I Shake My Head with Lisa and Sam follows the friendship of two funny women in their early 50s. Our conversations are ridiculous and relatable! We want you to forget about your life, laugh at ours and let our humor be the least stressful part of your day!

Society & Culture
Somebody Say Circus?
Lisa wants to join the circus and wonders if Sam wants to come along. Only if she can be the ringleader! Lisa wants to be the cotton candy lady so she can eat it all day long! Dear Starbucks, what's with the frozen butter? Do you think a hedge just w...
71 min
No Garden!
Lisa has successfully planted her garden...in her mind? Yes, she wants to garden and Sam is a hard no! There will be no microgreens in her future! Do you have a love affair with strawberry yoghurt and would you pose in a swimsuit at 81? Are we enteri...
77 min
Milk’s Back!
Just when you thought Lisa couldn't surprise you anymore she goes and brings milk back...for the summer! Apparently changing the container changes everything! Do fitbits have a design flaw or the easiest way to earn steps? Are you team banana split o...
97 min
We Have Company!!
We have company! Lisa and Sam are super excited to have Joanna or @unlearn16 as a guest! She's famous for her thought provoking videos and $15 dollar fast food challenges on tik tok. The ladies had the best time talking with Jo, comparing notes on co...
86 min
Dear God...WTF
Does God send you spam email? Lisa is getting emails from God and she isn't happy about it. Dear God, email someone else and stop speaking in third person, its creepy! What's the one word that creeps you out, could it be moist? If peanut butter could...
68 min
Good, Bad, or Indifferent!
Are you an over-thinker? Do you live your life in the stages of good, bad or Indifferent? Well, Lisa is there and is contemplating getting it as a tattoo! Sam wants her to apply the theory of 'how many fucks do I want to give' instead! Does your iPho...
64 min
What’s With The Clap?
Who decided we should clap? Could there be different kinds of claps like a bored clap, an excited clap, or an angry clap? So Lisa asks the question, what's with the clap? Do you get your history lessons from the Flintstones and if you can pick up you...
77 min
Just My Opinion!
It seems the ladies have put together a themed show called it’s “Just My Opinion". Yes, from your bottom face doesn't match your top face to wondering why someone would not use a face cream. This episode has got it all! Are lamb chops fancy meat, and...
80 min
Do We Act Our Age?
Do you feel you act your age? Lisa and Sam feel that they have not matured because one drinks out of an orange plastic cup and the other one doesn't have plates. If needed Lisa believes they could pull out the maturity but otherwise don't squash thei...
82 min
Adult Piñata Party
Having a bad day, husband pisses you off, got dumped or you just need to blow off some steam? Lisa and Sam are suggesting Adult Piñata parties! Smack that piñata with all your anger and be rewarded with snacks or possibly alcohol! You're welcome! Hav...
88 min
Loser With A Loop Hole
Lisa is a loser with a loop hole? Well, she was upset that she lost her New Year's resolution but was reminded she built in a loop hole! Yes, she forgot she set herself up for success either way! Are there any good 80's trends to bring back, and shou...
77 min
Let’s Pickle A Pickle!!
Let's pickle, pickles she says, it will be fun she says. Sam can not be swayed even if she has the pickling gene! Besides, isn't that what farmers markets are for? Does anyone watch the Oscars anymore and should Lisa invest in a bomber jacket? Early ...
80 min
You’re So Squirrelly!
What's Lisa contemplating late at night, well the crazy life of a squirrel of course! They are fast on their feet and big on nuts. That's so squirrelly! Are you getting horny.online.com texts and someone has admitted to being in her Canadian Tire yea...
70 min
The Cucumber Special!
Winter has been tough and Lisa is thinking she is in need of a spa day. However, she wants no treatments and no touching! She's just there for the cucumber special! Someone needs a lesson in resting bitch face and forgot pancake Tuesday. Is retiremen...
82 min
Toast Years?
Lisa is in her toast years and yes of course its slathered in PB&J. The beauty is that that combo knows no boundaries, it loves everybody! Lisa has killed Sam's fry spirit and does anybody really eat conversation hearts? Who doesn't like a bar that l...
83 min
Shake It Till Ya Make It
Lisa's newfound obsession is the maracas. Just picture her with a big fruit hat and a flowy skirt shaking it till she makes it! It's her new motto!! Dear pigeons, you knew it wasn't going to end well for you, and can we all agree that 80s colognes sh...
78 min
Wasted Thank You!
Lisa hates the phrase 'thanks in advance' because what if you don't want to help? It's too much pressure for the receiver, and should we be wasting our thank you's? What personality trait gets you into trouble? Lisa admits she's got a few! If you wer...
68 min
Remember That?
Remember that big 80s hair, neon clothing, and Mom's drinking tab, with a player's light dangling from their fingers. Sam misses those days of not knowing any better, and Lisa just wants a plug-in electric can opener. How simple should eating fruit b...
68 min
Salt It Up!
The most popular slang word in 2022 was salty, and Lisa was upset she missed out on the trend, or did she? Lisa is declaring 2023 a do over, salty's back! Let's salt it up! Would you pay to dance in public, and have you ever hurt your lunger? Have th...
74 min
Killer Of Plants!
Lisa has found Sam's purpose, she needs to be a cactus mom. A cactus understands its fate, but Sam doesn't want to be a killer of plants! Does anyone else want to buy a friendship plant with Lisa? Did you know it's Mehuary, that weird weather that gi...
84 min
Sit And Watch?!
What is the best way to test out a new exercise program? Well, for Lisa, it's sit and watch it for a week. Next week, you might progress to stand and start, but it's important to not rush yourself. Sweating to the 80s, anyone? Do you get bored with t...
84 min
A Better Me?
Lisa goes deep in reflection and wonders, "Can I be a better me?" Sam laughs at this and wants zero to do with it! Lisa is dredging up non-essential bread again and establishing she is still a quitter. What will you bring into 2023? Lisa has a foolpr...
78 min
Chicken Legs Running!
Is Lisa ditching fake pickle ball for fake soccer? That's what happens when you watch one World Cup soccer game and think I can do that! Sam can't wait to see those chicken legs running! Sam is accused of stealing a Gibson family heirloom, and Lisa's...
79 min
Santa’s Little Helper
If you were one of Santa's little helpers, aka an elf, would you make toys or hand out yummy hot chocolate and candy canes. Someone (Lisa) thinks she would kill it as a toy maker, but what kid wants a half made toy... squirrel! Lisa is not going to s...
69 min
It’s Not My Job!
Lisa is taking a stand on finding the perfect Christmas gift. It's not her job! She is going to gift card her way through Christmas, and she's okay with it! Sam attempts to start gift shopping, and she is over it. She started talking to herself in th...
75 min