The Only One In The Room

Hosted by Laura Cathcart Robbins, a writer and a recovery thriver and survivor, Laura found herself in an all too familiar position. In September 2018, she was the only black woman in the room at Brave Magic, a famed writer’s retreat. After it was over, she wrote about her “only one” experience in The Huffington Post and comments started flooding into her DM. These comments were from people from all races, ethnicities, creeds, and nationalities who had felt “othered”. Laura beautifully interviews a person about their Only One story each episode and addresses as many of those DM’s as possible in the process. In this podcast, you’ll hear raw, vulnerable accounts from people who are, like most of us, just eager to connect. Our hope is that The Only One In The Room will inspire a change of perspective in how we all see and hear each other’s stories. We want you think twice before judging the person standing next to you at a party, in the pick-up line at school or in a crowded subway car. This is a podcast for anyone who has ever felt alone in a room full of people – which is to say, that this podcast is for everyone.

Society & Culture
Personal Journals
Scott Talks To AnnaLynne McCord BONUS EPISODE
Scott Slaughter co-host and producer of The Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guest AnnaLynne McCord right after the show.
9 min
Season 2 Guest Announcement for July 9th Releas...
It is our pleasure to announce Season Two ready to launch July 9th!Listen to find out who our pilot episode guest will be!
1 min
The Only One In The Room Season 2 Announcement...
We want to thank you for making our very first season of the Only One In The Room & Scott Talks more than we could imagine it to be. It was such a special experience and it is hugely in part due to your joining us on this journey. We are so grateful to have you.It is our pleasure to announce Season Two ready to launch on July 9th! Tune in next week for a special announcement of who our pilot episode for Season Two will be!
2 min
D'Lo Is The Only Trans Person In The Room Episo...
What if the world told you that you were wrong? Not just wrong for the things you thought or said but that you were the actual embodiment of wrong.D'Loco Kid or D'Lo grew up in a small, immigrant community in a Los Angeles suburb. And he knew from an early age that he wasn't like other girls but he never had the language to explain how he felt.What would you do if you only had two choices: live inauthentically in an attempt to keep everyone "happy" or live in your truth and risk becoming an outcast?
56 min
Scott Talks to D'Loco Kid BONUS EPISODE
Scott Slaughter, co-host and producer of The Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guest D'Loco Kid right after the show.
9 min
Reema Zaman Is The Only Unseen Beauty Episode 9
What if I told you that being ugly is not an aesthetic at all but an emotion? Reema Zaman, a woman who is actually very beautiful by societal standards, with a modeling and acting career, in addition to being a well-awarded writer, grew up ugly and unseen, dismissed even. But what does it really mean to be ugly? What does it really mean to be beautiful? And can you be both?
50 min
Scott Talks To Reema Zaman BONUS EPISODE
Scott Slaughter, co-host and producer of The Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guest Reema Zaman right after the show.
2 min
Tameka Foster Is The Only Mom Who Lost Her Son ...
What if it looked like you had it all? Like you lived in this seemingly perfect world and had this incredibly enviable life: the great relationship with your superstar ex-husband, the amazing career, the celebrity lifestyle and the love of your fans, friends and family?In July of 2012, Tameka Foster Raymond was on a tropical island living her best life when she received the phone call that every parent dreads...
36 min
Scott Talks To Tameka Raymond BONUS EPISODE
Scott Slaughter, co-host and producer of The Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guest Tameka Raymond right after the show.
4 min
Paulina Lopez Is The Only Mexican Mamá In The R...
From birth in our society, women are given the message that becoming a mother is the ultimate goal- the thing that gives females value, worth and purpose.After having the baby that she so desperately wanted, the baby her entire community wanted her to have, Paulina Lopez food herself dealing with a subject so taboo that there was no word for it in her native language.
52 min
Scott Talks To Paulina Lopez BONUS EPISODE
Scott Slaughter (aka Hon), co-host and producer of the Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guest Paulina Lopez right after the show.
