New Books in Literary Studies

Interviews with Scholars of Literature about their New Books

R. Rosenberg and R. Rubinstein, "Teaching Jewis...
In this interview, Roberta Rosenberg and Rachel Rubinstein (editors), engage our listeners in a conversation about different approaches to teaching Jewish American Literature, complicating what it means to be “American”.
61 min
Jessica Martell, "Farm to Form: Modernist Liter...
In Farm to Form, Martell contextualizes some familiar texts of British Literary Modernism, into a history that recognizes the role of food and agriculture...
73 min
Martin Paul Eve, "Close Reading with Computers"...
Most contemporary digital studies are interested in distant-reading paradigms for large-scale literary history. This book asks what happens when such telescopic techniques function as a microscope instead...
54 min
Donald Ostrowski, "Who Wrote That?: Authorship ...
Ostrowski offers a sustained reflection on what we can learn from comparison of authorship controversies...
70 min
Gregory A. Daddis, "Pulp Vietnam: War and Gende...
Daddis explores how men's adventure magazines helped shape the attitudes of young, working-class Americans, the same men who fought and served in the long and bitter war in Vietnam...
54 min
Karen E. H. Skinazi, "Women of Valor: Orthodox ...
Skinazi delves beyond this stereotype to identify a powerful tradition of feminist literary portrayals of Orthodox women, often created by Orthodox women themselves...
58 min
Filippo Menozzi, "World Literature, Non-Synchro...
Menozzi offers to look at literature and literary processes through the prism of non-synchronism...
44 min
Ken M. Penner, "The Lexham English Septuagint" ...
What is the Septuagint, and why does it matter?
34 min
Laura Westengard, "Gothic Queer Culture: Margin...
Westengard examines the intersection of queerness and the gothic...
60 min
John Barton, "A History of the Bible: The Story...
How did the Bible become the Bible? It's a long story....
59 min
Richard van Leeuwen, "The Thousand and One Nigh...
Leeuwen thoroughly examines an array of intricate ways in which the Thousand and One Nights shaped the developments of literatures across the world...
58 min
Lauren F. Klein, "An Archive of Taste: Race and...
Klein considers eating and early American aesthetics together, reframing the philosophical work of food and its meaning for the people who prepare, serve, and consume it...
48 min
Arti Dhand, "Woman as Fire, Woman as Sage: Sexu...
The Hindu tradition has held conflicting views on womanhood from its earliest texts—holding women aloft as goddesses to be worshipped on the one hand and remaining deeply suspicious about women’s sexuality on the other...
38 min
Guy Raffa, "Dante’s Bones: How a Poet Invented ...
Dante’s Bones is an academic mystery story, the “graveyard history” of Dante Alighieri, the master poet of what has come to be called The Divine Comedy. This book is about Dante’s literal remains and the where and how they’ve been kept...
72 min
Valerie Wayne, "Women’s Labour and the History ...
Wayne reveals the valuable work that women achieved in publishing, printing, writing and reading early modern English books...
47 min
Allison L. Rowland, "Zoetropes and the Politics...
The way that we talk about living beings can raise or lower their perceived value...
57 min
Xiaoqiao Ling, "Feeling the Past in Seventeenth...
Ling offers readers a richly revealing window into sensory worlds at a particularly cataclysmic time, showing how Chinese literati dealt with the traumatic transition from the Ming to the Qing dynasty...
61 min
K. Keeling and S. Pollard, "Table Lands: Food i...
Table Lands contributes to a growing body of scholarship in the subfield of literary food studies...
67 min
Naomi Appleton, "Many Buddhas, One Buddha: A St...
Appleton introduces a significant section of the important early Indian Buddhist text known as the Avadānaśataka, or “One Hundred Stories”...
44 min
Barry Witham, "From Red-Baiting to Blacklisting...
Witham traces Fried’s long career as a labor organizer and Communist Party militant, as well as the obsessive lengths the FBI went to in order to suppress his activism...
46 min
Kim Adrian, "Dear Knausgaard: Karl Ove Knausgaa...
In 2009, a novel was released in Norway with a fairly simple premise; the author would simply write about himself, his life and his attempts to write...
65 min
Gaurav Desai, "Commerce with the Universe: Afri...
Desai offers an alternative history of East Africa in the Indian Ocean world...
76 min
Brett Dakin, "American Daredevil: Comics, Commu...
Gleason’s experiences with the House Un-American Activities Committee and Dr. Frederic Wertham and other Anti-Comic activists give a glimpse into important political and social activism of the 1940s and 50s in American history...
45 min
Vanita Reddy, "Fashioning Diaspora: Beauty, Fem...
Central to Reddy's project is upending the male-centric understanding of the relationship between the diaspora and the “nation”.
40 min
Bradley Lewis, "Narrative Psychiatry: How Stori...
Psychiatry has lagged behind many clinical specialties in recognizing the importance of narrative for understanding and effectively treating disease...
46 min