The Mindvalley Show with Vishen
The Mindvalley Show brings you the latest hacks from the leading minds in business, health, spirituality and relationships. We provide you with the education that traditional schools forget. Hosted by Vishen, founder of Mindvalley and a 3x bestselling author, he is one of today’s most influential minds in personal growth and on a mission to transform millions of people. Join us every week - Big names. Big topics. Big personal growth. Welcome to The Mindvalley Show.
Health & Fitness
Mental Health
Journal Your Way Into A Millionaire Mindset - P...
“The biggest differentiator between success and failure is simply perseverance.”
34 min
Welcome Home: 8 Steps To Building A Home For Yo...
“The biggest mistake we make is that we build our homes in other people (...) but when you build your home in other people, you give them the power to make you homeless.”
46 min
How To Go From An Intern To A CEO - Vishen & Aj...
“If you give your mind a goal, your mind is more likely to find a way to make it happen.”
31 min
3 Keys To Becoming More Productive At Work - Ja...
“Sales is nothing more than an energy exchange between conscious beings.”
36 min
5 Cutting-Edge Longevity Hacks To Extend Your L...
“We have created technologies to extend our life, but we haven't created a life that we want to extend.”
51 min
Discover The Science Behind The Perfect Night’s...
“Productivity, wellness, and health fundamentally cannot be without sleep. You can last three days without water, thirty days without food—you can last seven days without sleep.”
34 min
How To Meditate When You Don’t Have Time - Emil...
“The point of meditation isn’t to get good at meditation. The point of meditation is to get good at life.”
36 min
5 Steps To Cleaning Up Your ‘Mental Mess’ - Dr....
“You're not going to change what's happened to you, but you can change what's in you.”
47 min
The Secret Sauce To A Powerful Belief System - ...
“Belief is a construct, and at any moment, we can choose to believe something new about ourselves.”
23 min
4 Steps To Becoming Your Own Coach - Ajit Nawalkha
“Transformation happens when you take a personal tool and practice it.”
37 min
How To Use Crystals, And Candles To Create A Sa...
“Remember you are the creator of your Universe and your home and office is part of your Universe.”
20 min
How Tom Bilyeu Created A Billion Dollar Company...
“It’s better to go a thousand miles an hour in the wrong direction than to go one mile an hour in the right direction.”
11 min
The 3 ‘F Words’ That Suck Your Willpower Every ...
“The biggest leak of willpower is applying our precious effort to things that are automated and urges from an untrained animal that’s thrashing around inside our body. It’s all about training.”
20 min
3 Simple Strategies To Ditch The Imposter Syndr...
“Your ability to redefine and rewrite the stories that you're telling yourself ultimately impacts the quality of your life and what you're able to achieve.”
53 min
4 Life-Changing Values For Ultimate Personal Tr...
“Perpetual growth should be your ultimate identity.”
23 min
The Secret To Experiencing Full-Body Orgasms An...
“Clitoral orgasm is like an appetizer.”
49 min
The 3 Principles Of Radical Business Creativity...
“Everything that surrounds us, everything that's man-made, was born in someone's imagination and then brought to life.”
37 min
How To Openly Talk About Sex With Your Kids - A...
“Any awkwardness you have with your sexuality goes straight into your kids.”
46 min
How To Have Amazing Sex For The Rest Of Your Li...
“An active sex life is one of the main pillars of health that leads to longevity.”
22 min
Why Men Need To Cry with Justin Baldoni
“As a man, my masculinity is always up for grabs.”
45 min
The Ultimate Path To Financial Freedom For Entr...
“Entrepreneurship practiced correctly is the ultimate form of personal freedom.”
28 min
The Only Motivation Formula You Need For Succes...
“The faster you can learn, the faster you can earn.”
21 min
How To Manifest Love And Abundance - Danette May
“When it comes to business, you're going to get knocked down 10,000 times.
53 min
Clear Your Mind Blocks With This 40 Minutes Hyp...
“The more good you can do, the more your mind sets you on fire to go and get it.”
38 min
How To Change The Reality Around You - Vishen
“At each level of your conscious revolution, you react to the world and shape the world in different ways.”
23 min