New Books in Literary Studies

Interviews with Scholars of Literature about their New Books

Emilia Nielsen, "Disrupting Breast Cancer Narra...
Nielsen argues that the happy stories of breast cancer survivors are so common that any other types of narrative almost require an apology...
21 min
Claire Chambers, “Making Sense of Contemporary ...
Chambers outlines Muslim cultural production during this period through a literary analysis of the senses, especially those beyond the visual...
44 min
Eleanor Parker, "Dragon Lords: The History and ...
For all of their prominence in the popular imagination today, the historical record of the Viking presence in England is limited...
19 min
John L. Brooke, "'There Is a North': Fugitive S...
Inspired by brave fugitives who escaped slavery and the cultural craze that was "Uncle Tom’s Cabin," the North rose up to battle slavery, ultimately waging the bloody Civil War.
64 min
Alberto Cairo, "How Charts Lie: Getting Smarter...
We’ve all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words, but what if we don’t understand what we’re looking at?
54 min
Claudia Moscovici, "Holocaust Memories: A Surve...
As Holocaust survivors pass away, their legacy of suffering, tenacity and courage could be forgotten. It is up to each generation to commemorate the victims...
28 min
Kerry Driscoll, "Mark Twain among the Indians a...
Driscoll charts the development of the writer’s ethnocentric attitudes about Indians and savagery in relation to the various geographic and social milieus of communities he inhabited at key periods in his life...
94 min
Caroline Weber, “Proust’s Duchess” (Knopf, 2019)
Weber has done the painstaking research to find out who were the real-life people on whom Proust modeled some of the most memorable characters...
69 min
Ann K. McClellan, "Sherlock’s World: Fan Fictio...
McClellan explores fan fiction inspired by one of the most-watch BBC series in history...
66 min
Richard F. Thomas, "Why Bob Dylan Matters" (Dey...
When the Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to Bob Dylan in 2016, a debate raged...
64 min
Lian Xi, "Blood Letters: The Untold Story of Li...
In 1960, a poet and journalist named Lin Zhao was arrested by the Communist Party of China and sent to prison for re-education...
75 min
Kelsey Rubin-Detlev, "The Epistolary Art of Cat...
Rubin-Detlev evaluates the place that Catherine sought to occupy in the intellectual and cultural landscape of her time...
56 min
Elizabeth Chiles Shelburne, "Holding Onto Nothi...
Lucy Kilgore has her bags packed for her escape from her rural Tennessee upbringing...
23 min
Mark Alizart, "Dogs" (Polity, 2019)
Alizart offers us a surprising new portrait of the dog as thinker―a thinker who may perhaps know the true secret of our humanity...
44 min
Liz Gloyn, "Tracking Classical Monsters in Popu...
What is it about ancient monsters that popular culture still finds so enthralling?
65 min
Paula McQuade, "Catechisms and Women’s Writing ...
McQuade opens up an entirely new field for the study of early modern women’s writing,..
32 min
Jim Clarke, "Science Fiction and Catholicism: T...
Science fiction has had an obsession with Roman Catholicism for over a century...
42 min
John Shelton Reed, "Dixie Bohemia: A French Qua...
In the years following World War I, the New Orleans French Quarter attracted artists and writers with its low rents, faded charm, and colorful street life...
47 min
Annabel L. Kim, "Unbecoming Language: Anti-Iden...
Kim tangles with the question of difference so central to French feminism, theory...
58 min
Emily Wilson, trans., "The Odyssey" (Norton, 2017)
Wilson’s "Odyssey" captures the beauty and enchantment of this ancient poem...
65 min
Kathryn Conrad on University Press Publishing
What do university presses do, and how do they do it?
37 min
Tamara Hundorova, "The Post-Chornobyl Library: ...
Hundorova has written a compelling study of the literary changes that mark Ukrainian literature at the end of the 20th century...
45 min
J. Neuhaus, "Geeky Pedagogy: A Guide for Intell...
The things that make people academics do not necessarily make them good teachers...
29 min
Andrew Hobbs, "A Fleet Street In Every Town: Th...
The dominance of the London press in the British national media has long overshadowed the presence of local newspapers in Great Britain...
43 min
Vishwa Adluri and Joydeep Bagchee, "Philology a...
The Hindu great epic, Mahābhārata, exists today in hundreds of variant manuscripts across India...
65 min