Center for Congregations Podcast

Your congregation is important. And we know that leading and serving in congregations is hard work. Join current and former Center for Congregations consultants Dr. Terrance Bridges, JC Campbell, Abby Miller, Shellie Riggs Jordan, McKenzie Scott Lewis, Ben Tapper, Matt Burke as they interview thought leaders and experts to encourage, inspire and help you find the right information and resources to address your congregation's needs. Center for Congregations staff will share what they're learning through work with congregations. Speakers, authors and congregational practitioners will share their stories and best practices to help your congregation thrive.

The views expressed by podcast guests are their own and their appearance on the podcast does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. Views and opinions expressed by CfC employees are those of the employees and do not necessarily reflect the view of the CfC. If you have any questions about this disclaimer, please contact us at 866.307.2381 or

Religion & Spirituality
S4 E21: The Next Faithful Step: Discernment in ...
54 min
S4 E20: Cultivating the Edges: Belonging and Ra...
Listening to Those on the Margins
48 min
S4 E19: Keeping it Beta: Innovation and Congreg...
Rev. Dr. Gabby Cudjoe Wilkes discusses how to maintain innovation in your congregation.
52 min
S4 E18: Clergy Are People Too: No, Really.
Marty Sawyers and John Opalewski talk with Matt and Ben about the pressures of clergy leadership.
42 min
S4 E17: Be the Bridge: Spanning Cultural Gaps
55 min
S4 E16: Invisible People: Multiculturalism in Y...
50 min
S4 E15: Suffering in Silence: Addressing Mental...
Apostle Ken Hilliard talks about the importance of addressing mental health in your congregation.
50 min
S4 E14: Are You Seeing What I'm Seeing?
Wilisha Scaife sits down with Ben and Matt to discuss how we can listen to, learn from and love others well.
54 min
S4 E13: More Than a Classroom: Reimagining Fait...
John Roberto joins Ben and Matt to discuss how communities can develop better ways of shaping faith in your congregation.
53 min
S4 Mid-Season Break: A Look Back and A Look Ahead
Recapping Season 4 so far and pre-viewing what's to come.
11 min
S4 E12: Stories > Stances
Ben and Matt talk with three different members of the LGBTQ+ community.
71 min
S4 E11: Beyond Feisty and Divisive: Caring for ...
Mark Oestreicher joins Ben and Matt to talk about how to care for LGBTQ youth and their families.
56 min
S4 E10: Possibility-Lessons from Jazz
What Jazz has to teach us about beauty, creativity and liberation with Dr. Kirk Byron Jones.
51 min
S4 E9: What's Right with Congregations
Former Center for Congregations Staff share their experiences working with congregations in Indiana.
54 min
S4 E8: When Digital Ministry Is Not Plug-And-Play
Rev. Dr. Rosario Picardo talk digital ministry.
50 min
S4 E7: Remembering Our History In Order To Heal
Stories from the AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) Community
75 min
S4 E6: Navigating Grief and Lamentation
47 min
S4 E5: Moving Forward - Anti-racism in Congrega...
54 min
S4 B4: Equal Justice Initiative Museum and Memo...
What Does Faith Have to Do With Justice?
15 min
S4 E4: Pandemic and Purpose
Answering why we're here and what keeps us here
66 min
S4 B3: The Review-Facing Death: Learning from K...
Everything Happens for a Reason
17 min
S4 E3: Is Race The Real Problem?
Listen, Learn and Live
58 min
S4 B2: The Review - Can I Get Your Number? Unpa...
A Review of The Paths Between Us
16 min
S4 E2: Providing Touch in a Touchless Time
Deidre Gray and Adrian Warren discuss digital media in congregational life.
58 min
S4 B1: The Review - Learning from Mars Hill
What went wrong at Mars Hill?
22 min