
Wherever you are on your journey to glorify God, we’re so glad you’re here. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Religion & Spirituality
Freedom from a Self-Focused Life with Ruth Chou...
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, we're chatting with Ruth Chou Simons about freedom from a self-focused life. The heart of what we discuss is how gazing at the beauty of the gospel draws our eyes to Christ, enabling us to walk in the...
54 min
Anxiety and Depression with Christine Gordon an...
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, we’re talking about anxiety and depression. I asked my friends Hope Blanton and Christine Gordon to join me because Hope is a trained counselor and Christine has formal theological training....
47 min
Comparison with Abigail Dodds
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, we’re continuing our ten-part series living in light of redemption. Today we're chatting with Abigail Dodds about comparison and we're willing to bet her take on it will leave you with a lot to chew...
48 min
Living in Light of Redemption with Nancy DeMoss...
In this episode of the Journeywomen podcast Hunter talks with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth about how the little pieces of our story nestle themselves in the context of the greater story of redemption. Nancy has touched the lives of millions of women through...
56 min
The Mission of the Church with Trillia Newbell
Today I’m chatting with Trillia Newbell on the mission of the church. We talked about everything from how we see the ancient church fulfilling the mission they were given by Jesus to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name...
34 min
Unity in the Church with Elizabeth Woodson
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, I chatted with Elizabeth Woodson about unity in the church. So you’ll know her a little better, Elizabeth is a passionate Bible teacher whose deepest desire is to know Christ and to make Him known!...
49 min
Women's Roles in the Church with Mary Willson
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, I’m chatting with Mary Willson about women’s roles in the church. We’re praying this conversation will serve as a catalyst to dig into the Word and to pursue further dialogue with women in your...
62 min
Spiritual Gifts and the Church with Matt Lantz
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, I’m chatting with Matt Lantz about serving the Body of Christ with our spiritual gifts. Matt gave us an overview of the purpose and function of each of the spiritual gifts and how we can go about...
58 min
What to Do When Church Gets Hard with Kristie A...
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, I chatted with Kristie Anyabwile about what to do when church gets hard. We ran the gamut on what kind of stuff makes church difficult and why it’s important that we press in, even when it’s...
58 min
Church History with Michael Haykin
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, I’m chatting with Dr. Michael Haykin about church history! Dr. Haykin is the chair and professor of Church History at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY and Director of the...
58 min
Glorifying God through Corporate Worship with S...
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, I’m chatting with Sandra McCracken about worshipping the Lord together in the context of corporate worship. We talk about what worship is, and what it isn’t, and ultimately, that it’s not about...
43 min
Finding a Local Church with Mark Dever
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, I’m chatting with Dr. Mark Dever about finding a healthy church. So you’ll know him a little better, Dr. Mark has served as the senior pastor of CHBC (Capitol Hill Baptist Church) since 1994 and as...
30 min
The Local Church with Susan Hunt
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, I’m chatting with Susan Hunt about the local church! One of our mutual friends rightly stated that Susan bleeds ecclesiology, or the theology of the church. After talking with her, I couldn’t agree...
54 min
The Global Church with Gloria Furman
Today I’m chatting with Gloria Furman on the global Church. So you’ll know her a little better, Gloria (MACE, Dallas Theological Seminary) is a wife, mother of four, cross-cultural worker, editor, and writer. In 2008 her family moved to the Middle...
58 min
Ask Us Anything with Brooks Beless
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen I’m chatting with my very own Brooks Beless! If this is your first episode and you have no idea who that is, Brooks is my husband of seven years as of today! Today we answered questions you submitted on...
43 min
Remembering with Betsy Gómez
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast I’m chatting with Betsy Gómez about remembering. We talked about everything from why it’s important for us to practice the discipline of remembrance to how actually doing so impacts our everyday...
40 min
When the Holidays are Hard with Amy Waters
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, I brought back my friend Amy Waters to discuss navigating the holidays when it just feels hard! We covered it all, from unmet holiday expectations to weightier stuff, like gathering together after the...
54 min
Gratitude and Hospitality with Mary Mohler
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, I’m chatting with Mary Mohler about gratitude and hospitality. We talk about everything from where we see hospitality modeled in the Bible to how the gospel actually enables us to be grateful and...
47 min
Advent with Amanda Bible Williams
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, I’m chatting with Amanda Bible Williams of about all things Advent! We talked about everything from what Advent is, to what it means for us personally. So you’ll know her a little better, Amanda...
44 min
Authentic Friendship with Catherine Parks
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, I’m chatting with Catherine Parks about authentic friendships. We talked about everything from the role of confession, repentance, and prayer in our friendships to how the gospel actually restores...
55 min
Intentional Question Asking | Bonus Episode wit...
Hey ya’ll! Welcome to an extra, bonus episode of the Journeywomen podcast! If you’re new here, it isn’t our custom to release bonus episodes, but there’s an important contribution to our conversation from that we didn’t have time to cover...
9 min
The Art of Asking Intentional Questions with La...
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, I’m chatting with Lauren Weir on the topic of asking intentional questions. Y’all know that question-asking is one of my favorite topics, and let me be the first to say that Lauren absolutely...
57 min
The Will of God with Jen Wilkin
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast I’m chatting with Jen Wilkin on the topic of knowing the will of God, one of the most requested topics we’ve received to date! If for some reason you aren’t familiar with Jen Wilkin, she’s a...
44 min
Hope When It Hurts with Sarah Walton
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, I’m chatting with Sarah Walton on the topic of hope when it hurts. We talked about everything from Sarah’s own experience with suffering to how we can remind ourselves of the gospel, even in the...
61 min
Studying the Word with Elyse Fitzpatrick
On today’s episode of the Journeywomen podcast, I’m chatting with Elyse Fitzpatrick on the topic of being a student of the Bible. We talked about everything from what Elyse would tell her 20-or-30-year-old self about Bible study to what has...
57 min