcast featuring the voices of over 60 actors, professional sound effects and an original music soundtrack. Think of it as a blockbuster movie for your ears! 
32 min
Wednesday Wonders for August 5th, 2020
Your Weekly Audio Drama Anthology of Science Fiction & Fantasy from Mutual Audio!
1 min
Colossus of New York
The incredible B-Flick Horror Audio Series from Charles Pratt!
15 min
Rip Jarvis of the Space Cadets #21
The comedic science fiction pulp series from 4077th Productions and All Better Audio!
6 min
The Leviathan Chronicles: Chapter 28 – Unforgiv...
The Leviathan Chronicles is a revolutionary science fiction audio drama podcast featuring the voices of over 60 actors, professional sound effects and an original music soundtrack. Think of it as a blockbuster movie for your ears! 
22 min
Wednesday Wonders for July 29th, 2020
Your Weekly Audio Drama Anthology of Science Fiction & Fantasy from Mutual Audio!
1 min
A feature from Planet Retcon and Wesley Clifford!
13 min
Rip Jarvis of the Space Cadets #20
The comedic science fiction pulp series from 4077th Productions and All Better Audio!
6 min
The Leviathan Chronicles: Chapter 27 – Ascensio...
The Leviathan Chronicles is a revolutionary science fiction audio drama podcast featuring the voices of over 60 actors, professional sound effects and an original music soundtrack. Think of it as a blockbuster movie for your ears! 
47 min
Wednesday Wonders for July 22nd, 2020
Your Weekly Audio Drama Anthology of Science Fiction & Fantasy from Mutual Audio!
1 min
Soul Patrol #7 - Fortunate Soldier
The fantastic series that sounds heavenly from David Koenigsberg!
32 min
Rip Jarvis of the Space Cadets #19
The comedic science fiction pulp series from 4077th Productions and All Better Audio!
5 min
The Leviathan Chronicles: Chapter 26 – The Cast...
The Leviathan Chronicles is a revolutionary science fiction audio drama podcast featuring the voices of over 60 actors, professional sound effects and an original music soundtrack. Think of it as a blockbuster movie for your ears! 
31 min