New Books in Literary Studies

Interviews with Scholars of Literature about their New Books

Carol Zaleski, "The Fellowship: The Literary Li...
Starting in the early 1930s, a small group of academics and writers met weekly in a pub in Oxford, England to discuss literature, religion, and ideas. Known as the Inklings...
59 min
Great Books: Benjamin Reiss on Thoreau's "Walden"
Thoreau, set out for a simpler, more mindful, and more deeply lived life on Walden Pond on July 4th, 1845...
58 min
Abdullah Qodiriy, "Bygone Days" (Bowker, 2019)
Mark Reese’s recent translation of Abdullah Qodiriy’s 1920s novel "Bygone Days" brings an exemplary piece of modern Uzbek literature to English-speaking audiences...
61 min
Misguided Bias: How Revisionism May Have Distor...
An interview with Adam Talib
8 min
D. J. Taylor, "The Lost Girls: Love and Literat...
Who were the Lost Girls?
20 min
Great Books: Glenn Wallis on Gibran's "The Prop...
Kahlil Gibran’s 1923 The Prophet is book that’s changed people’s lives...
63 min
Catherine A. Stewart, "Long Past Slavery: Repre...
Stewart examines the history behind the collection of more than 2,300 narratives from formerly enslaved people, as part of the New Deal’s Federal Writers’ Project...
70 min
K. Linder et al., "Going Alt-Ac: A Guide to Alt...
If you’re a grad student facing the ugly reality of finding a tenure-track job, you could easily be forgiven for thinking about a career change...
36 min
Great Books: Catherine Stimpson on de Beauvior'...
51 min
Helen Taylor, "Why Women Read Fiction: The Stor...
Why and how is fiction important to women?
29 min
Keri Holt, "Reading These United States: Federa...
Holt explores how Americans read, saw, and understood the federal structure of the country in its early years...
34 min
Emily Colbert Cairns, "Esther in Early Modern I...
Colbert Cairns traces the biblical figure of Esther, the secret Jewish Queen, as she is reinvented as the patron saint for the early modern Sephardic community....
51 min
Great Books: Rich Blint on James Baldwin's "Ano...
James Baldwin's appeal and admonition ring as true as they did in the 1960s, when the novelist became the nation's conscience...
63 min
Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, "The Dark Fantastic: Ra...
Thomas dives into the question of, why magical stories are written for some people and not for others...
63 min
Eileen Botting, "The Wollstonecraftian Mind" (R...
A political and moral thinker and a forerunner to modern feminism, Wollstonecraft has not received attention on par with the wide breath of her ideas...
66 min
Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, "Sisters and Rebels: A Str...
Seeking their fortunes in the North, Grace and Katharine Lumpkin reinvented themselves as radical thinkers whose literary works and organizing efforts brought the nation’s attention to issues of region, race, and labor.
37 min
Tobias Boes, "Thomas Mann's War: Literature, Po...
Boes traces how the acclaimed and bestselling author became one of America's most prominent anti-fascists and the spokesperson for a German cultural ideal that Nazism had perverted...
87 min
Gonzalo Lamana, "How 'Indians' Think: Colonial ...
Lamana carefully investigates the writings of Indigenous intellectuals of the Andean region during Spanish colonialism...
46 min
Ingrid Horrocks, "Women Wanderers and the Writi...
Ingrid Horrocks talks about the way women travelers, specifically women wanderers, are represented in late-eighteenth century literature, particularly in the work of women writers...
31 min
Great Books: Jared Stark on Virginia Woolf's "T...
“On or around December 1910, human character changed.”
40 min
Barbara Spackman, "Accidental Orientalists: Mod...
Spackman’s riveting study identifies a strand of what it calls “Accidental Orientalism” in narratives by Italians who found themselves in Ottoman Egypt and Anatolia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries...
45 min
Abdulhamid Sulaymon o’g’li Cho’lpon, "Night and...
Fort gives readers a chance to dive into the world of early 20th century Uzbek literature and understand the complex social problems of late Russian imperial Turkestan...
44 min
David N. Gottlieb, "Second Slayings: The Bindin...
Gottlieb explores the decisive - and, until now, under-appreciated - influence exerted on Jewish memory by the Akedah, the Binding of Isaac narrative in the Book of Genesis...
63 min
Great Books: Ava Chin on Kingston's "The Woman ...
What stories should we remember, and which ones are we forced to forget?
43 min
Simon Brodbeck, "Krishna's Lineage: The Harivam...
While typically circulating as a separate text, The Harivamsha forms the final part of the Mahabharata storyline...
45 min