New Books in Literary Studies

Interviews with Scholars of Literature about their New Books

Brian Greene, "Until the End of Time: Mind, Mat...
Greene offers the the reader a theory of everything...
117 min
Ian Burrows, "Shakespeare for Snowflakes: On Sl...
Burrows examines the fraught meeting place of slapstick and tragedy, asking us under what literary and performative conditions we extend and withhold sympathy....
64 min
Steve Zeitlin, "The Poetry of Everyday Life: St...
Zeitlin taps into the artistic side of what we often take for granted: the stories we tell, the people we love,,,
66 min
Diana Senechal, "Mind over Memes: Passive Liste...
Senechal examines words, concepts, and phrases that demand reappraisal...
58 min
Mitchell Nathanson, "Bouton: The Life of a Base...
Nathanson examines the life of Jim Bouton, a journeyman pitcher whose 1970 book, “Ball Four,” was a lightning rod for controversy and became one of the best sports books of all time....
74 min
Iva Glisic, "The Futurist Files: Avant-Garde, P...
Glisic demonstrates that Futurism took a calculated and systematic approach to its contemporary socio-political reality...
60 min
Caridad Svich, "The Hour of All Things and Othe...
Svich remains one of America’s most exciting playwrights, and this book collects some of her most invigorating work yet.
78 min
Anne Lounsbery, "Life is Elsewhere: Symbolic Ge...
Lounsbery investigates the long-standing trope of the “provinces” – an imaginary space of static non-modernity where time stands still and where residents nurse an inferiority complex...
68 min
Kevin McGrath, "Vyāsa Redux: Narrative in Epic ...
McGrath examines the complex and enigmatic Vyāsa, both the primary creative poet of the Sanskrit epic Mahābhārata and a key character in the very epic he composes...
53 min
John R. Gallagher, "Update Culture and the Afte...
Looking at wealth of case studies among Amazon reviewers, redditors, and established journals, "Update Culture" is a deep diver into the many factors that contribute to the circulation of a digital text
70 min
Matthew Miller, "The German Epic in the Cold Wa...
Miller explores the literary evolution of the modern epic in postwar German literature...
66 min
Martin Shaw, "Courting the Wild Twin" (Chelsea ...
Shaw invites us to consider the power of myth to guide us not only toward new ways of seeing our current moment—one in which we’re witnessing an unprecedented global pandemic—but also new ways of seeing itself...
49 min
Brian Collins, "The Other Rāma: Matricide and G...
Collins examines a fascinating, understudied figure appearing in Sanskrit narrative texts: Paraśurāma, i.e., “Rāma with the Axe”...
60 min
Carl Rollyson, "The Life of William Faulkner: T...
As a novelist, short story author, screenwriter, and Nobel laureate, William Faulkner looms large in modern American literature.,.
55 min
Martha Ackermann, "These Fevered Days: Ten Pivo...
After a life lived in obscurity, Emily Dickinson emerged after death as one of the greatest poets of her time...
53 min
Leslie M. Harris, "Slavery and the University: ...
How involved with slavery were American universities? And what does their involvement mean for us?
56 min
Great Books: Melissa Schwartzberg on Rousseau's...
"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains."
57 min
Archana Venkatesan, "Endless Song: Tiruvaymoli"...
In this interview we discuss the sophisticated structure and profound content of the Tiruvaymoli, along with the translator’s own transformative journey rending into English the meaning, emotion, cadence and kaleidoscopic brilliance proper to this Tamil masterpiece...
61 min
Archana Venkatesan, "Endless Song: Tiruvaymoli"...
In this interview we discuss the sophisticated structure and profound content of the Tiruvaymoli, along with the translator’s own transformative journey rending into English the meaning, emotion, cadence and kaleidoscopic brilliance proper to this Tamil masterpiece...
61 min
Great Books: Maureen McLane on Wordsworth's Poetry
The British romantic poet William Wordsworth is best known for his moving evocations of nature,..
66 min
Robert Elmer, "Piercing Heaven: Prayers of the ...
Elmer's anthology provides access into a world of religious practice that is otherwise lost – many puritans refusing on principle to put their prayers to paper...
30 min
Christiane Gruber, “The Praiseworthy One: The P...
Gruber demonstrates that there is long rich history of images of Muhammad from within the Islamic tradition...
60 min
Joseph Rex Young, "George R.R. Martin and the F...
“In the game of thrones you either win or you die."
87 min
Great Books: Nicholas Johnson on Samuel Beckett
“Another heavenly day” is the opening line of Samuel Beckett’s play Happy Days (1961),...
65 min
Conor Picken and Matthew Dischinger, "Southern ...
Picken and Dischinger argue in the introduction that the relationship between the US South and alcohol has been overdetermined in popular imagination...
58 min