Paul Bunyan Country Outdoors

Paul Bunyan Country Outdoors features discussion of all things outdoors in the True North. With thousands of lakes and thousands of acres of forest, Paul Bunyan Country is home to some of the best fishing and hunting in North America and you'll hear from the some of the nation's best guides and anglers.

Fishin' Paul Bunyan Country: Dick Beardsley Get...
Paul Bunyan Country Guide Dick Beardsley (Yes, that Dick Beardsley!) gets us ready for the weekend bite, and we meet Bemidji's Tara Hokuf, one of 20 women left worldwide in the quest to be named World Champion Extreme Huntress
21 min
PBC Outdoors: Lake Bemidji State Park's New Nat...
Today we meet Lake Bemidji State Park's new naturalist, Larris Harris. Joining her is Park Manager Pete Harrison, and we'll get all the details on our latest Lake of the Week...Marquette.
25 min
Fishin' Paul Bunyan Country: Jason Rylander Rec...
Jason Rylander of North Country Guide Service talks Opening Weekend, including a stop at Mille Lacs. Plus, Christina Regas talks about Bemidji's 32nd Annual Take A Kid Fishing event set for June 6th.
17 min
Fishin' Paul Bunyan Country: Hall of Fame Leech...
The bite was hot opening weekend and we get more in depth reports. First up is Hall of Famer Al Maas who spent his weekend on Leech Lake. Plus, we hear from Aaron Templin of Destination Sporting Goods. He gives us the fishing scoop, plus...
19 min
Fishin' Paul Bunyan Country: Opening Weekend Re...
We visit Mr. Rogers Neighborhood and hear from Ethan Rogers of Northwoods Bait & Tackle on opening weekend.PLUS we get the scoop on two very hot lakes...Blackduck & Red from Carl Adams of Timberline Sports. BUT WAIT, there's...
15 min
Fishin' Paul Bunyan Country: Hall of Fame Angle...
Today we talk with Paul Nelson, Bemidji area guide, PLUS...Hall of Fame angler and founder of Northland Tackle John Peterson. We'll also share the responses to our Facebook and Twitter question: Where are you opening?
18 min
Fishin' Paul Bunyan Country: Bro Brosdahl Previ...
We get the scoop on early season walleyes from one of the best...Bro Brosdahl. Plus our latest Lake of the Week is Laporte's Garfield Lake. Everything you ever wanted or needed to know about this small town treasure!
16 min
Fishin' Paul Bunyan Country: NEW Northern Regs!...
Today, all the details on the Minnesota's NEW Northern regs that go into effect Saturday, with special emphasis on the North Central Zone. Plus we preview the opener with NorthCountry Guide Service's Jason Rylander.
17 min
Fishin' Paul Bunyan Country: Going in depth on ...
We take an in depth look at another of the Pillars of Paul Bunyan Country, Lake Winnibigoshish with Gerry Albert, the Large Lake Specialist out of the DNR's Grand Rapids Area office. Plus, we talk early season walleye and more with...
19 min
Fishin' Paul Bunyan Country: Previewing more of...
Today we talk with Bemidji Area Large Lake Specialist Tony Kennedy was we dive deep into two more PBC Pillars...Red Lake & Cass Lake. PLUS, we hear from Destination Sporting Goods' Aaron Templin, an NWT Rookie making his debut this...
21 min
Fishin' Paul Bunyan Country: Previewing Leech L...
Every year we take in-depth looks at the 4 Pillars of Paul Bunyan Country prior to the opener. The next three are next week. Today it's Leech Lake with Walker Area DNR Fisheries Manager Doug Schultz. Everything You Need to Know About...
22 min
Fishin' Paul Bunyan Country: Matt Breuer of Nor...
Today we hear from Matt "Viva Las Vegas" Breuer of North Country Guide Service. PLUS...our first Lake of the Week...the Longville area's Boy Lake.
18 min
Fishin' Paul Bunyan Country: NW Regional Fisher...
We wrap up our conversation on the State of the Fishery with Northwest Regional Fisheries Manager Henry Drewes and we preview the opener in the Park Rapids area with Jason Durham of Go Fish Guide Service.
14 min
Fishin' Paul Bunyan Country: More with Henry Dr...
We dive into the new Northern regulations that change all the rules on pike fishing, along with Muskie and Bass talk. Then we'll hear from Chuck Hasse, Leech Lake guide about his early season predictions.
20 min
Fishin' Paul Bunyan Country: NW Regional Fisher...
We hear from NW Regional Fisheries Manager Henry Drewes as we preview the upcoming season. Part One Today lookings at walleyes and AIS issues. Then we talk with Hall of Fame Angler Mr. Walleye himself, Gary Roach.
20 min
DNR Area Wildlife Manager Dave Rave Discusses T...
The New Statewide Deer Management Plan is out. A public meeting is coming up Thursday 4/24 in Bemidji to ask questions and share opinions. We talk Deer and more with Dave Rave.
18 min
Chip Leer of Fishing The Wildside Gets Ready f...
We talk fishing with Chip Leer...The opener, This year's National Walleye Tour, Hot New Products, Battling AIS and more. YES! There will be a soft water season...we're pretty sure...
26 min
Christine Herwig Discusses The Birds & The Bees
DNR NW Regional Non-Game Wildlife Specialist Christine Herwig talks about the diversity of life in Paul Bunyan Country, including birds and creatures we seldom see. Plus, the importance of pollinators.
21 min
Lake Winni Large Lake Specialist Gerry Albert: ...
Things have changed on Lake Winnibigoshish and Gerry Albert discusses them and what we might see in the future due to AIS infestation and other factors.
15 min
Talkin' Turkey with Blane Klemek
Northwest Minnesota DNR Assistant Regional Wildlife Manager Blane Klemek joins me to talk about the upcoming Turkey season and the history of getting turkeys to Paul Bunyan Country.
26 min