Paul Celan's poetry marks the end of European modernism..
55 min
Michael Fischbach, "The Movement and the Middle...
Fischbach examines the way that a host of groups on the American found themselves divided over which country they ought to support and how to fit that support into campaigns against imperialism or U.S. foreign policy...
45 min
Matt Cook, "Sleight of Mind: 75 Ingenious Parad...
According to Cook, a paradox paradox is a sophisticated kind of magic trick...
51 min
Michael Daise, "Quotations in John: Studies on ...
Without question the Gospel of John makes rich use of both the Jewish scriptures and the feasts of the Jewish liturgical year...
46 min
Nancy Sinkoff, "From Left to Right: Lucy S. Daw...
Sinkoff offers s the first comprehensive biography of Dawidowicz (1915-1990), a pioneer historian in the field that is now called "Holocaust Studies"..
56 min
Great Books: Hillary Chute on Art Spiegelman's ...
Art Spiegelman's Maus is the story of an American cartoonist's efforts to uncover and record his father's story of survival of the Holocaust...
57 min
Steven Ross and Wolf Gruner, "New Perspectives ...
On November 9, 1938, the Nazis launched a pogrom against German Jews...Kristallnacht.
58 min
Sarah Abrevaya Stein, "A Sephardic Journey Thro...
Stein weaves a narrative tapestry whose threads are drawn from the archives of one Sephardic family, with roots in the city of Salonica, then in the Ottoman Empire, now Thessaloniki in Greece...
47 min
Jaap Doedens, "The Sons of God in Genesis 6:1-4...
Who were the ‘sons of God’ in the book of Genesis—and what did they do?
22 min
Phillipa Chong, “Inside the Critics’ Circle: Bo...
How does the world of book reviews work?
39 min
L. Benjamin Rolsky, "The Rise and Fall of the R...
Rolsky makes the case for understanding Norman Lear as a key protagonist in the culture wars of the late 20th century...
59 min
Randal Schnoor, "Jewish Family: Identity and Se...
Pomson and Schnoor examine the impact of the family on Jewish identity.
57 min
Nicholas Blincoe, "More Noble Than War: A Socce...
Blincoe offers a beautifully narrated and written history of a century of conflict between pre-state Jews and Palestinians and Israeli Jews and Israeli Palestinians after the establishment of the state...
59 min
Ayelet Hoffmann Libson, "Law and Self-Knowledge...
Libson examines the emergence of self-knowledge as a determining legal consideration among the rabbis of Late Antiquity, from the third to the seventh centuries CE.
47 min
Bari Weiss, "How to Fight Anti-Semitism" (Crown...
Anti-semitism is on the rise in the U.S. and other parts of the world...
30 min
Alex J. Kay and David Stahel, "Mass Violence in...
The book argues for a more comprehensive understanding of what constitutes Nazi violence and who was affected by this violence...
39 min
Peter Bergamin, "The Making of the Israeli Far-...
Bergamin positions Ahimeir within the contexts of the Israeli right and the Zionist movement in general, and corrects some common misunderstandings surrounding the man and his ideology...
34 min
K. Linder et al., "Going Alt-Ac: A Guide to Alt...
If you’re a grad student facing the ugly reality of finding a tenure-track job, you could easily be forgiven for thinking about a career change...
36 min
Wulf Gruner, "The Holocaust in Bohemia and Mora...
The Holocaust in Bohemia and Moravia bore some similarities to that in other places, but also differed in ways that lead to new questions and approaches...
60 min
Emily Colbert Cairns, "Esther in Early Modern I...
Colbert Cairns traces the biblical figure of Esther, the secret Jewish Queen, as she is reinvented as the patron saint for the early modern Sephardic community....
51 min
Jennifer Cazenave, "An Archive of the Catastrop...
Cazenave offers a fascinating analysis of the 220 hours of outtakes edited out of the final nine and a half-hour 1985 film with which listeners and readers might be familiar...
59 min
Benjamin Balint, "Jerusalem: City of the Book" ...
Balint and Mack offer a fascinating journey through Jerusalem’s libraries which tells the story of this city as a place where some of the world’s most enduring ideas were put into words...
42 min
Sarah Wobick-Segev, "Homes Away from Home: Jewi...
In pre-emancipation Europe, most Jews followed Jewish law most of the time, but by the turn of the twentieth century, a new secular Jewish identity had begun to take shape...
68 min
Yaacob Dweck, "Dissident Rabbi: The Life of Jac...
Dweck tells the story of Jacob Sasportas, the Sephardic rabbi who, alone among Jewish leadership, challenged Sabbetai Zevi’s improbable claims and warned his fellow Jews that their Messiah was not the answer to their prayers...
48 min
David N. Gottlieb, "Second Slayings: The Bindin...
Gottlieb explores the decisive - and, until now, under-appreciated - influence exerted on Jewish memory by the Akedah, the Binding of Isaac narrative in the Book of Genesis...