New Books in Education

Interviews with Scholars of Education about their New Books

Social Sciences
Jamie Merisotis, "Human Work in the Age of Smar...
Are robots going to be our overlords? No, we can make them our friends...
32 min
Introduction to 'The Academic Life' Podcast
Meet the hosts of "The Academic Life."
46 min
Jennifer S. Light, "States of Childhood: From t...
A number of curious communities sprang up across the United States in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century: simulated cities, states, and nations in which children played the roles of legislators, police officers, bankers, journalists, shopkeepers, and other adults...
60 min
Scholarly Communication: Kit Nicholls on the Wr...
Listen to this interview of Kit Nicholls, Director of Cooper Union Center for Writing. We talk about writing, thinking, the university, and what everyone cares about...
95 min
Eddie Cole, "The Campus Color Line: College Pre...
Cole sheds light on the important place of college presidents in the struggle for racial parity.,,
26 min
Rosanne Carlo, "Transforming Ethos: Place and t...
Carlo approaches writing studies from the rhetorical flank, the flank which, for many, is the only flank the discipline has,,,
79 min
W. Germano and K. Nicholls, "Syllabus: The Rema...
Do you teach, or do you care about education? Then you have to read this book.
88 min
Dr. Christopher Harris on Teaching Neuroscience
Harris and his team describe, and present results from, their classroom-based pilots of this new and highly innovative approach to neuroscience and STEM education...
63 min
Carla Yanni, "Living on Campus: An Architectura...
Every fall on move-in day, parents tearfully bid farewell to their beloved sons and daughters at college dormitories: it is an age-old ritual...
27 min
Katherine M. Young, "How to Be Sort of Happy in...
Young surveyed over 1,100 then-current law students, 250 alumni, and conducted detailed interviews with law students about their experiences in law school and concerns about pedagogy, other students, law professors, and hopes and fears about school and their future careers...
58 min
Nadine Strossen, “Hate: Why We Should Resist it...
Strossen dispels misunderstandings plaguing our perennial debates about "hate speech vs. free speech," showing that the First Amendment approach promotes free speech and democracy, equality, and societal harmony...
70 min
Majid Daneshgar, "Studying the Qur’an in the Mu...
Daneshgar invites his readers on a journey exploring how the Muslim academy—that is, academic institutions in the Muslim-majority world—teaches Islamic Studies, with an emphasis on the Qur’an...
37 min
Jonathan Haber, "Critical Thinking" (The MIT Pr...
"Critical Thinking." You hear a lot about it, but what is it?
59 min
Federico R. Waitoller, "Excluded by Choice: Urb...
Waitoller highlights the challenges faced by students of color who have special needs and their parents who evaluate their educational options...
40 min
David Eaton, "World History through Case Studie...
Eaton holds that mastering these concepts will build the critical thinking skills essential to a historian....
77 min
J. Kim and E. Maloney, "Learning Innovation and...
Kim and Maloney document major transformations at colleges and universities that have been quietly taking place, even amidst noise about crisis and disruption...
30 min
Beth Pickens, "Your Art Will Save Your Life" (T...
As a teenager visiting the Andy Warhol Museum, Beth Pickens realized the importance of making art...
54 min
Philis Barragán-Goetz, "Reading, Writing, and R...
Barragán-Goetz argues that through cultural negotiation, escuelitas (community schools) shaped Mexican American identity and civil rights activism in the late 19th and early 20th century...
50 min
Katie Day Good, "Bring the World to the Child: ...
Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, boosters of digital educational technologies emphasized that these platforms are vital tools for cultivating global citizenship...
36 min
Art Markman, "Bring Your Brain to Work: Using C...
What does it take to both fit in and yet also prosper and grow as a person in the workplace?
40 min
Christopher Newfield, "The Great Mistake: How W...
Have we destroyed the public university? Christopher Newfield thinks so...
52 min
LaDale Winling, "Building the Ivory Tower: Univ...
Winling casts higher education as the beneficiary and catalyst of the century's monumental state building projects--receiving millions in New Deal construction funds, even more from WWII-era military research, and directing the bulldozer's path during urban renewal schemes around the country...
80 min
Nicole Piemonte, "Afflicted: How Vulnerability ...
Piemonte examines the preoccupation in medicine with cure over care, arguing that the traditional focus on biological intervention keeps medicine from addressing the complex realities of patient suffering...
48 min
T. Paulus and A. Wise, "Looking for Insight, Tr...
The book offers a comprehensive discussion of conducting research on online talk...
70 min
Wade Davies, "Native Hoops: The Rise of America...
The game, as Davies notes, was not just something imposed upon Natives in locales such as the Indian Industrial Training School in Haskell, Kansas (and elsewhere). The game provided linkages to the Native past...
51 min