The Bay

Bay Area-raised host Ericka Cruz Guevarra talks with local journalists about what’s happening in the greatest region in the country. It’s the context and analysis you need to make sense of the headlines, with help from the people who know it best. New episodes drop Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings.

Daily News
More than 30 Newsrooms Join KQED’s Police Recor...
Dozens of reporters across California have been working to obtain records from police departments on misconduct and accountability under a new state law, SB 1421, that went into effect this year. But they're having a hard time.
19 min
Can’t Park Here. Berkeley Votes to Ban RV Parki...
When a group of RVs was forced to leave Berkeley’s marina last year, many moved to West Berkeley, near Gilman Street where RVs line the sidewalks. Business owners and residents complain that the wheeled-homes leave garbage and take up parking space.
8 min
Apple Gets A Cool Image, What Do Artists Get?
Local bands and artists are being asked to perform at San Francisco's Apple store in Union Square. As payment they get Airpods, Apple TV, or a watch. Not money. It's a story that KQED Arts music editor Nastia Voynovskya first broke.
11 min
A Parking Spot for the Homeless: Oakland Church...
Nearly a quarter of the people experiencing homelessness in Oakland are living out of a car, truck or some type of vehicle. That's why four Oakland churches announced a new plan this week to allow homeless people to park cars overnight on their propert...
8 min
Corporate Influence on the Bay Area’s Music Scene
The Bay Area’s eccentric reputation is built from its arts and culture. Music is a centerpiece. So it’s no wonder some in the music scene worry about the impact of large national promoters on independent venues that were once booked by local promoters....
9 min
What Bay Area Students Think About the #College...
Many people were not surprised that 13 of the 50 people charged in the college admission scandal this week are from the Bay Area. Among those not surprised that money and power impact who gets into colleges and who doesn't are three high school senior...
10 min
Berkeley’s ‘Welcome’ Signs Acknowledge Ohlone L...
Berkeley unveiled new city limit signs this week that say “Welcome to the City of Berkeley - Ohlone Territory.” Colonizers have wiped away much Native American history in the Bay Area, but a few burial shellmounds are still around.
15 min
NIMBY. YIMBY. Now PHIMBY? The Housing Debate’s ...
Fights over housing policies in the Bay Area often include these two sides: The NIMBYs (not in my backyard) and the YIMBYs (yes in my backyard). Let me introduce you to the PHIMBYs, who are bringing another level of nuance to the housing debate.
12 min
No Charges For Officers Who Shot Stephon Clark....
People are outraged that two Sacramento police officers will not face criminal charges for killing 22-year old Stephon Clark last year, an unarmed Black man holding a cell phone. The state attorney general and the district attorney both say the officer...
13 min
It’s The Bay’s One-Year Anniversary!
The Bay officially launched on March 6, 2018. Since then, we’ve covered some of the biggest Bay Area stories: elections, ICE raids and all kinds of housing laws. Plus, we've had some real conversations about Bay Area culture.
8 min
Oakland Teachers Strike Ends, But Not Everyone ...
The Oakland teachers strike is over. Teachers and other educators approved an agreement Sunday night to end the seven-day strike and give parents a reason to send their kids back to school. The agreement offers teachers a pay increase.
15 min
In the Bay Area, Deadly Heat Waves Are For Real
It’s cold in the Bay Area now. But in 2017, two heat waves killed 14 people in the Bay Area. KQED reporting has found that most of those people who died started getting sick from the heat while inside some place, instead of outside in the sun.
12 min
Three Taser-Related Deaths and San Mateo Activi...
Chinedu Okobi died last October after being tased by San Mateo sheriff deputies. His death was one of three that happened last year involving tasers and police officers from different departments. Activists and the family of those killed in taser-invol...
0 min
‘Unwavering Belief in Justice’: San Francisco’s...
Jeff Adachi died suddenly Friday night. While details of how he died are still under investigation, many are remembering Adachi and his tireless efforts as a public defender who provided fair legal representation to the people who needed it most.
13 min
Empty Halls and Picket Lines: Oakland Teachers ...
It's Day 1 of the Oakland Unified school teacher strike. Teachers, parents and students began picketing Thursday for more pay, support, and smaller class sizes. The strike directly affects thousands of families that must decide whether to send their ki...
0 min
Skimming Off the Tips: InstaCart Changes Its Ti...
Lots of gig workers earn tips. So, when InstaCart started paying its full-service shoppers and deliverers on a sliding scale based on how many tips they got, the workers were pissed off. They took to Reddit and Facebook to complain and gained the natio...
8 min
Can PG&E Be Trusted to Not Start a Fire This Su...
PG&E is under pressure to not spark a wildfire this summer. A federal judge overseeing the investor-owned utility's probation case is demanding they take prevention measures. This week, PG&E presented its wildfire safety plan to state regulators,
0 min
Meth on Monday, Heroin on Friday: San Francisco...
The opioid crisis has dominated the news, but there is growing evidence that methamphetamine has made a return to San Francisco. Overdoses from meth have more than doubled and about half the people admitted to San Francisco General Hospital with a psyc...
0 min
#10YearChallenge: What Has Changed in the Bay A...
Ten years is a lot of time. For the Bay Area, it's meant more money, new problems, and getting more serious about climate change. Today on the podcast, we apply the #10YearChallenge to the Bay Area and see how the past ten years has treated the politic...
11 min
No More Ridin’ the Rails at 4 A.M. — BART Ends ...
BART will stop offering its 4 a.m. train service on Feb. 11 in order to retrofit the Transbay Tube to better withstand major earthquakes. Workers will install a new liner in the 3.6-mile underwater structure to prevent flooding after a big quake,
12 min
Hyphy Music Legend Keak Da Sneak Says Prisons ‘...
East Bay rapper Keak Da Sneak is credited with pioneering the Hyphy style. This Thursday he has to turn himself in to serve a 16-month state prison sentence. Since being shot in 2017, he’s confined to a wheelchair and needs round the clock care.
14 min
A Teen’s Fight to Save TPS for Her Family
High school freshman Crista Ramos had no idea her mom was living under Temporary Protected Status, a federal humanitarian program that allows about 260,000 immigrants from El Salvador to lawfully live and work in the U.S.
12 min
How the Camp Fire Made Chico’s Housing Problem ...
Chico is bursting at the seams right now. The ripples of displacement from the Camp Fire, which killed at least 86 people and destroyed about 14,000 homes, are far from over as people cram into Chico to stay living close to family, jobs and schools.
8 min
Oakland Unified’s Hella Hard Week Dealing With ...
School closures. Teacher strike. Budget cuts. It hasn’t been a great week for Oakland Unified. The school board voted to close Roots International Academy and will be deciding soon whether to merge two other schools. Plus,
14 min
Bye, Bye Vinnee and Good Luck!
If you're a fan of The Bay, you can thank Vinnee Tong. She helped launch the podcast last year and has helped shape the shows from choosing what we cover and how we talk about it, especially around race, identity and class.
12 min