My Camino - the podcast

A weekly podcast featuring interviews with pilgrims from around the world who have walked the many paths to the remains of Christ's Apostle St James in Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain. Hosted by Sydney broadcaster and producer Dan Mullins, My Camino - the Podcast explores pilgrims' motivation for undertaking their Camino, what they carried, where they stayed, how far they walked each day and many other questions. Dan and his guests also explore the mystical nature of the Camino ~ and what makes it so special to so many pilgrims from around the globe. If you're a pilgrim or are thinking of walking the Camino de Santiago, this podcast is for you. Sponsor Dan via or

Places & Travel
Health & Fitness
Yoga on the Way: Sarah's story of transformation
The softening of the heart: A conversation with Sarah Daley
58 min
Cans to Camino: A journey of love and adventure
A Teacher's Camino journey: spreading joy and hope
59 min
Michelle Pietroboni walks alone to find her inn...
Walking a Camino to grieve a favourite Aunty
62 min
A pilgrim's love for his father in a new book
The pilgrimage of life as a Cop's Son
51 min
A revisit of my chat with Scottish musician Ama...
Tears and joy in finding your creative life on the Camino
61 min
Simon and Linda celebrate the joy and community...
Joy and community: the Camino
45 min
Veronica Soebarto experienced miracles on the C...
Being open to the miracles of prayer and love
61 min
A tribute to a Camino guitar
Seven years and almost 500 gigs worth of stories
42 min
Ty and Marguerite are world travellers about to...
A family affair on the Camino
43 min
The joy of a cup and saucer on the Camino
A cup of tea brings joy to an Aussie pilgrim
51 min
Father and daughter creating lifelong Camino me...
Harvey and Maya Jade Chiang are father/daughter pilgrims
50 min
Diving deep on the Camino: Wisdom of the Way
An Aussie in Spain talks to an Aussie about the Camino!
50 min
A Camino in honour of a friend who died on the ...
Two Kenneths found friendship, before one died on the Camino
27 min
A Thousand Prayers / (on the Camino Frances)
Australian pilgrim Elizabeth Eastland's new Camino art exhibition
54 min
Mexican pilgrim Jose Martinez takes us on the w...
The world's great pilgrimages teach us life is a Camino
55 min
A British singing pilgrim finds inspiration on ...
British pilgrim Sarah Justine Packwood finds love and light on the Camino
61 min
Walking the DreamWay from Munich to Venice
A dream way in Europe is not really a Camino - but magic just the same
49 min
Why you should consider walking the Via Tolosana
A Camino with a difference in ancient France
60 min
Chris Lavers: How the Camino puts a smile on yo...
How the Camino can help you clear your mind
43 min
South Africa's Cape Camino is a journey of a li...
South Africa's south west coast plays host to a pilgrimage of a lifetime
47 min
The Way My Way: A preview of Bill Bennett's new...
Bill Bennett and Dan talk about Bill's new Camino film
60 min
Darene Puttergill: how the Camino defines our soul
A deep dive on the spiritual and soulful journey of pilgrimage
55 min
Walking the Camino as a family with faith
A family of pilgrims from the US finds love and faith on the Camino
64 min
Tessa and Dana talk about a family Camino full ...
Walking the Camino as a family on a journey of discovery
55 min
Canadian pilgrim Cindy McGann: growing within, ...
If you're thinking of walking the Camino, this episode is for you
61 min