9 min
Rebecca Gayheart Dane Is The Only One With A Pa...
What would you do if the unspeakable happened? A moment in your life that changes everything? Rebecca Gayheart Dane, model, actress, director, was faced with the unimaginable. The type of reality that has the potential to break you.Would you allow yourself to sink, letting the darkness and guilt consume you?
55 min
Scott Talks To Rebecca Gayheart Dane BONUS EPISODE
Scott Slaughter, co-host and producer of The Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guest Rebecca Gayheart Dane right after the show.
8 min
Suburban Is The Only Famous Lonely Teenager In ...
When children are bullied by their peers, made fun of for being overweight, dressing differently or being "weird", they usually day dream about becoming "popular", thinking it will be the answer to all of their problems.Suburban, (aka the Suburban Prince or KingBo) did just that. But rather than becoming popular at school he grew to famedom on the internet with 1.6 million followers. But what if the fortress you had created to protect yourself was quickly becoming a cage?
47 min
Scott Talks To Suburban Prince BONUS EPISODE
Scott Slaughter (aka Hon), co-host and producer of the Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guest Suburban Prince right after the show.
5 min
Stefanie Wilder Taylor Is The Only Sober Mom In...
What if you literally wrote the book on mom-wine culture? And then this culture you helped curate was no longer sustainable?Stefanie Wilder Taylor, author of Sippy Cups Are Not For Chardonnay, wrote that book and immediately became the queen of wine-moms across America.But what if you found that the wine you casually enjoyed had become a crutch and a liability that put your family in danger?
55 min
Scott Talks To Stefanie Wilder Taylor BONUS EPI...
Scott Slaughter, co-host and producer of The Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guest Stefanie Wilder Taylor right after the show.
8 min
Jay Connor Is The Only Black Man In The Writers...
What would it feel like to finally land a dream job and then find out that day after day, you are the only voice representing the thoughts, emotions, and experiences of people of color? A job where you are the only black or brown face in a sea of white?During Jay Connor's screenwriting career, it was considered a great opportunity to be offered a seat at the proverbial table. But soon Jay began to wonder...what if there were another table, one where people of color wouldn't have to sit alone?
37 min
Scott Talks To Jay Connor BONUS EPISODE
Scott Slaughter (aka Hon), co-host and producer of The Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guest Jay Connor right after the show.
10 min
Troy Byer Is The Only Celebrity In Anger Manage...
What would you do if you were given a chance to change your life? A chance that looked and felt more like a punishment than an opportunity?Troy Byer, an actress known for her time on Dynasty and being Prince's girlfriend, was given a max sentence of Anger Management classes. And conscious of her clout, Troy was sure that all these people sentenced with her...were beneath her.
48 min
Scott Talks To Troy Byer BONUS EPISODE
Scott Slaughter (aka Hon), co-host and producer of The Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guest Troy Byer right after the show.
5 min
Laura House Is The Only One Who Is Adopted Epis...
When you look down at your hands, your thoughts probably don't lead you much further than the mundane. But what if you've never seen anyone who resembles you? Laura House, a renowned comedian, screenwriter on two Emmy award winning shows and a corporate meditation teacher, went through life admiring other children's ability to simply know where they came from.
47 min
Scott Talks To Laura House BONUS EPISODE
Scott Slaughter (aka Hon), co-host and producer of The Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guest Laura House right after the show.
14 min
Season One - The Trailer
Laura, with the help of her co-host Scott Slaughter (also known as "Hon") beautifully interviews a person about their Only One experience each episode. In this podcast, you’ll hear raw, vulnerable accounts from people who are, like most of us, just eager to connect and who transform their experience into something impactful. **Look for new episodes every Tuesday & stick around for our after show bonus "Scott Talks" when...Scott talks. Officially launching on April 16, 2019.
4 min