Paul Bunyan Country Outdoors

Paul Bunyan Country Outdoors features discussion of all things outdoors in the True North. With thousands of lakes and thousands of acres of forest, Paul Bunyan Country is home to some of the best fishing and hunting in North America and you'll hear from the some of the nation's best guides and anglers.

FRESH FRISCH! Mike Frisch Checks In To Talk Ice...
Mike Frisch is a busy dude! So busy, he hasn't even had a ton of ice fishing opportunities. Nonetheless, he's a veteran and has some great hard water wisdom. We get caught up on what we'll see on "Fishing The Midwest", talk about the School Of Fish, and even throw in a Fast Five.
27 min
ICE OASIS: Carl Adams Details A Couple Of Place...
It's been a very spotty winter for ice. And even where there's good ice, there's often slush and snow piled on top of it. But there are a couple places that have great ice and fairly good access...Red and Lake of the Woods. And who knows more about Red and Lake of the Woods than Carl Adams? Well, probably somebody...but I don't who they are.
22 min
GARETT SVIR: Seeking Slabs On The Hard Waters O...
Garett Svir's business name says it all: Slab Seekers Guide Service. With ice finally firming up on Otter Tail Country lakes, Garett is finding fish and action while dealing with the slush that s prevalent throughout Minnesota this year. Plus, the new panfish regs effects on slab sizes and much more.
26 min
BRAINERD BASH! And We Go East For The Lake of t...
The Brainerd Jaycees Ice Fishing Extravaganza is on the way and we get the details from Tournament Chair Tad Johnson. Plus, we head over Grand Rapids way and check in with Dave Weitzel to find out about another Grand Rapids area gem for our latest Lake of the Week.
19 min
HOYER HEROICS: A National Title, Team USA and ...
John Hoyer has had another amazing year. He captured his second Cabela's National Walleye Tour National Championship, he was part of Team USA at the World Predator Classic in Czechia. On top of all that...he got his deer, Robin Hood style. Great stuff from John Hoyer on the latest podcast.
30 min
We have a Lake of the Week Doubleheader today, learning about Lobster Lake in the Alexandria area (no, we don't know why a lake in Minnesota's Paul Bunyan Country is called "Lobster") and Pine Lake in Walker.
18 min
THE BIRDMAN OF BECIDA: Blane Klemek is For The ...
Blane Klemek is not only the Northwest Regional Wildlife Manager, he's a columnist for the Bemidji Pioneer and one of his most common topics is birds. He has a passion for all the birds in the north country and today he shares his top...
21 min
MANDY MANIA: Mandy Uhrich Is Trying To Find Tim...
If Mandy Uhrich had her way, she'd fish for everything and hunt for everything...but there's only so many hours in the day...and pesky jobs too. Nonetheless, we'll find out about her hunting adventures as well as her thoughts...
37 min
BRO WEATHER: Bro Brosdahl Is Ready For Hardwater
Bro Brosdahl loves this time of year. It's finally cool enough for him! Now if we can just get that ice thick enough. Bro tells us what he's seeing on the ice, where to find them, what to spend your Christmas money on AND even...
31 min
ICE SEASON? Nate Blasing Says Not Quite
The ice was shaping up nicely...and then all that wet snow. That has set everything back and we check in with Nate Blasing to find out how things are (or are not) shaping up in the Brainerd Lakes area. The cold has helped the ice continue...
26 min
FINDING HENRY: We Chase Down Retired NW Regiona...
Henry Drewes spent many years as the Northwest Regional Fisheries Manager and now he's spending many days on the water, in the woods and in the fields. We get his thoughts on the past year's fishing, the upcoming ice fishing and...
23 min
GOOD NEWS, BAD NEWS: Bonus Deer Hunting in Bemi...
Blane Klemek has been on Paul Bunyan Country Outdoors almost as much as Kev Jackson lately. But there's been a lot to cover. We had hunting seasons to preview, hunting seasons to recap, and there was the CWD positive deer and a possible...
27 min
ice Ice Baby: Dick Beardsley Previews Hard Wate...
Lots of reports of good ice bites and of course, many places are not quite there yet. Dick Beardsley checked in a couple weeks ago to preview the season and give early ice advice. It's always fun to talk with Dick Beardsley, who has...
35 min
GOOD NEWS, BAD NEWS: Northwest Regional Wildlif...
There were certainly some good stories in the various hunting seasons this fall, but there was a bad one too...a CWD positive deer found in the wild south of Bemidji. Blane Klemek covers that and everything else deer and otherwise in this...
39 min
THE BUCK STOPPED HERE: Scott Mackenthun Finally...
Scott Mackenthun wrote about it last year, and this year he tells us the tale. As deer season wanes (just muzzle loader left...and a few hard core archers). We had it on the radio prior to the opener, but if you missed it then, listen
41 min
MANDY UHRICH: Decisions, Decisions...Lots of Bi...
Mandy Uhrich is always in a quandary. She loves fishing and she loves hunting. When we talked to her prior to the deer opener, she was torn by the great bites every species were providing in the Brainerd Lakes area. But the call of the...
27 min
We talk alot of fishing with Bruce Jean of Rainy Lakes Guiding, but he also loves deer hunting, and we had a chance to talk prior to the opener. Great tales, plus some (now close to outdated) fall fishing talk and much more.
31 min
Assistant Northwest Regional Wildlife Manager Blane Klemek visits often to update the status of wildlife in Paul Bunyan Country, but this time he's telling (true) stories. He had his annual Rocky Mountain elk hunt, but also had a bucket...
46 min
NOT Friday the 13th: Jason Is ON The Lake...Not...
Lakes and Jasons around Halloween time might seem scary. But not this time. Jason Durham is the guest and while most are in the woods and fields, he's still plowing the Paul Bunyan Country waters catching fish. We talk about the bite,...
38 min
DOUBLEHEADER: Two Lakes Of The Week--East Battl...
Getting back on track with our Lake of the Week features. We missed a week in there, so today, we'll feature TWO lakes. Up first we'll head over to Ottertail Country and get the details on East Battle Lake with Jim Wolters out of...
22 min
The State Of The Fishery: Edie Evarts Recaps Fi...
Bemidji Area Fisheries Supervisor Edie Evarts stopped by to recap the spring and summer in the Bemidji area. We covered surveys, AIS surprises, potential rule changes on the Turtle chain and much more. Overall, things are pretty good and...
27 min
CHUCK H. IN LOVE: Of Walleyes, Weddings, Wild &...
We chased him down on his Wedding Eve Eve, but Chuck Hasse of Leisure Outdoor Adventures was ready to chat. (I think he wanted Father-in-Law to be Jim Flesch to haul all the tables). We talked about walleyes, weddings, the upcoming Wild...
28 min
FISH ON THE BRAIN(erd): Area Fisheries Dude Mar...
Kev Jackson checks in with Marc Bacigalupi out of the Brainerd Area Fisheries Office to see how the summer went. They talk annual surveys, anectodal reports and how things look for the future.
29 min
LAKE OF THE WEEK: A Real Gem. Plus Steve Scepan...
Steve Scepaniak of Predator Guide Service is still working the waters of Mille Lacs, trying to hook some big muskies. Plus, it's Lake of the Week Day and we check out a real Gem from the Walker Area Fisheries Office.
20 min
Hunting seasons are escalating seemingly by the day! Early Teal is already over, Bear is already winding down, waterfowl kicks in this weekend, fall turkey, grouse, pheasant, archery's almost too much for one show. I said...
49 min