New Books in Literary Studies

Interviews with Scholars of Literature about their New Books

V. Nesfield and P. Smith, "The Struggle for Und...
An in-depth look at Elie Wiesel’s writings, from his earliest works to his final novels. Elie Wiesel (1928–2016) was one of the most important literary voices to emerge from the Holocaust...
47 min
Matthew Hart, "Extraterritorial: A Political Ge...
Hart explores how texts—literary and visual—help us engage with the space that goes beyond the limits of visible geographical borders and legal regulations...
50 min
Jeremy M. Glick, "The Black Radical Tragic: Per...
What if the Haitian Revolution, perhaps the only “successful” Black revolution in history, weren’t over?
85 min
Julia S. Charles, "That Middle World: Race, Per...
Charles highlights how mixed-race subjects invent cultural spaces for themselves—a place she terms that middle world...
47 min
Christine Hong, "A Violent Peace: Race, U.S. Mi...
Christine Hong attempts to debunk the idea of good war and warfare-welfare state that allowed women and racial minorities to participate in national politics by showing how the US government was able to launch total war that blurred the boundaries of home and abroad through the “principle of indistinction.”
56 min
Megan Sandberg-Zakian, "There Must Be Happy End...
Sandberg-Zakian makes a powerful case for “militant optimism” in an age of chaos...
67 min
Koritha Mitchell, "From Slave Cabins to the Whi...
Mitchell offers a complex, interdisciplinary, and important analysis focusing on black women as the lens to explore the intersection of racism and sexism and the strategies that black women have used to persevere and succeed...
49 min
Ian Foster, "Conscripts of Migration: Neolibera...
Foster analyzes increasingly urgent questions regarding crises of global immigration by redefining migration in terms of conscription and by studying contemporary literature...
62 min
Zakkiyah Imam Jackson, "Becoming Human: Matter ...
In a world where black(ened) flesh, particularly feminine flesh, is considered the ontological zero of humanness, what interventions and complications are available from art and speculative fiction of the African disapora?
53 min
Erin A. McCarthy, "Doubtful Readers: Print, Poe...
McCarthy offers readings of work by Shakespeare, Lanyer, Donne and many other poets to show that early printings of their work organised their texts in order to make specific points about both poetry and poets...
29 min
Scholarly Communication: Kit Nicholls on the Wr...
Listen to this interview of Kit Nicholls, Director of Cooper Union Center for Writing. We talk about writing, thinking, the university, and what everyone cares about...
95 min
Danielle Haque, “Interrogating Secularism: Race...
Haque deconstructs liberal accounts of secularism through an examination of the work of authors and artists from ethnic and religious minorities...
56 min
Rosanne Carlo, "Transforming Ethos: Place and t...
Carlo approaches writing studies from the rhetorical flank, the flank which, for many, is the only flank the discipline has,,,
79 min
Coulter George, "How Dead Languages Work" (Oxfo...
The book takes readers through Greek, Latin, Old English and the Germanic Languages, Sanskrit, Old Irish and the Celtic Languages, and Hebrew, introducing their phonology, morphology, lexicons, grammar, and excerpting passages from texts such as the Illiad, Beowulf, and the Rig Veda...
62 min
Judith G. Coffin, "Sex, Love, and Letters: Writ...
When Judith G. Coffin discovered a virtually unexplored treasure trove of letters to Simone de Beauvoir from Beauvoir's international readers, it inspired Coffin to explore the intimate bond between the famed author and her reading public...
37 min
Lissette Lopez Szwydky, "Transmedia Adaptation ...
Szwydky explores a range of works by authors such as Mary Shelley, Charles Dickens, Lord Byron, John Keats and many more...
60 min
William Germano, "Getting it Published: A Guide...
You've written a book. Now what? William German explains...
81 min
Margrit Pernau, "Emotions and Colonial Modernit...
Pernau examines the varied and hugely consequential expressions of and normative investments in emotions in modern South Asian Muslim thought...
67 min
Robert Bartlett, "Against Demagogues: What Aris...
Bartlett provides a stirring argument for the relevance of comic playwright Aristophanes as a serious political and philosophical thinker. In his translations of two lesser-known plays,..
47 min
Nadia Nurhussein, "Black Land: Imperial Ethiopi...
Nurhussein explores late nineteenth and twentieth century African American cultural engagement with and literary depictions of imperial Ethiopia...
37 min
Christopher Lupke (trans.), "A History of Taiwa...
Ye Shitao was a Taiwanese public intellectual who rose to prominence in the second half of the twentieth century....
88 min
Sianne Ngai, "Theory of the Gimmick: Aesthetic ...
Ngai continues her theoretical work of demystifying the vernacular aesthetic categories encountered in late capitalist daily life...
91 min
K. Grenier and A. Mushal, "Cultures of Memory i...
The essays in this volume explore commemorative practices as they developed in the nineteenth century...
47 min
John Locke, "Queen of the Gangsters: Stories by...
During the height of the 1930s gangster pulps, Harris wrote some of the roughest, toughest stories to be published in pulps such as Gangland Stories and Mobs...
64 min
Joshua Kotin, "Utopias of One" (Princeton UP, 2...
In "utopias of one," the authors at one and the same time publish for an external audience, but sketch out modes of living and being that are in important ways both non-accessible and non-replicable....
63 min