Richard Breitman, "The Journal of Holocaust and...
"The Journal of Holocaust and Genocide Studies" is turning twenty-five...
43 min
Paula Fredriksen, "When Christians Were Jews: T...
Jesus was Jewish? Yes, he was...and how.
65 min
A Very Square Peg: A Podcast Series about Polym...
On May 20th, Eisler was arrested and spent the next fifteen months in Dachau and Buchenwald...
40 min
Shneur Zalman Newfield, "Degrees of Separation:...
Newfield presents a comprehensive portrait of the prolonged state of being “in-between” that characterizes transition out of a totalizing worldview...
61 min
Adam Brown, "Judging 'Privileged' Jews: Holocau...
Brown engages with issues that are fundamental to present-day attempts to understand the Holocaust and deeply relevant to reflections on human nature...
68 min
Yitzhak Lewis, "Permanent Beginning: R. Nachman...
Lewis lays out a new paradigm for understanding R. Nachman’s thought and writing...
52 min
Mara Benjamin, "The Obligated Self: Maternal Su...
Benjamin contends that the physical and psychological work of caring for children presents theologically fruitful but largely unexplored terrain for feminists...
74 min
Gabriel Finder, "Justice behind the Iron Curtai...
Finder and Prusin offer comprehensive account of the trials of Nazi perpetrators conducted in liberated and postwar Poland....
80 min
David Slucki et al., "Laughter After: Humor and...
This book examines what is at stake in deploying humor in representing the Holocaust...
69 min
A Very Square Peg: A Podcast Series about Polym...
In this episode (# 2), we discuss Eisler’s early years as a member of the Jewish bourgeoisie in turn-of-the-century Vienna with historian Steven Beller...
49 min
John K. Roth, "Sources of Holocaust Insight: Le...
John reflects on the people who have taught him, in all the different ways teaching can happen, and the lessons that he’s learned over decades of thinking and writing about the Holocaust...
72 min
James A. Diamond, "Jewish Theology Unbound" (Ox...
Diamond challenges the widespread caricature of Judaism as a religion of law as opposed to theology...
62 min
Brian Greene, "Until the End of Time: Mind, Mat...
Greene offers the the reader a theory of everything...
117 min
Deborah Dash Moore, "Jewish New York: The Remar...
"Jewish New York" reveals the multifaceted world of one of the city’s most important ethnic and religious groups...
43 min
Pamela S. Nadell, "America’s Jewish Women: A Hi...
Nadell surveys varied experiences of Jewish women who made America their home. In elegant prose, she introduces readers to a fascinating cast of characters from the seventeenth century to the present day...
Cook shows that there is a deep religious strain within the American Left despite contrary common perceptions...
50 min
Elissa Bemporad, "Legacy of Blood: Jews, Pogrom...
Bemporad examines the uneasy and often ambivalent but mutually dependent, and ever-shifting relationship between the regime and the Jewish population as the Soviet century unfolds...
56 min
Björn Krondorfer, "The Holocaust and Masculinit...
In recent decades, scholarship has turned to the role of gender in the Holocaust, but rarely has it critically investigated the experiences of men as gendered beings..
Yadgar provides a novel analysis of the interplay between Israeli nationalism and Jewish tradition, arriving at a fresh understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through its focus on internal questions about Israeli identity...
53 min
Derek Penslar, "Theodor Herzl: The Charismatic ...
The life of Theodor Herzl (1860–1904) was as puzzling as it was brief...
49 min
Brendan McGeever, "Antisemitism and the Russian...
McGeever examines Bolshevik and Jewish communists' attempts to confront antisemitism, including within the revolutionary movement itself...
47 min
Ayala Fader, "Hidden Heretics: Jewish Doubt in ...
What would you do if you questioned your religious faith, but revealing that would cause you to lose your family and the only way of life you had ever known?
90 min
Leslie M. Harris, "Slavery and the University: ...
How involved with slavery were American universities? And what does their involvement mean for us?
56 min
Magda Teter, "Blood Libel: On the Trail of an A...
The myth of Jews killing Christian children emerged in 1144 CE, with the death of a boy named William in Norwich, England...
63 min
Maddalena Marinari, "Unwanted: Italian and Jewi...
Marinari examines how, from 1882 to 1965, Italian and Jewish reformers profoundly influenced the country’s immigration policy as they mobilized against the immigration laws that marked them as undesirable...