Aspects of History

The editor of Aspects of History, Ollie Webb-Carter, interviews historians and authors on the past - from the ancient world right up to the modern day. In each episode, Ollie seeks to get to the bottom of a story or scrutinise a figure from history. There are bonus episodes too, from current events and anniversaries to the Aspects of History Film Club.

The Vietnam War, Part One: Quagmire with Geoffr...
On 8 March 1965 at Da Nang in South Vietnam, 3,500 Marines landed thus marking the beginning of US combat troops in Vietnam.
40 min
Ukraine with Gordon Corrigan
A quick bonus episode and discussion on Ukraine with Gordon Corrigan for you as I was keen to get his thoughts in light of his successful Substack writing, and to follow on from Saturday’s episode.
33 min
Putin's War with Philip W Blood
In 416BC, during the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta, the island of Melos was a non-combatant. Strategically located in the middle of the Aegean, The Athenians arrived and demanded Melos surrender and thus be absorbed into their empire.
61 min
Film Club: The Third Man (1949)
Welcome to a delayed Film Club and it’s The Third Man, Carol Reed’s 1949 masterpiece starring Joseph Cotton, Alida Valli, Trevor Howard and of course, Orson Welles from a script by Graham Greene.
64 min
Churchill's Right Hand Man with John Kiszely
In late 1941 Winston Churchill lost his temper with his top generals over their disagreement in supplying Stalin with tanks and aircraft. Their obstruction caused a furious row at the heart of the British government.
44 min
The Causes of the Wars of the Roses: Part Two, ...
In this second and concluding part on the Causes of the Wars of the Roses, Henry VI fails in his kingly duties, and rival factions were gain strength across England.
30 min
The Causes of the Wars of the Roses: Part One, ...
On 31 August 1422 Henry V, England’s finest king, died aged 35. His successor, Henry VI was only 9 months old and so his uncle, and Henry V’s brother, John, Duke of Talbot, became regent and continued the war in France. The young Henry was a gentle child, and most worrying for England he lacked a monarch as mentor, and so little understanding of how to handle the politics of kingship in the 15th century.
30 min
The Nazi Mind with Laurence Rees
During Nazi rule it is estimated that 8 million Germans were members of the party, that’s around 10% of the population.
50 min
The Nazis & the German Royal Family with Stepha...
On 9th November 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated the German crown and retired to Holland where he learnt Dutch and began a passion for archaeology. But during the rise of the Nazis hope was raised that he could once more stride the imperial stage arm in arm with Adolf Hitler.
46 min
Athens, Sparta and Honour with Paul A. Rahe
In a continuation of Saturday’s discussion with Paul Rahe, we delve into the Peloponnesian War after the Sicilian Expedition, as the Spartans take Persian gold to subdue their democratic rivals Athens.
33 min
Athens, Sparta and the Sicilian Expedition with...
In 415BC, the Athenian Empire, during a lull in the Peloponnesian War against the Spartans, voted to embark on a massive campaign to capture Syracuse.
29 min
The Mafia & the Kennedys with Louis Ferrante Pa...
On the 22nd November 1963 President John F Kennedy was assassinated… Lee Harvey Oswald right?
33 min
The Mafia & the Kennedys with Louis Ferrante Pa...
In early 1957, the Robert F Kennedy and his brother Jack were part of the US Senate Rackets Committee and they both attacked the notorious Jimmy Hoffa, the leader of the Teamsters union and a man with numerous connections to the mob.
31 min
Film Club: Salvador (1986)
On the 2nd December 1980, four American nuns were driving from San Salvador international airport when their van was attacked and run off the road. Men from the El Salvador National Guard, the ruling government’s military, dressed in civilian clothing, raped, shot, then buried the four women.
59 min
William Tell with Nick Hamm & Almut Seurbaum
Early in 14th century Switzerland was under the control of their far more powerful neighbour, Hapsburg Austria.
38 min
SAS Rogue Heroes Series 2 with Gavin Mortimer
Gavin Mortimer joins me this week for a rollicking ride through the invasion of Sicily and Italy with the SAS and Paddy Mayne, Bill Stirling and his brother David.
39 min
Espionage and Duplicity with William Boyd
Today’s episode is a chat with the acclaimed and bestselling author, William Boyd. He has written countless books including a Solo a Bond novel, screenplays, operas and he even took part in a brilliant art hoax with David Bowie.
47 min
The Naval History of Britain: The Rise with N.A...
On the afternoon of 31st May 1916 the Royal Navy’s Grand Fleet sighted ships of the Imperial German Navy’s High Seas Fleet and so began the major significant sea battle of the First World War.
33 min
The Naval History of Britain: Malaise with N.A....
On the 20th October 1827 in Navarino Bay on the west coast of the Peloponnese in Greece, the Royal Navy under Admiral Edward Codrington won its greatest victory post Trafalgar.
37 min
Film Club: Apocalypse Now (1979)
This month’s film club is Apocalypse Now, Francis Ford Coppola’s 1979 masterpiece.
54 min
Richard II & Henry IV with Helen Castor
At the end of June in 1399 Henry Bolingbroke, son of John of Gaunt and cousin to King Richard II, landed at Ravenspurn with a small force intent on the overthrow of Richard.
56 min
The Battle of the Bulge Part 2 with Gordon Corr...
In this second and concluding episode of our special on the Battle of the Bulge, it is Christmas Eve 1944 and the German advance has run aground as US troops counter-attack, and the weather cleared to allow the resumption of allied air superiority.
38 min
The Battle of the Bulge Part 1 with Gordon Corr...
On the morning of 16th December 1944 , German artillery opened up a massive barrage before Tiger tanks, supported by infantry, began their attack across the front line and into Allied territory.
36 min
Revenge of the Middle Aged Woman with Elizabeth...
In today’s episode we hear from a wonderful writer, Elizabeth Buchan. She’s been at the top of her game for many years now, and has recently written two books that take the reader to post war France and Italy, with both countries dealing with the trauma of WW2.
38 min
1066 with Adam Staten and Paul Bernardi
On the 14th October 1066 two armies faced each other on the south coast of England.
52 min