New Books in Jewish Studies

Interview with Scholars of Judaism about their New Books

Religion & Spirituality
Joyce Dalsheim, "Israel Has a Jewish Problem: S...
Dalsheim considers some of the surprising outcomes of the great Israeli experiment of re-imagining and reconstructing Judaism, Jewishness and the Jewish people as an ethno-national project focused on the state...
38 min
Nora Gold, "The Dead Man" (Inanna Publications,...
"The Dead Man" a beautiful tale of love, loss, family, and the music of the world around us...
30 min
Ian J. Vaillancourt, "The Multifaceted Saviour ...
How should we understand the appearances of the king in Book V of the Hebrew Psalter?
62 min
Julia Neuberger, "Antisemitism: What It Is, Wha...
Anti-Semitic incidents, ranging from vandalism through murder, are on the rise in Great Britain, and across Europe and North America...
46 min
Jelena Subotić, "Yellow Star, Red Star: Holocau...
Subotić asks why Holocaust memory continues to be so deeply troubled―ignored, appropriated, and obfuscated―throughout Eastern Europe...
46 min
Lyn Julius, "Uprooted: How 3000 Years of Jewish...
Who are the Jews from Arab countries?
38 min
Lior Sternfeld, "Between Iran and Zion: Jewish ...
Sternfeld presents the first systematic study of the rich and variegated history of Jews in twentieth-century Iran...
45 min
Alberto Cairo, "How Charts Lie: Getting Smarter...
We’ve all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words, but what if we don’t understand what we’re looking at?
54 min
Claudia Moscovici, "Holocaust Memories: A Surve...
As Holocaust survivors pass away, their legacy of suffering, tenacity and courage could be forgotten. It is up to each generation to commemorate the victims...
28 min
C. Browning, P. Hayes, R. Hilberg, "German Rail...
Raul Hilberg was a giant in the field of Genocide and Holocaust Studies...
49 min
Olga Zilberbourg, "Like Water and Other Stories...
To this generation that includes writers as disparate as Gary Shteyngart and Irina Reyn comes Olga Zilberbourg...
54 min
Daniel Schwartz, "Ghetto: The History of a Word...
The word “ghetto” has taken on different meanings since its coinage in the 16th century...
52 min
David Hayton, "Conservative Revolutionary: The ...
Namier remains famous in academic circles for supposedly declaring that any reference to ideas in political discourse was nothing more than 'flapdoodle'...
75 min
Daniel Reynolds, "Postcards from Auschwitz: Hol...
Millions of tourists visit Holocaust museums and memorials every year.,,
54 min
Carlo Bonomi, "The Cut and the Building of Psyc...
Bonomi tackles what has often remained hidden both in the historical writing about psychoanalysis and in Freud's explicit account of castration...
54 min
Kathryn Conrad on University Press Publishing
What do university presses do, and how do they do it?
37 min
Samuel Goldman, "God’s Country: Christian Zioni...
Goldman has written a powerfully impressive new book on the long history of the political theology that he describes as “Christian Zionism"...
31 min
J. Neuhaus, "Geeky Pedagogy: A Guide for Intell...
The things that make people academics do not necessarily make them good teachers...
29 min
Mohammed Dajani Daoudi, "Teaching Empathy and R...
Daoudi took a group of Palestinian students to visit Auschwitz – a courageous assertion against the Holocaust denial rampant in Palestinian society,..
67 min
Yael Almog, "Secularism and Hermeneutics" (U Pe...
In the late Enlightenment, a new imperative began to inform theories of interpretation: all literary texts should be read in the same way that we read the Bible...
57 min
Jonathan Robker, "Balaam in Text and Tradition"...
Balaam plays a prominent role in the book of Numbers, but who was he?
27 min
Rachel Werczberger, "Jews In The Age Of Authent...
Werczberger examined two Israeli communities of spiritual seekers in Israel..
47 min
Jonathan Sarna, "American Judaism: A History" (...
Sarna chronicles the 350-year history of the Jewish religion in America...
53 min
Mark Roseman, "Lives Reclaimed: A Story of Resc...
What makes some people aid the persecuted while others just stand by?
62 min
Evdoxios Doxiadis, "State, Nationalism, and the...
How did minorities fit into the new Greek state during the country’s transition from imperial rule to national sovereignty?
48 min