New Books in Literary Studies

Interviews with Scholars of Literature about their New Books

Discussion of Massive Online Peer Review and Op...
In the information age, knowledge is power. Hence, facilitating the access to knowledge to wider publics empowers citizens and makes societies more democratic...
29 min
Andrew Sobanet, "Generation Stalin:  French Wri...
How did Rolland, and other French leftists, come to celebrate and actively promote the authoritarian regime of Joseph Stalin?
54 min
T. Troianowska and A. Polakowska, "Being Poland...
The volume provides an overview of Polish culture and literature that absorbs local and global experiences.
39 min
Anindita Banerjee, "Science Fiction Circuits of...
How do we project imagined worlds?
37 min
Susan Carlile, "Charlotte Lennox: An Independen...
Though not as well known today as some of her literary contemporaries, Charlotte Lennox wrote numerous works during the mid-18th century that won her critical acclaim...
64 min
Richard Salomon, "The Buddhist Literature of An...
One of the great archeological finds of the 20th century, the Gandhāran Buddhist Texts, dating from the 1st century CE, are the oldest Buddhist manuscripts ever discovered...
55 min
Bradford Vivian, "Commonplace Witnessing: Rheto...
In this book, Dr. Vivian asks readers to reconsider our almost sacred regard for the act of witnessing in public culture,,,
58 min
Adrienne Brown, "The Black Skyscraper: Architec...
In this bold and deeply interdisciplinary work, Brown demonstrates the centrality of race to modern architectural design...
74 min
Oded Nir, "Signatures of Struggle: The Figurati...
Nir shows how the postmodern turn in the 1980s expressed a crisis of social and historical imagination...
44 min
Pema Tseden, "Enticement" (SUNY Press 2018)
66 min
Gil Ben-Herut, "Śiva’s Saints: The Origins of D...
Studies of Hindu saints tend to focus primarily on the saints themselves—their words, teachings, and practices—rather than tending to the often complex and complicated world of texts and traditions about those saints...
68 min
R. B. Jamieson, "Jesus’ Death and Heavenly Offe...
When and where did Jesus offer himself to God?
47 min
Richard Gombrich, "Buddhism and Pali" (Mud Pie ...
Far more than just an introductory book, Richard argues not only that the Pali Canon records the words of the Buddha, but that the Buddha himself is responsible for the Pali language...
68 min
Aimée Israel-Pelletier, "On the Mediterranean a...
Aimée Israel-Pelletier looks at the work of five Egyptian Jewish writers...
32 min
Shanna de la Torre, "Sex for Structuralists: Th...
What might Levi-Strauss and structuralism have to offer to psychoanalysis beyond the incest prohibition and the Oedipus complex?
60 min
Janelle Adsit, "Toward an Inclusive Creative Wr...
What do students who enter creative-writing classrooms encounter as these young men and women hope to discover who they are and can be as writers?
51 min
M. Evans, S. Moore, and H. Johnstone, "Detectin...
How can detective fiction explain the social world?
38 min
Omid Safi, “Radical Love: Teachings from the Is...
Its often touted that Rumi is one of the best-selling poets in the United States...
74 min
Nicholas J. Moore, "Repetition in Hebrews: Plur...
s repetition always bad? The Letter to the Hebrews lies at the heart of a tradition that views repetition always negative...
23 min
Alan Jacobs, "The Year of Our Lord 1943: Christ...
Drawing on interventions made at the height of global war by T. S. Eliot, W. H. Auden, C. S. Lewis, Simone Weil and Jacques Maritain, Jacobs shows how leading intellectuals worried about a world in crisis and how they imagined it might be set right...
47 min
Andrew S. Curran, "Diderot and the Art of Think...
Denis Diderot has long been regarded as one of the leading figures of the French Enlightenment...
62 min
Victoria Brownlee, "Biblical Readings and Liter...
Victoria Brownlee is the author of an exciting new contribution to discussions of early modern religion and literature...
35 min
James Baldwin, "Little Man, Little Man: A Story...
This 2018 reprint of Little Man, Little Man exemplifies communal and collaborative textual production.
36 min
James R. Rush, "Hamka's Great Story: A Master W...
From Indonesia’s declaration of independence in 1945 up until today, the relationship between Indonesian nationalism, Islam, and modernity has been a key subject of debate...
42 min
Ana Paulina Lee, "Mandarin Brazil: Race, Repres...
In her new book, Mandarin Brazil: Race, Representation, and Memory (Stanford University Press, 2018), Ana Paulina Lee (Columbia University) analyzes representations of the Chinese in Brazilian culture...
68 min