Bible Love: A Scripture Podcast

Bible Love is a conversation about scripture between Mary Balfour Dunlap (priest at Church of the Resurrection in Greenwood, S.C.) and Alan Bentrup (priest at St. Martin-in-the-Fields in Keller, Texas).

Religion & Spirituality
Succession Planning (Numbers 20-36) - Bible Lov...
Today we talk about changes, trusting God, and how to plan for what comes next. Questions for reflection this week: - How do I prepare for changes in my life? - How can I practice trust in God, even when it is hard to trust? Links m...
31 min
The Emotions of God (Numbers 15-19) - Bible Lov...
Today we're joined by the Rev. Nicholas Beasley, rector of St. John's Episcopal Church in Columbia, S.C. (and former rector of Mary Balfour's parish!). We talk about God's emotions, the Israelites fickleness, and how we respond when thin...
28 min
Waiting is the Hard Part (Numbers 9-14) - Bible...
Today we start the journey into the wilderness! We talk about waiting, listening for God, and how we trust. Questions for reflection this week: - How can I redeem the times I'm called to wait? - How can I trust that I'm hearing from Go...
27 min
Preparing to Launch (Numbers 7-9) - Bible Love ...
Today we're joined by the Rev. Kyle Martindale, rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Pearl River, N.Y., and host of the Episcopal Priest Explains podcast. We talk about offerings, being set apart, and getting ready for the journey! ...
31 min
Brokenness & Blessing (Numbers 5-6) - Bible Lov...
Today we're together, IN PERSON! We're recording from the nave at Resurrection, Greenwood, and we talk about brokenness, restoration, community, and blessing. And Alan shares some exciting news! Questions for reflection this week: - ...
21 min
What Is Your Role? (Numbers 3-4) - Bible Love P...
Today we're joined by the Rev. Canon Jimmy Hartley, who serves as Canon for Formation (amongst other things) in the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina. We talk about the priesthood, the proper ordering or worship, and finding our rol...
30 min
A God of Order (Numbers 1-2) - Bible Love Podcast
Today we jump into the first two chapters of Numbers, where we see a census, a master-planned community, and a God of order. Questions for reflection this week: - How do I know when God is speaking to me? What is God sp...
27 min
Land, Law, and God (Numbers) - Bible Love Podcast
Today we're joined by our first repeat guest, Dr. Tony Hopkins! Tony helps walk us through Numbers, situating the book in the larger narrative, and helping us find our place in the story. Click here to view Tony's notes on Numbers. Befor...
28 min
Bible, Love, and Community - Bible Love Podcast
Today we're joined by the most special guest, the Rev. Polk Van Zandt! If you recognize that last name, its because he's the father of our very own Mary Balfour! Before we pick up with Numbers next week, we wanted to take some time out t...
31 min
Blessings and Consequences (Leviticus 26-27) - ...
Today we wrap up our study of Leviticus. looking at the blessings and consequences of our union with, and obedience to, God. We look at how these chapters in Leviticus are reflected in Jesus, Pentecost, and our work of reconciliation. Qu...
23 min
Love First (Leviticus 17-25) - Bible Love Podcast
Today we're joined by the Rev. Greg Millikin, Rector of Grace Episcopal Church in New Lenox, Illinois. We talk about God's amazing love for us, our call to love one another, the importance of wrestling with (and taking seriously) scripture,...
30 min
Clean and Unclean (Leviticus 11-16) - Bible Lov...
Today we talk about clean and unclean. From foods, to clothes, to bodily discharge, let's talk about how God sets up standards and conditions for us to pursue holiness. And let's remember the goodness of God in the plentiful forgiveness off...
28 min
God is Always Calling Us (Leviticus 8-10) - Bib...
Today we're joined by the Rev. Worth Stuart, Priest Associate at Church of the Nativity in Huntsville, Alabama. We talk about the priesthood, God's consistent call (and command) to us, and that time a couple of priests were killed for messi...
30 min
Responsibility and Atonement (Leviticus 1-7) - ...
Today we talk about the five offerings, what God requires of us, and how we are responsible for our actions (or inactions). Questions for reflection this week: - What is our offering? What is God asking us to sacrifice right now? - Am ...
28 min
Responding to God's Graciousness (Intro to Levi...
Today we're joined by the Rev. (nearly) Dr. David Barr, Associate Rector at St. George's, Nashville. David helps walk us through an overview of Leviticus, examining how we respond to God's graciousness and what it costs us (and God) to purs...
28 min