Emergence Magazine Podcast

Emergence Magazine is an award-winning magazine exploring the threads connecting ecology, culture and spirituality. Our podcast features exclusive interviews, author-narrated essays, fiction, multipart series, and more. We feature new podcast episodes weekly on Tuesdays.

Society & Culture
Religion & Spirituality
The Radical Intimacy of Spiritual Ecology – A T...
Given at St. Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace in London, this talk by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee explores how an embodied practice of spiritual ecology is a radical act amid a culture that has forgotten the sacred nature of our relationship with the Earth.
57 min
A Path Older Than Memory – A Conversation with ...
Speaking to us from Liaoning, China, journalist Paul Salopek shares how his personal relationship to time has deepened while moving through the world at three miles per hour.
50 min
An Ecological Technology – A Conversation with ...
In this interview, writer, artist, and technologist James Bridle questions our fundamental assumptions about intelligence and explores how radical technological models can become portals into deeper relationship with the living world.
59 min
The Serviceberry: An Economy of Abundance – Rob...
As Robin Wall Kimmerer harvests serviceberries alongside the birds, she considers the ethic of reciprocity that lies at the heart of the gift economy.
48 min
When the Prince of Heaven Sleeps – Roger Reeves
Centering images of Muhammad Ali, John Coltrane, DMX, and Mike Tyson in postures of rest and repose, poet Roger Reeves reflects on the stillness of their interior worlds as a protest against the control of capitalistic time.
34 min
Breath-Space and Seed-Time – David Hinton
“Vast and deep, everything and everywhere, including all the depths of our mental realm, this Being is always moving and changing. It is alive somehow.” Read this essay and six-poem sequence on the fabric of space-time by David Hinton.
15 min
The World Is a Prism, Not a Window – A Conversa...
Pushing the limits of our Western scientific imagination, Zoë Schlanger speaks about her book The Light Eaters, and how embracing plant intelligence can upend the hierarchies we’ve placed around living beings—ourselves included.
51 min
Practical Reverence – A Conversation with Robin...
In this conversation, Potawatomi botanist Robin Wall Kimmerer speaks about embracing a gift economy, and offers a framework for embodying a practical reverence: an ethic of care, reciprocity, and gratitude for the Earth.
60 min
Dendrochronology – Robert Moor
Walking amid a tangle of ancient Sitka spruces and cedars on Gwaii Haanas, Robert Moor wonders how old-growth trees can help us feel, rather than intellectualize, not only the deep past, but also our responsibility to the future.
34 min
Wrinkled Time: The Persistence of Past Worlds o...
“We live in a vast, labyrinthine library of time.” In this essay, geologist Marcia Bjornerud celebrates the deep time-fulness of Earth, and orients us to read the many-volume stories kept in the rock beneath our feet.
33 min
Unborn and Undying – Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
In this essay, Sufi mystic Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee calls us to bring the love we feel in moments of timelessness into our engagement with a dying world.
24 min
On Time, Mystery, and Kinship – A Conversation ...
In this conversation, poet Jane Hirshfield speaks about finding an intimacy with mystery, offers a practice against despair, and shares the potential of grief and beauty to draw us into a felt sense of kinship with all life.
102 min
Remembering Earth Time – A Talk by Emmanuel Vau...
This final talk in a series by Emergence executive editor and Sufi teacher Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee offers a framework to understand Earth Time, not through a linear lens, but through the principles and practices of spiritual ecology.
53 min
Time and Place – A Talk by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee
Looking at the relationship between time and place, this second of three talks by Emergence executive editor and Sufi teacher Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee explores a time that—rather than being abstract—is rooted in land and ancestral memory.
36 min
The Axis of All Things – A Talk by Emmanuel Vau...
In this talk from our Remembering Earth Time retreat in Devon, Emergence executive editor and Sufi teacher Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee turns our attention away from a linear sense of time toward one rooted in the cycles of the Earth.
50 min
ស្គាល់ មជាតិ Knowing Your Taste – Kalyanee Mam
Reconnecting with her homeland of Cambodia through the taste of Battambang oranges, yellow mushrooms, and chapchang snails, filmmaker Kalyanee Mam remembers her way into an ancestral and spiritual connection with the land.
37 min
Beings Seen and Unseen – A Conversation with Am...
In this wide-ranging conversation, Amitav Ghosh calls on storytellers to lead us in the necessary work of collective reimagining: decentering human narratives and re-centering stories of the land.
43 min
Thylacine – Lydia Millet
In this short story, Lydia Millet explores the loss of extinction as a man seeks the company and friendship of the last Tasmanian tiger, housed in a failing zoo.
25 min
Documenting Shifting Landscapes – A Conversatio...
In this conversation from our Shifting Landscapes exhibition last year, filmmaker Kalyanee Mam talks about her film Lost World, and shares how intimate and heart-centered storytelling connects her to Cambodia’s changing landscapes.
64 min
Memory, Praise, and Spirit – A Talk by Emmanuel...
Given at St Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace in London, this talk by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee explores how praise and prayer in all forms can be pathways to remembering and embodying our spiritual connection with the Earth.
29 min
Giantstone – Andri Snær Magnason
In this short story by Andri Snær Magnason, time expands and collapses as an architect in Reykjavík struggles against the soulless design of urban landscapes in the Anthropocene.
51 min
On Time and Water – A Conversation with Andri S...
In this interview, Icelandic writer and documentary filmmaker Andri Snær Magnason discusses our relationship to time in an age of ecological crisis.
61 min
ChatGPT: A Partner in Unknowing – Dana Karout
Poking fun at how ChatGPT mirrors our limited ways of thinking, Dana Karout challenges our “default programming”, and asks what true creativity, what real responses to our moment of crisis, might emerge from our unknowing?
58 min
Born was the Mountain – Chelsea Steinauer-Scudder
In this essay Chelsea Steinauer-Scudder explores a collision of values on the summit of Mauna Kea, the proposed site of the world’s largest telescope.
79 min
Sun House – A Conversation with David James Duncan
Ranging from mountains that move to the wisdom of the great mystics, author David James Duncan speaks about his new novel Sun House, an epic story offering an experiential model of contemplative inner life amid ecological unraveling.
71 min