Cafe Mocha Radio

Radio from A Woman's Perspective - Experience Our Flavor. Café Mocha hosts comedienne and actress Loni Love, hip hop legend YoYo and broadcast veteran Angelique Perrin bring their own distinct point of view to today’s issues, social commentary, celebrity interviews, and self-help advise all to empower your weekend with the best back drop of urban contemporary music. If it’s the Weekend, it’s Café Mocha!

News & Politics
Entertainment News
Society & Culture
KEM: No Longer R&B's Best Kept Secret
KEM: No Longer R&B's Best Kept SecretWith “Lie to Me” marking KEM’s 6th #1 song, he’s no longer “R&B’s Best Kept Secret!” He joins us to share his life and gets candid about marriage and tips on finding true love. Plus, we're kicking off the 10th Annual ...
19 min
Stand In Soulidarity: It's Time For A Change
Stand In Soulidarity: It's Time For A ChangeStand in Soulidarity! Black Lives Matter was formed in response to the death of Trayvon Martin. This weekend, Sybrina Fulton talks about Black Lives Matter today, the death of George Floyd and why she feels it’...
21 min
Worth The Wait
Worth The Wait It’s been “Worth The Wait!” This weekend, Tank talks about life in quarantine, making music from home and the ups and downs of his career. #WorthTheWait #CafeMochaRadio #WeekendRadio
20 min
Our Unconditional Terms For Peace
D.L. Hughley's got a new book called “Surrender White People” and we’ll get into Trump, the protests and surviving Covid-19. This week’s SWAG Award goes to President and CEO of The National Urban League Marc Morial for his work in our community. #weeken...
17 min
The Commitment March
The Commitment MarchRev. Al Sharpton joins us to talk about the National Action Network’s upcoming Commitment March: Get Your Knee Off Our Necks marking the 47th Anniversary of the March on Washington and his issues with the Trump Administration. Plus, “...
19 min
Fun & Finances
Fun & Finances   Tommy Davidson of “In Living Color” shares stories of being raised by a white family in the suburbs that’s in his recent book “Living In Color.” If you’re worried about your money now that COVID-19 relief funds are coming to an end, The ...
23 min
IT'S SUMMER MADNESS...This weekend on Café Mocha, it’s Summer Madness with Robert Bell of Kool & The Gang. Also, branding guru Rushion McDonald joins us to talk about staying safe and sane during the COVID-19 pandemic. #SummerMadness #WearYourMask #Weeke...
24 min
One Word....Stokley!
ONE WORD….STOKLEY!    You may have first heard his voice with Mint Condition but today Stokley's got his very own #1 hit single “She…” as a solo artist. He joins Cafe Mocha to talk about his upcoming album 'Sankofu' and its roots from Ghana, raising kids...
23 min
We Declare Victory
Karen Clark Sheard joins us to celebrate The Clark Sisters biopic, 17th album and reminisce on Bonnie Pointer and the Pointer Sisters.  Plus, you don’t want to miss the premiere of our new Café Mocha 2 Go digital series featuring ‘what’s hot’ and our sis...
30 min
Celebrating Our Heritage
CELEBRATING OUR HERITAGE   Café Mocha is Celebrating Juneteenth and Father’s Day with Anthony Hamilton. He talks about his new song featuring Rick James, words of advice from his father, the importance of hard work and heritage building. #Fathersday #Bla...
24 min
Time To Take Action!
Time To Take Action!Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee unveiled a bill this week to address the death of George Floyd. She talks about COVID-19, the protests and why this is nothing like she's ever seen. And newly appointed Joe Biden senior advisor and Café Mocha 2...
22 min
#TheShowMustBePaused  Just when we thought it couldn't get worse, the protests begin. WH journalist April D. Ryan joins us to break down the media coverage. Plus, we’re celebrating Black Music Month with Ro James who has a brand new album. #CafeMochaRadi...
22 min
Now Streaming
  NOW STREAMING… It’s all about the men this week on Café Mocha Radio, some know David A. Arnold as a writer of our favorite black sitcoms and others from his Instagram. But, we get to know him in his new Netflix stand up special “Fat Ballerina.” And Mic...
21 min
Laughter Is Good For The Soul
Laughter Is Good For The Soul Comedian Deon Cole spends Memorial Day weekend with Café Mocha. There’s one thing he’s not laughing about…the pandemic. He’s got some words for the US Government and everybody throwing parties back in his hometown of Chicago...
22 min
Essence Turns 50!
ESSENCE TURNS 50!  ESSENCE turns 50 and supermodel Naomi Campbell graces the cover and we’re sharing what’s in the pages of this milestone issue…  The coronavirus has had a devastating effect on our lives. Outside of our health, most people are worried ...
21 min
A Legendary Mother's Day
Happy Mother’s Day! Café Mocha is spending Mother’s Day with  a mother of 4,  the 1st African-American Miss America, successful singer and actress Vanessa Williams. She reminisces about being a showbiz mom, life in quarantine and dressing up as Dolly Par...
21 min
The Future of R&B
Next time on Cafe Mocha, it’s the future of R&B. HER talks about that time she was told people wouldn’t understand her if she played guitar. Plus, Philip Bailey of EW&F talk about being the first R&B group to receive the Kennedy Center Honors. Plus, Step...
18 min
Surviving the Coronavirus
SURVIVING COVID-19 What's it like to survive COVID-19? Dr. Michele Reed owns her own practice, is the married mother of twins and was constantly on the go until she was temporarily sidelined by the novel coronavirus. She takes us inside her personal batt...
21 min
Financial Literacy Month
Over 22 million people have filed for unemployment since the COVID-19 hit. Even if your job has been spared, we’re all worried about what this pandemic will do to our finances.    This week  Tiffany the Budgetnista gives tips and ideas for handling our ...
21 min
Stay In and Stay Safe!
Stay In and Stay Safe…As we work to keep our faith, we’ve got transformation leader Cheryl Polote-Williamson to help us stay focused during this season. Kool & The Gang’s, Robert ‘Kool’ Bell stops by and reminisces on the evolution of the 40th anniversar...
19 min
Living In Living Color!
Living in Living Color…. This week on Café Mocha, he was on the trailblazing show In Living Color. Tommy Davidson stops by Cafe Mocha to talk about his new book and the return of the Proud Family.  We’ve got our favorite doctor  Dr. Tartt with tips for...
20 min
We Got You!
WE GOT YOU!!!!! Keeping you informed and entertained like we always do. Dr. Steve Perry from Capital Prep in Harlem gives tips on what to do with your kids while they are home. And Dr. Michele educates on us why we MUST be 6 feet apart and we check in w...
18 min
Weathering The Storm
WEATHERING THE STORM....This week on Café Mocha we’re helping you get through the storm of COVID-19 with advice from Dr. Idries Abdur-Rahman and Dr. LaJoyce Brookshire on the front line helping to beat this virus.Plus, filmmaker Deborah Riley Draper gi...
20 min
It's Voting Season! Bernie vs. Biden with Rolan...
It's voting season! Roland Martin is here to talk politics and he holds no punches. Roland talks about Biden and the Black vote, Bernie and the Latino vote, and the fight for The White House............Next time on Cafe Mocha
19 min
Celebrating Women's History Month
It’s Women’s History Month. We’re looking at the life of the NASA mathematician Katherine Johnson featured in the movie Hidden Figures. We’re talking to Egypt Sherrod about going from radio to flipping houses on television and her struggles with motherho...
18 min