Ion Popa, "The Romanian Orthodox Church and the...
An interview with Ion Popa
118 min
Aviva Ben-Ur, "Jewish Autonomy in a Slave Socie...
An interview with Aviva Ben-Ur
50 min
Reeva Spector Simon, "The Jews of the Middle Ea...
An interview with Reeva Spector Simon
20 min
Andreas Hackl, "The Invisible Palestinians: The...
An interview with Andreas Hackl
59 min
NBN Classic: Marc Dollinger, "Black Power, Jewi...
Dollinger challenges widely held beliefs about the black-Jewish alliance in American politics...
26 min
NBN Classic: Paul Hanebrink, "A Specter Hauntin...
Hanebrink shows how Fascists, Conservatives and Nazis imagined Jewish Bolsheviks as enemies who crossed borders to subvert order from within and bring destructive ideas from abroad...
34 min
NBN Classic: Alexander Gendler, "Khurbm 1914-19...
Gendler offers an extensive collection of eye-witness testimonies and official communications revealing the genocidal destruction of Jewish life by the Russian army during World War I....
Drawing on anthropology and psychoanalytic theory, Kaniel enhances our understanding of the connection between female transgression and redemption...
69 min
Frederick Beiser, "Hermann Cohen: An Intellectu...
For those of you aware of the distinguished philosophical career of Hermann Cohen (1859 - 1918) and the absence of an intellectual biography in English, Beiser’s scholarship is a long time coming...
53 min
Dario Miccoli, "A Sephardi Sea: Jewish Memories...
An interview with Dario Miccoli
66 min
Corinne E. Blackmer, "Queering Anti-Zionism: Ac...
An interview with Corinne E. Blackmer
29 min
Sara Ronis, "Demons in the Details: Demonic Dis...
An interview with Sara Ronis
60 min
David Bashevkin, "Sin•a•gogue: Sin and Failure ...
An interview with David Bashevkin
57 min
Sasha Senderovich, "How the Soviet Jew Was Made...