The Academic Life

A podcast for your academic journey—and beyond! Created and produced by Dr. Christina Gessler, the Academic Life podcast is inspired by today’s knowledge-producers around the world, working inside and outside the academy.

Faculty versus Administrative Positions: A Disc...
An interview with Karin Lewis
52 min
Pandemic and the Student Parent: A Discussion w...
An interview with Brooke Lombardi
46 min
How to Navigate Mid-Career Choices as a Faculty...
An interview with Vicki Baker
50 min
The Role of Community Colleges in Higher Educat...
An interview with Penny Wills
60 min
How to Work Toward Diversity and Inclusion in C...
Practical tips on increasing diversity and inclusion on campus...
47 min
How to Stop Chasing Happiness and Make a Meanin...
What is the meaning of life? You can find out by making your own life meaningful...
47 min
How to Leave Academia and Find a Good Job
So you are leaving academia. What now?
48 min
On Writing Well for Trade: A Conversation with ...
In this episode you’ll hear: differences between trade books and monographs, how to translate academic scholarship for wider audiences, risks and rewards of writing for trade, and trade books as a means to address justice issues related to access to knowledge and audience hierarchies...
47 min
The Self-Care Stuff: Considering Whether to Sta...
In this episode you’ll hear about: navigating academia as a STEM student, getting pregnant and parenting while still a student, and difficult decisions about dropping out or staying in academia...
50 min
The Other Side of the Desk with a UP Editor: A ...
Our guest is: Kimberly Guinta, Editorial Director at Rutgers University Press....
45 min
How to Use Your First Amendment Rights On Campu...
In this episode you’ll hear about the limits and the breadth of the first amendment, what to do when your free speech rights are violated, why having “free speech zones” on campus doesn’t work, and what you can do when someone else’s free speech is hurtful or offensive...
51 min
How to See Your Senior Year of High School as a...
In this episode you’ll hear about being an imbedded journalist, the senior years of kids in LA, the importance of mentors and college counselors at school, some challenges and obstacles of getting to college...
50 min
Dealing with the Fs (Fear and Failure)
A Discussion with Alice Connor
57 min
Finishing Your Book When Life Is A Disaster
In this episode you’ll hear disaster stories, finishing a book project, poetry, and what resilience is and isn’t...
44 min
Should I Quit My Ph.D. Program?
What happens when graduate school doesn’t go as you’d planned, and what happens to your degree and your career if you leave school before you complete your PhD.
46 min
Getting an MFA and Memoir Writing
Thinking of getting an MFA? Listen in...
56 min
Researching Racial Injustice
What are the challenges of researching racial injustice?
53 min
On Writing Well: Feminist Biography-A Conversat...
An Interview with Anya Jabour
63 min
On Writing Well: Really Personal Essays-A Conve...
An interview with Rebekah Taussig
60 min
The Detective Work of Research: A Conversation ...
An Interview with Polly E. Bugros McLean
64 min
Gender Bias in the Study of Science
What sorts of gender bias exist in science?
64 min
How to Maintain Your Artistic Practice After Gr...
According to Beth Pickens, your art will save your life...
54 min
How to Help Girls Achieve
How can feminism help girls and young women achieve?
67 min
Sexuality on Evangelical Campuses: A Conversati...
An interview with Dana M. Malone
70 min
How to Deal With Structural Inequality in Academia
How do we make academia a level playing field?
78 min